Research 4

You are required to keep written status reports on your project. Each status report will keep track of everything you did with the project for a given week (what you did, problems, planning, etc). You will submit each weekly status report on Saturday of every week during the course. Using MS-Word, write your Status Report for Week 5.FORMAL WRITING ASSESSMENT RUBRICExceptional(1.5 Points)Meets Expectation(1.0 Point)Needs Improvement(.5 Points)Failure(0 Points)Develop an unplagiarized focus / thesis / idea / viewpointWriting is very clear and focused on a central idea; well developed with relevant detailsWriting suitably focused on a central idea; developed with acceptable detailsWriting is unclear; ideas are not developed nor connectedFails to fulfill requirementSupport the focus / thesis / idea / viewpoint with materials appropriate to discipline, purpose, and audienceVery effective use of appropriate materials to address the original focus / thesis / idea / viewpointAcceptable use of appropriate materials to address the original focus / thesis / idea / viewpointDid not use appropriate materials to address the original focus / thesis / idea / viewpointFails to fulfill requirementWrite formallyFormal writing very clear with no (or minimal) errorsFormal writing acceptable with few errorsErrors make the formal writing difficult to understandFails to fulfill requirementUse Standard Academic EnglishVery effective use of Standard Academic English with no (or minimal) errorsAcceptable use of Standard Academic English with few errorsPoor use of Standard Academic English with many errorsFails to fulfill requirementEmploy American Psychological Association (APA) conventionsVery effective use of APA conventions with no (or minimal) errorsAcceptable use of APA conventions with few errorsPoor use of APA conventions with many errorsFails to fulfill requirementCommunicate learning through writingWriting displays excellent comprehension of subject matterWriting displays acceptable comprehension of subject matterWriting indicates minimal comprehension of subject matterFails to fulfill requirementUse appropriate skills and tools to revise writingVery effective use of multiple skills and tools such as drafts, revision, and editingAcceptable use of multiple skills and tools such as drafts, revision, and editingPoor use of multiple skills and tools such as drafts, revision, and editingFails to fulfill requirementReflect on work through writingWriting indicates clear reflection on workWriting indicates acceptable reflection on workWriting indicates little reflection on workFails to fulfill requirementINFORMAL WRITING ASSESSMENT RUBRICExceptional(.5 Points)Meets Expectation(.375 Points)Needs Improvement(.25 Points)Failure(0 Points)Communicate Comprehension of ContentExcellent comprehension of subject matterAcceptable comprehension of subject matterMinimal comprehension of subject matterFails to fulfill requirementWrite Informally using Standard Academic EnglishVery clear informal writing and very effective use of Standard Academic English with no (or minimal) errorsInformal writing and use of Standard Academic English are both acceptable with few errorsMany errors and poor use of Standard Academic English make the informal writing difficult to understandFails to fulfill requirementCAPSTONE PROJECT ASSESSMENT RUBRICSuperior(4.0 Points)Good(3.0 Points)Fair(2.0 Points)Minimal(1.0 Point)Inadequate(0 Points)Solves the ProblemAnd more!Fulfills requirementsNot completelyMinimal progressFails to fulfill requirementIdentify, Integrate, and Apply KnowledgeOptimal selection and creative adaptation of concepts from CSIT coursesIntegrates concepts from CSIT coursesLimited integration of CSIT conceptsNo integration of CSIT concepts; Doesn’t correlate CSIT concepts to projectFails to fulfill requirementAdaptabilitySystematically researches, designs, makes progress, and masters the new stimuliRelates to similar concepts; Does initial research on unfamiliar concepts; Explores and experiments with new stimuli“Don’t know where to start” “I am lost” Initially needs to be told where to look for information; Unable to identify similar concepts“Tell me what next”Fails to fulfill requirementSelf ManagementKeeps concentration instructor informed; Forward thinking/planning; Thinks of extensionsLittle guidance; Independent; Knows (when, where, who, what) to ask; Manages timeline; Steady progressConsiderable guidance; Handed information; Must be given milestones (assignments); Doesn’t seek guidance when necessaryUnable to progress independentlyFails to fulfill requirementRobust/UseableFully reliable; Helpful, consistent, “production quality” interfaceMostly reliable; Understandable interfaceMinimally reliable; Inadequate interfaceUnreliable; Confusing interfaceFails to fulfill requirement

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