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00 Research Plan Preparation Worksheet

Prompt: Applying what you’ve learned about narrowing research questions, revise your research questions from your Topic Exploration Worksheet. In the tables below, replace the bracketed text with the original question, the revised version of that question, and one to two sentences explaining how you approached your revisions for that question to give your instructor insight on your revision process. Then, answer the questions about your primary sources below the tables by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.

Research Question 1

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[Insert text.]

Original Question

Revised Question

[Insert text.]

[Insert one to two sentences explaining how you approached your revisions for the question above.]

Research Question 2

Revised Question

[Insert text.]

[Insert text.]

[Insert one to two sentences explaining how you approached your revisions for the question above.]

Original Question

Applying what you have learned about comparing primary sources and analyzing secondary sources, revisit the primary sources you listed in Part 3 of your Topic Exploration Worksheet, list them below, and describe what each of these sources adds to your understanding of your selected topic.

Name of primary source: [Insert text.]

Author: [Insert text.]

Hyperlink: [Insert text.]

What this source adds to your understanding of your selected topic: [Insert text.]

Name of primary source: [Insert text.]
Author: [Insert text.]
Hyperlink: [Insert text.]
What this source adds to your understanding of your selected topic: [Insert text.]



00 Historical Context Chart

Prompt: To understand your topic, you need to understand the world in which the events related to that topic took place. First, list your research topic and the revised research question you plan to address moving forward. Then, choose two secondary sources related to your research topic and provide the citation for each in the chart. You may use secondary sources from previous assignments. Next, explain in the chart what each source tells you about the historical context of a chosen event and how it relates to your topic. In the last chart column, explain how the context provided by the source will help you write your thesis statement, answering your research question.

Replace the bracketed text with the relevant information.

Historical Context Chart

Research Topic: [List research topic here.]

Selected Revised Research Question: [Write the revised research question you would like to address here.]

Secondary Source Citation

Historical Context of Event

Support Your Thesis Statement

[First secondary source citation]

[What does this source tell you about the historical context behind your topic?
To understand your topic, you need to understand the world in which the event(s) took place.]

[Explain how the context provided by the source will help you support your thesis statement and answer your research question.]

[Second secondary source citation]

[What does this source tell you about the historical context behind your topic?
To understand your topic, you need to understand the world in which the event(s) took place.]

[Explain how the context provided by the source will help you support your thesis statement and answer your research question.]


  • HIS 100 Research Plan Preparation Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric
  • Prompt:

     Submit the original and revised versions of the research questions you posed in Project


    to your instructor for feedback.
     For each revised research question, write one to two sentences explaining how you approached your revisions for that question.
     Additionally, describe what your primary sources add to your understanding of your selected topic.

    Note: The feedback you receive from this assignment should be implemented as you work toward Project 2.

    Guidelines for Submission: Your submission should include the original research questions and two revised research questions, along with one to two
    sentences for each research question explaining your approach to revision and a paragraph addressing the primary sources. For this assignment, download and
    complete the Research Plan Preparation Worksheet.

    Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

    Research Questions Submits original and revised research questions Submits research questions but is
    missing key elements or does not
    revise the original research question

    Does not submit original and revised
    research questions


    Revisions Explains approach to revising research questions Explains approach to revising research
    questions but response is vague or

    Does not explain approach to revising
    research questions


    Primary Sources Describes what sources add to understanding of
    selected topic

    Describes what sources add to
    understanding of selected topic but
    description lacks necessary detail

    Does not describe what sources add
    to understanding of selected topic
    and how they relate to secondary



    Clearly communicates key ideas and thoughts in a
    short answer response

    Communicates key ideas and thoughts
    but lacks detail or contains

    Response is not legible and key ideas
    or thoughts are not understandable


    Total 100%


      HIS 100 Research Plan Preparation Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric

  • HIS 100 Historical Context Chart Guidelines and Rubric
  • Prompt: To understand your topic, you need to understand the world in which the events related to that topic took place. First, list your research topic and the
    revised research question you plan to address moving forward. Then, choose two secondary sources related to your research topic and provide the citation for
    each in the chart. You may use secondary sources from previous assignments. Next, explain in the chart what the source tells you about the historical context of
    a chosen event and how it relates to your topic. In the last chart column, explain how the context provided by the source will help you write your thesis
    statement, answering your research question.

    For this assignment, download and complete the Historical Context Chart.

    1. Choose two secondary sources that discuss historical events that influence your research topic.
    2. Next, explain in the chart how the chosen events impacted the historical context of your research topic.
    3. Lastly, describe whether the events support your thesis statement.

    Guidelines for Submission: Fill out the Historical Context Chart and submit the completed chart to Brightspace for instructor grading and feedback.

    Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

    Secondary Sources Includes the full citation of all chosen
    articles in the chart

    Includes the citation of all chosen articles
    in the chart, but citation is incomplete or
    contains errors

    Does not include the citation of all chosen
    articles in the chart


    Historical Context Explains how the events impacted the
    historical context of the research topic

    Explains how the events impacted
    historical context of the research topic
    but explanation lacks detail or contains

    Does not explain how the events
    impacted historical context of the
    research topic


    Thesis Statement Describes whether the chosen events
    support the thesis statement from their

    Describes whether the chosen events
    support the thesis statement but
    description is vague or lacks detail

    Does not describe whether the chosen
    events support the thesis statement from
    their research


    Communicates Clearly Clearly communicates key ideas and
    thoughts in a short answer response

    Analysis needs clarification in order to
    support understanding of key ideas and

    Analysis is not legible and key ideas or
    thoughts are not understandable


    Total 100%


      HIS 100 Historical Context Chart Guidelines and Rubric

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