reply to each of the discussion post. each post response should be a minimum of ONE or TWO paragraphs each

There are two students’ discussions. Please respond to both discussion with 1-2 paragraphs for each post.

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Sharon Carrizales


Teens, Sex, and information

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Many adults believe that if you talk about sex, it encourages teenagers to engage in sexual activity.  Do you believe withholding information about sex protects teens or harms them? Why?


Based on the video “Lets Talk About Sex”, I believe that withholding information from curious teens increases the likelihood of participating in risky sexual behavior. Like the video indicated, peers are a major source of information and often do not have the correct information or exaggerate their knowledge on most subjects, including sex.  It was interesting that the video correlated attitudes towards sex as being like the attitudes Americans have towards drugs and alcohol. Rather than allowing children to explore as they mature, we have created a society where sex, drugs and alcohol are demonized to encourage abstinence. Based on the personal stories from both young Americans and young adults in European countries, the differing methods that are used to address teenage sexuality have had an impact in how contraception and prophylactics are viewed as how those who actively carry or use those items are perceived. Additionally, the graphs portray the negative impact of withholding health information to teenagers in that pregnancy and std rates are extremely different among American and European counterparts.


While parents and communities may be hesitant to explore how we can better serve our teenagers when it comes to sexual health, this issue has been addressed by Planned Parenthood based in Los Angeles.  In partnership with high schools and charter schools, a rebuilding of comprehensive sex education has created a path towards emphasis on healthy relationships and sexuality.  The plan provides multiple sessions with high school aged youths and their parents. These guided sessions are meant encourage openness, understanding and acceptance in handling questions and concerns. Separate from abstinence-based education, SB 71 provides a clear understanding that the curriculum’s core will provide youths with the knowledge and skills to engage in healthy, respectful relationships associated with sexual activity. Since its implementation school nurses in these school have reported a remarkable decrease in positive pregnancy tests and an increased amount of inquiries from student regarding the availability of contraceptive devices. Additionally, class sizes and requests for a greater availability of class times was noted as students began to engage in conversations with their families. Overall, schools that were involved in this early study found openness regarding sexual behaviors, scenarios, and questions allowed students to responsibly choose how they would address their sexuality and intimate relationships.


Let’s talk about sex. (2018, May 29). Kultura. Retrieved September 8,2020, from


Marques, M., & Ressa, N. (2013). The Sexuality Education Initiative: a programme involving teenagers, schools, parents and sexual health services in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Reproductive Health Matters, 21(41), 124–135.

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Megan Simison 

Communication Keys


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            There are three very important keys when it comes to good sexual relationship communication. They are self-disclosure, trust, and feedback. Without these three keys, many issues will begin to arise in your relationship. Self-disclosure creates the environment for mutual understanding, trust is the primary characteristic we associate with love, and feedback is a continuous loop.


            In self-disclosure, you begin to reveal yourself to the other person. You can find out who they are and let them know that you are more than the conventional role you play as either male/female. Once you begin to open up and share, they begin to share themselves. By disclosing your private thoughts and feelings, your relationship is beginning to enhance. There will times that men do not open up as well because they are taught to be strong and silent whereas women tend to open up better because they have been taught to express themselves from a young age. As you begin to self-disclose, you begin to build that trust. By trusting someone,  you rely on that person and their integrity. Trust is necessary to continue with the self-disclosure because that is when we are most vulnerable. A person will likely not self-disclose if there is no trust because they do not want their private information to be misused. How much we trust someone influences how we dissect what they say to us. Getting feedback is the ongoing process of restating, checking accuracy, questioning, and clarifying a message. It begins with active listening and like mentioned before, is a continuous loop. Constructive feedback is most important for improving relationships because it will help your partner understand the consequence of their actions and is most likely to encourage positive change.



Yarber, W., & Sayad, B. (2016). Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America. McGraw-Hill Education.

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