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Reflective Essay

What is the assignment?

This is an essay where you will write about your experiences throughout this semester. Think back over the semester, including the steps you took leading up to it. For some, you may have already taken some college classes prior to this semester, and you may want to include your thoughts and experiences and how those experiences led you to this semester. Think on these things in particular to include:

1. Prior experiences which led you to taking classes this semester. Why did you choose the classes you took? Why did you sign up for classes? Did anyone give you advice on what to take? Did anyone influence your decision on taking classes to support your career goal? Did you sign up for classes to take your basics before deciding on a career goal?

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2. How has this semester been for you? What experiences, good and/or not-so-good, have you had? How did you overcome challenges you have faced? What did you learn from these experiences?

3. How are you going to use what you have learned throughout this semester to face challenges and victories in future semesters? What are your plans for the future? 

4. Finally, what advice would you give someone that is looking at going to college for the first time?

How long does the essay need to be?

The essay should be 550 words, in MLA format (1-inch margins all around, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double spaced…). 

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