reflection paper

provide a reflection of at 500 words that summarizes what you feel are the most important or interesting concepts you have learned so far in this cloud computing course. would be good to include an insight as to whether the learning was new to you or reinforced knowledge that you already had. 

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School of Computer and Information Sciences


Course Information


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– M51 

Cloud Computing

Spring 2021 Full Term

Course Format: Hybrid

CRN: 22324

Class Time and Location: F 08:00 AM – 10:00 PM, DAL

Residency Session: 02/19/2021 – 02/21/2021


Instructor Information

Name: Dr. Scott Kingsley


Phone: 3077523477

Office Location: Online

Office Hours/Preferred Contact Times: By appointment

Course Description

This course is designed as a primer for cloud computing which many believe is the third

major wave of computing, after mainframe and client-server computing. The course

examines this technology from a business perspective. The course is designed to deliver

a holistic and balanced view of business model, technological infrastructure, and

security issues of cloud computing useful for the technology student to understand the

business challenges and the business student to understand the technology


Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course:

Introduction to the basic concepts and terminology relating to cloud computing

Explain the benefits and risks associated with the deployment of cloud


Explore the different cloud delivery services and models including

The future of the cloud

Learner Outcomes

Understand the risks, benefits and deployments of the different cloud computing

service models (“IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and IDaaS”).

Understand the principles of virtualization technology and service-oriented


Understand the fundamental cloud security and governance

Understand the fundamental principles of cloud computing management and

security mechanism

Course Website

Access to the course website is required via the iLearn portal on the University of the

Cumberlands website: 


Required Books and Resources

Title: Cloud Computing

ISBN: 9781284199017

Authors: Dr. Kris Jamsa

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Publication Date: 2012-03-22

Course Required text can be found and purchased via the UC Barnes and Noble


Suggested Books and Resources

Cloud Computing

ISBN: 9780133387520

Authors: Thomas Erl, Ricardo Puttini, Zaigham Mahmood

Publisher: Pearson Education

Publication Date: 2013-01-01

Cloud Computing

ISBN: 9781439856420

Authors: Lizhe Wang, Rajiv Ranjan, Jinjun Chen, Boualem


Publisher: CRC Press

Publication Date: 2011-10-03

Requirements and Policies

Academic Integrity/Plagiarism

At a Christian liberal arts university committed to the pursuit of truth and

understanding, any act of academic dishonesty is especially distressing and cannot be

tolerated. In general, academic dishonesty involves the abuse and misuse of

information or people to gain an undeserved academic advantage or evaluation. The

common forms of academic dishonesty include:

Cheating – using deception in the taking of tests or the preparation of written

work, using unauthorized materials, copying another person’s work with or without

consent, or assisting another in such


Lying – falsifying, fabricating, or forging information in either written, spoken, or

video presentations.

Plagiarism—using the published writings, data, interpretations, or ideas of another

without proper documentation

Plagiarism includes copying and pasting material from the internet into

assignments without properly citing the source of the material.

Episodes of academic dishonesty are reported to the Vice President for Academic

Affairs. The potential penalty for academic dishonesty includes a failing grade on a

particular assignment, a failing grade for the entire course, or charges against the

student with the appropriate disciplinary body.

Attendance Policy

Course enrollment and participation will be monitored and verified for all students

during the first two weeks of classes. Lack of participation during this time may

jeopardize enrollment status. Each student is expected to meet course expectations by

completing the coursework required each week. Active participation and staying abreast

of the material is essential to success. Program specific attendance policies may still


Executive Residency Attendance Policy

Attendance to each Executive Residency class session is mandatory. Students may

make-up no more than one (1) residency session throughout the duration of their

academic program. Missing a second residency will result in the student being

dismissed from the University.

Each student must be in attendance for the entire duration of the required residency

weekend. Late arrivals and/or early departures are not permitted. Punctuality is

important as each student is required to have the documented in-seat time per course



A missed session will result in the student attending a make-up session, and paying a

$300 Residency Make-Up fee. In addition, the student may be asked for documentation

from the program department providing an explanation as to why the schedule

residency session was missed. Make-Up sessions must be completed prior to the end of

the term. Noncompliance with this policy will result in dismissal from the executive


Participation Policy

Students are expected to actively participate in intelligent discussion of assigned

topics in all areas, such as: Discussion Board Activities, Synchronous Sessions,

Forums, Shared Papers, etc. 

 Point adjustments will be taken for non-participation.

Disability Accommodations

University of the Cumberlands accepts students with certified disabilities and provides

reasonable accommodations for their certified needs in the classroom, in housing, in

food service or in other areas. For accommodations to be awarded, a student must

submit a completed Accommodations Application form and provide documentation of

the disability to the Disability Services Coordinator (Mr. Jacob Ratliff, Boswell Campus

Center, Student Services Office Suite, When all

paperwork is on file, a meeting between the student and the Coordinator will be

arranged to discuss possible accommodations before accommodations are formally

approved. Students must then meet with the Coordinator at the beginning of each

semester before any academic accommodations can be certified for that term.

Certifications for other accommodations are normally reviewed annually.

Academic Appeal

Both undergraduate and graduate students have the right to challenge a grade. If

discussions with the course instructor and department chair do not lead to a satisfactory

conclusion, students may file a formal written appeal with the Vice President for

Academic Affairs, who will forward the appeal to the chair of the Academic Appeals

Committee. This formal written appeal must be filed by the end of the 4th week of

classes in the next regular term following the term in which the course in question was

taken. The Academic Appeals Committee then gathers information from the student, the

instructor, and any other relevant parties. The Committee will deliver its

recommendation on the complaint to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. After

reviewing this recommendation and concurring or amending it, the Vice President for

Academic Affairs will inform the student and instructor of the disposition of the

complaint no later than the last day of classes of the term in which the complaint was

filed. Records of all actions regarding academic grade appeals, including their final

disposition, are maintained by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Academic

Appeals Committee. (Undergraduate Catalog/Graduate Catalog)

Student Responsibilities

Students should: 

Use University of the Cumberlands email system for all academic, administrative,

and co-curricular communication between faculty, staff and peers. 

Check for email and class announcements using iLearn (primary) and University of

the Cumberlands webmail (secondary) daily. 

Demonstrate Cumberlands Character in and outside the classroom per the

University Mission & Vision

Ensure you have consistent required technology for the course

Participate in courses regularly to:

Find announcements and updates

Complete assignments on time. Keep in mind that all deadlines use Eastern

Standard Time (EST).

Engage in discussion

Connect with fellow students and faculty

Present written work in an academic and professional


Take examinations on the designated dates and times. Students should make

arrangements with faculty before the designated date for any needed


Contact faculty or student success coordinator with questions or concerns.

Course Policies

1. The only authorized electronic means of academic, administrative, and co-

curricular communication between University of the Cumberlands and its students

is through the UCumberlands email system (i.e. Webmail). Each student is

responsible for monitoring his/her University email account frequently. This is the

primary email account used to correspond with you directly by the University;

imperative program information is sent to this email account specifically from

campus and program office.

2. Students should check for e-mail and class announcements using iLearn (primary)

and University of the Cumberlands webmail (secondary).

3. Students are expected to find out class assignments for missed classes and make

up missed work.

4. Students are expected to find out if any changes have been made in the class or

assignment schedule.

5. Written work must be presented in a professional manner.

6. Work that is not submitted in a professional manner will not be evaluated and will

be returned as unacceptable. 

7. There is a craft to writing. Spelling, grammar, punctuation and diction (word

usage) are all tools of that craft. Writing at the collegiate level will show careful

attention to these elements of craft. 

8. Work that does not exhibit care with regard to these elements will be considered

as inadequate for college writing and graded accordingly.

9. Students are expected to take the examinations on the designated dates. If you

are unable to take the exam on the scheduled date and know in advance, you are

to make arrangements with your professor before the designated date. If you miss

the exam, you must have a legitimate reason as determined by your professor.

Recognizing that a large part of professional life is meeting deadlines, it is necessary to

develop time management and organizational skills. Failure to meet the course

deadlines may result in penalties. Keep in mind that all deadlines are set using Eastern

Standard Time (EST). Late assignments will NOT be accepted.

Course Activities and Experiences

Students are expected to:

Review any assigned reading material and prepare responses to homework


Actively participate in activities, assignments, and discussions.

Evaluate and react to each other’s work in a supportive, constructive manner.

Complete specific assignments and exams when specified and in a professional


Utilize learned technologies for class assignments.

Connect content knowledge from core courses to practical training placement and


Links to Support

UC Academic Catalog:

UC Student Handbook:

Academic Resources & Writing Center:



About University of the Cumberlands:

Instructions for Accessing, Downloading, and Activating Office 365 Pro Plus

(free for UC Students):

Course Evaluation

A student will be evaluated/weighted on the following basis:

1. Homework Assignments, discussion, and quizzes: Assignments, discussion, and

quizzes will be given throughout the term. Each quiz will consist of multiple-

choice/answer, short answer questions, matching, and True/False questions quiz

items are derived primarily from lectures and readings. Quizzes will be available

through iLearn and completed independently. Assignments and discussions will

come from the course lectures, materials, and required reading assignments.

2. Residency: A three day residency is required where a research paper will be

completed and the results presented to the class. Other written assignments and

quizzes will be completed as well

3. Portfolio project: A written paper on a topic chosen by the instructor. 

Please note: 


Criteria Points Percentage

Quizzes 60 6%

Discussion 75 7.5%

Paper 65 6.5%

Residency 600 60%


Project 200 20%

Totals 1000 100%

Grading Scale

Graded work will receive a numeric score reflecting the quality of performance as given

above in evaluation methods. The overall course grade will be determined according to

the following scale:

A= 900 – 1000 (90% – 100%)

B= 800 – 899 (80% – 89%)

C = 700 – 799 (70% – 79%)

F < 699 (Below 69%)

Course Schedule


Week Weekly Topic Reading Assignment Due**

#1: 1/4-1/10 Introduction to Cloud Computing

including History, Cloud Types, Uses,

and Virtualization Jamsa – Chapter 1 Due: 1/10

Erl – Section 3.1

10 Points Quiz: APA

#2: 1/11-1/17 Software as a Service, Roles and

Boundaries, Cloud Characteristics Jamsa – Chapter 2 Due: 1/17

Erl – Sections 4.1 and 4.2

20 Points Paper: AaaS

#3: 1/18-1/24 Platform as a Service, Infrastructure

as a Service, Data Center


Jamsa – Chapters 3 and 4 Due 1/24

Erl – Section 5.2

15 Points
Discussion: IaaS vs. PaaS vs.


#4: 1/25-1/31 Collaboration in the Cloud

Jamsa – Chapter 7

Due 1/31

10 Points Quiz: Weeks 1-4

#5: 2/1-2/7 Identity as a Service, Identity and

Access Management, Single Sign

On, Cloud Based Security Groups,

Hardened Servers

Jamsa – Chapter 5 Due 2/7

Erl – Sections 10.5 – 10.8

5 Points
Paper: Group Residency


#6: 2/8-2/14 Data Storage in the Cloud, Cloud

Storage Device Mechanisms, AWS

Core Services, Three Tier Web


Jamsa – Chapter 6

Due 2/14

Erl – Section 7.3

10 Points Quiz: AWS core services

#7: 2/15-2/21 Residency Weekend


Due: 2/21

600 Points Practical Connections

Research project

Project presentations

#8: 2/22-2/28 Virtualization
Jamsa – Chapter 8 Due 2/28

Erl – Section 5.3

15 Points Discussion: Residency review

#9: 3/1-3/7
Securing the Cloud

Jamsa – Chapter 9 Due 3/7

Erl – Sections 6.1 and 6.4

10 Points Quiz: Weeks 8, 9

20 Points Paper: Cloud Security

#10: 3/8-3/14 Disaster Recovery and Business

Continuity and the Cloud, Service

Oriented Architecture

Jamsa – Chapters 10 – 11 Due 3/14

15 Points Discussion: SOA

#11: 3/15-3/21 Managing the Cloud, Migrating to

the Cloud, SLA Guidelines Jamsa – Chapters 12 – 13 Due 3/21

Erl – Section 16.3

10 Points Quiz: Weeks 9, 10

#12: 3/22-3/28 Mobile Computing, Multi-Device

Jamsa – Chapter 14 Due 3/28

Erl – Section 8.9

20 Points Paper: Cloud Migration

#13: 3/29-4/4 Governing the Cloud, Risks and

Jamsa – Chapter 15 Due 4/4

Erl – Section 3.4

15 Points Discussion: Cloud Governance

#14: 4/5-4/11 Evaluating the Cloud’s Business

Impact and Economics, Designing

Cloud-Based Solutions, Coding

Cloud Based applications

Jamsa – Chapters 16 – 18 Due 4/11

15 Points Discussion: Cloud economics

#15: 4/12-4/18
Application Scalability, The Future of

Cloud Computing

Jamsa – Chapters 19 – 20
Due 4/18

10 Points Quiz: Weeks 11-14

#16: 4/19-4/23 Portfolio Project Due 4/23

For this project, select an

organization that has leveraged

Cloud Computing technologies in an

attempt to improve profitability or

to give them a competitive

advantage. Research the

organization to understand the

challenges that they faced and how

they intended to use Cloud

Computing to overcome their

challenges. The paper should

include the following sections each

called out with a header:

200 Points Company Overview: 

The section should include the

company name, the industry they

are in and a general overview of the



Discuss the challenges the

organization had that limited their

profitability and/or competitiveness

and how they planned to leverage

Cloud Computing to overcome their



Describe the organization’s Cloud

Computing implementation and the

benefits they realized from the

implementation. What was the

result of implementing Cloud

Computing? Did they meet their



Summarize the most important

ideas from the paper and also make

recommendations or how they

might have achieved even greater



The paper must adhere to APA

guidelines including Title and

Reference pages. There should be at

least three scholarly sources listed

on the reference page. Each source

should be cited in the body of the

paper to give credit where due. Per

APA, the paper should use a 12-

point Time New Roman font, should

be double spaced throughout, and

the first sentence of each paragraph

should be indented .5 inches. The

body of the paper should be 3 – 5

pages in length. The Title and

Reference pages do not count

towards the page count


Syllabus Disclaimer

This syllabus contains important information critical to your success in this course. It

includes guidelines for this course and the instructor’s current expectations about

content, schedule, and requirements necessary for each student to achieve the best

educational results. While you must review and become familiar with the contents of

this syllabus, the instructor reserves the right to make adjustments or change in the

syllabus from time to time. Any changes to the syllabus will be discussed with the


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