Reflection on Learning


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Preparing the assessment

Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. 

1) Write a brief 1-2 paragraph weekly reflection addressing the questions posed in the Reflect section of each weekly module. Edit your Reflection to include each weekly reflection.

2) Include the following sections in your Reflection.

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Week 1 (National Obesity) National problem

· Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives.

· What did you learn from this week to challenge your beliefs or attitudes?

· How will this knowledge improve your effectiveness as a practice scholar?

Week 2(Florida Obesity) Local problem

· Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives.

· Why is the information important?

· In what ways will you use this learning?

Week 3

§ Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives.

§ What is the benefit of the learning?

§ What values can you reaffirm or want to reconsider after this learning?

Week 4

· Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives.

· Which change model or conceptual framework did you find most valuable and why?

· In what ways, if any, do your practices inhibit reform?

Week 5

· Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives.

· Which translation model did you find most valuable and why?

· How receptive are you to embracing change and reform?

Week 6

· Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives.

· What approach do you use in working with others throughout the change process?

· What is your response to change? Is it inclusive of other team members? Why or why not?

Week 7

· Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives.

· What goals will you set in accordance with what you have learned

· How has course information changed your ways of knowing?

1. Addresses all aspects of the weekly reflection
2. Assesses own learning
3. Assesses value of the learning experience

You have to resume in 1 or 2 paragraphs every week of the discussion board you attached. You have to answer each week separated. Each week has to include the specific goal described above and I’m not attaching week 5 and 7, but I’m going to ask the referring questions for these weeks below so you can guide yourself to do these weeks as well. You have to be careful because this homework is going to be passing by turnitin.  

Week 5

Reflect upon your selected practice problem to determine a possible solution and address the following.

1-Create an action plan using a translation theory or model to implement the proposed solution. 

2-Provide a description of each component in the translation model.

3-What are the barriers to implementation? What are the facilitators to overcome these barriers?

4-Who are the stakeholders involved? What are their roles?

5-What resources are needed for successful implementation of the solution?

Week 7

1-What are the common barriers to evidence translation in addressing this problem?

2-What strategies might you adopt to be aware of new evidence?

3-How will you determine which evidence to implement?

4-How will you ensure continuation or sustainability of the change?

Please use 3 to 5 sources no later than 5 years or you can use the same sources that is in the attached.

Obesity in Florida

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Hi Dr. Jones and Class

Impact on nurses, nursing care, healthcare organizations, and quality of care

The problem of obesity in Florida has a significant impact on nurses and nursing care. The first impact which is there on nursing is that patients who are obese tend to stay in the hospital longer compared to normal weight patients. The patients need more care during this period from the nurses and the majority of them are highly unstable (Osondu et al., 2016). The nurses also face challenges because the patients who are obese are more difficult to transport. Moving them around even on the hospital beds is a significant challenge. For the healthcare organization, there is increased utilization of their medical services. The obese patients attend the healthcare facilities more compared to the normal weight patients. The healthcare organizations also have to be ready to deal with an increase in the risk of injury of the people. The healthcare organizations have to be ready to deal with more problems that can arise even during medical attention such as urinary tract infections. The obese patients also require to visit emergency room services more often and the healthcare organizations need to be ready to handle the increase of patients who regularly visit the emergency services department. When it comes to quality of care, obese patients are a risk to quality because it is associated with infections and other complications which can, for example, lead to poorer surgical outcomes (Aziz et al., 2017). It is difficult to give these patients good care because of the various conditions they face such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Local Key Stakeholders

There are various key stakeholders that are there when it comes to the issue of obesity. The first stakeholder are the government at all levels. It is important to note that the government is in charge of the health system and it is critical to ensure that it is efficiency. The government has worked to provide the best care but obesity is a challenge because of the complications that it brings. The state and local government need to make sure that they have more emergency rooms, for example. The next local stakeholder are healthcare organizations (Osondu et al., 2016). The healthcare organizations today need to have more capacity to handle the increase in citizens of Florida who are obese. The next important stakeholders in this issue are the media. It is important for the media to build on responsible advertising especially when it comes to the products that lead to obesity. There are high fat and high sugar foods and drinks advertised that need to be removed or should come with disclaimers. The media has the ethical duty to communicate messages to encourage people to exercise and observe their diets.


One local approach that can be used is encouragement of physical exercise. One of the interventions that can deal with the problem of obesity is ensuring that the local citizens are regularly exercising. There should be a culture of going to exercise at thrice a week (Musich et al., 2016). Physical activity can lead to people living healthier lives. The lives of people improve when they engage in physical exercise and they can drive the obesity. In Florida, getting people outside more is an intervention that has worked particular for those who are in their middle ages (Aziz et al., 2017). This intervention works because there are quality and enjoyable physical exercise which are there for younger generations such as parkour.


Aziz, M., Osondu, C. U., Younus, A., Malik, R., Rouseff, M., Das, S., & Agatston, A. S. (2017). The association of sleep duration and morbid obesity in a working population: The Baptist Health South Florida employee study. Metabolic syndrome and related disorders, 15(2), 59-62.

Osondu, C. U., Aneni, E. C., Salami, J., Valero-Elizondo, J., Rouseff, M., Das, S., & Agatston, A. S. (2016). Obesity is associated with Significantly Higher Healthcare Expenditures in a Large US Employee Population: The Baptist Health South Florida Employee Study. Circulation, 134(suppl_1), A19792-A19792.

Musich, S., MacLeod, S., Bhattarai, G. R., Wang, S. S., Hawkins, K., Bottone Jr, F. G., & Yeh, C. S. (2016). The impact of obesity on health care utilization and expenditures in a Medicare supplement population. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 2, 2333721415622004.

Running head: OBESITY



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Practice problem; Obesity

Obesity is an incessant problem in the country. The statistics provided by different surveys show that the problem is continuously increasing. Most scholars have attributed this condition to a number of factors. The high levels of obesity have been linked to media, sedentary lifestyles, and overweight, which is a condition when an individual has an excessive accumulation of fat. To a large extent, obesity is a predisposing factor of other conditions such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, and diabetes (The State of Obesity, 2019). Obesity has been highly linked to people spending too much time on social media networks. This will include computers, watching television, and unhealthy food advertisements. There is also an increased lack of activity as people turn their attention to working online and from home. In essence, diabetes is not only a national issue but also affects other nations in the world.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that around 75% of Americans are obese or overweight. Obesity is responsible for 100,000–400,000 deaths in the United States every year. Besides killing hundreds of thousands of Americans annually, obesity also puts a substantial economic burden on the U.S. health sector. The U.S. spends $117 billion each year to prevent, diagnose, and treat weight-related problems. Additional revenue is lost to absenteeism and premature death. The entire healthcare industry is heavily affected by diabetes. Nurses and nursing care are overwhelmed by a huge number of patients requiring specialized care. Obesity leads to other medical conditions. As nurses try to help all patients, the huge number of patients overwhelms them, thus reducing care quality. Therefore, obesity reduces healthcare quality in the country (The State of Obesity, 2019). Further, healthcare organizations have overstretched resources. With more patients, healthcare institutions require more resources to cater to patient needs by buying medicines, medical equipment, and increasing practitioners. The increase in obesity prevalence has resulted in it being named as a major cause of 78% of people-killing diseases.


Given that obesity is a serious threat to public health, several stakeholders are involved in its resolution. Obesity is treated and managed through concerted efforts from different sectors, one of the most important government stakeholders. As obesity continues to ravage society, the government should increase its allocation of resources towards its management. Further, the government should support programs that seek to decrease obesity prevalence. Because of obesity’s huge impact on human life and the economy, the government and other stakeholders have started awareness campaigns to advocate for healthier lifestyles (Dang & Dearholt, 2018). However, despite this and other efforts, statistics show that the number of obese people has been rising steadily since 2013. Dietary changes and exercise only seem to work for certain people. A vast majority are still struggling with weight issues, prompting some health experts to come up with a medical weight loss program that is more effective than traditional weight loss programs.

After the government, other key stakeholders are the nurses. Obesity is a condition that results in other diseases. As such, most obese people are in contact with a nurse or healthcare giver. It is nurses’ duty to educate people about obesity, its causes, associated health risks, and prevention. After all, a larger number of obese patients overburdens the healthcare system, thus overworking nurses and making them give low-quality care. Further, the public is an active stakeholder in this health problem (White, Dudley-Brown, & Terhaar, 2016). As previously stated, obesity affects around 75% of Americans. With such huge numbers, obesity is a public health issue that affects everyone. The public should, therefore, be actively involved in programs to reduce the prevalence of obesity.

Other stakeholders include food & beverage production industries and consumer groups. The production industries and restaurants have played a huge part in this crisis. By the production of high sugar products, these stakeholders increase the prevalence and incidence of obesity. Therefore, they should be considerate in their manufacturing by reducing the amount of sugar in products and advocating for healthier foods/drinks.

Clinical practice guidelines

Clinical practice guidelines are imperative in finding solutions to pertinent practice problems. In the case of obesity, policymakers and regulators have come up with CPGs meant to reduce the number of carbonated drinks and junk food. However, all these practice guidelines only focus on eating less and practicing more. Nurses and other healthcare practitioners have incessantly advised people to live healthier lives; the tactic is not working. As such, the most appropriate CPG should be based on evidence principles of management and treatment of chronic diseases. As such, healthcare givers should look into a patient’s lived experiences instead of focusing on advising them to eat less and exercise more (Dang & Dearholt, 2018). This CPG moves away from a simplistic approach towards obesity management and prevention. To this end, the CPG seeks to address obesity from its root causes, which is beyond existing guidelines. The proposed CPG should give people living with obesity easier ingress to interventions informed by evidence.

Dang, D., & Dearholt, S. (2018). Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice: Model and guidelines. Indianapolis, IN Sigma Theta Tau International.
The State of Obesity. (2019, September 12). Childhood Obesity Trends. Retrieved from The State of Obesity:
White, K., Dudley-Brown, S., & Terhaar, M. (2016). Translation of evidence into nursing and health care. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.


Research Ethics

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Hello Dr. Jones and Class

Research principles oversee scientific researchers’ standards of conduct to protect the study participants’ dignity, privileges, and well-being. Perse, all studies involving human subjects should be reviewed by an ethics body to ensure applicable ethical values are maintained. Ethics oversight institutions should be independent to safeguard decision making from influence by persons and entities that sponsor and hot research studies (WHO, 2016).

The main aim of human development research is to create evidence to inform progress in guidelines and practice. To understand problems, inform decision-making, and develop practical solutions, development organizations are increasingly using approaches recommended by research where subjects were treated according to the research values and codes stipulated by the Code for Federal Regulation (CFR).

In this paper, I will reflect upon translating a research-based intervention on the treatment of diabetes in adults. Obesity is a significant public health issue despite a large amount of money spent annually on weight loss and maintenance. From a layman understanding, weight loss can be achieved by striking a balance between energy intake and expenditure. According to Lopez-Nava et al. 2015, research was carried out to assess Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) use in treating obesity. Endoscopic stitching for endoluminal gastric volume reduction was done in twenty patients who were discharged after twenty-four hours. Patient monitoring was done in months one, three, and six after the process. The study concluded that ESG is useful in dealing with obesity. Considering this research intervention, I am going to address a few practice concerns.

Potential Benefits of Using ESG in Treatment of Obesity

This procedure leads to significant weight loss (Dayyeh et al., 2017) by limiting the amount of food a person can eat. This procedure is exceptional because it can be done repetitively through a patient’s weight management journey. ESG is a negligibly invasive procedure; there are minimal complication risks, and individuals can quickly return to normalcy. People with a Body Mass Index (BMI) exceeding 30 who have failed to lose weight by checking their lifestyle and do not wish to undergo bariatric surgery are encouraged to consider gastric sleeve as an alternative.

Potential Harms of Using ESG in Treatment of Obesity

Just like any other medical procedure, there are probable complications due to ESG. According to Alqahtani et al. 2019, patients experience mild abdominal pain during the first week after an ESG procedure. Other common minor side effects include nausea in the initial days after incision, lethargy due to the medication prescribed to manage the side effects, and heartburn in the lower chest area.

Personal and Professional Values in the Use of ESG

The state of being overweight in an individual has been known to cause psychological problems due to victimization. In adolescents, constant bullying by peers for being obese has caused many youths to commit suicide. As a health care practitioner, I am expected to give clients care based on the professional code of conduct and not my personal beliefs. Aware of my personal opinions as a nurse, there will be conflicting situations between what I feel is right as an individual and what the profession expects of me. I believe that natural methods of weight loss, such as exercising, watching your diet, intermittent fasting, and drinking a lot of water, among other practices, are more suitable for countering obesity. Unless a patient is faced with a life-threatening situation, I recommend these natural methods. On the other hand, the profession requires me to provide available alternatives and allow clients to choose what is best suited for them. Therefore, even though ESG presents minimal complications, it is not my moral duty to advise against the wishes of a person who consciously chooses the procedure.

Objections to the use of ESG

Even though ESG has proven to be effective in weight management for patients with poor behavioral patterns, possible long term effects remain undetermined due to limited study and follow up over an inadequate period. Extensive clinical research is required to eliminate doubts of potential post-procedure risks. There are notably varied results on the outcome of the use of ESG on obese patients. The amount of weight loss in a patient over a time duration varies among individuals, and it becomes difficult to predict the actual amount of weight lost. Finally, patients with underlying conditions such as gastroparesis are not suitable candidates for this procedure.

Overall, with the rising demand for effective ways to treat obesity, Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) has proven satisfactory outcomes. With high approval of this procedure, extraordinary standards of care must be maintained.


Alqahtani, A., Al-Darwish, A., Mahmoud, A. E., Alqahtani, Y. A., & Elahmedi, M. (2019). Short-term outcomes of endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty in 1000 consecutive patients. Gastrointestinal endoscopy, 89(6), 1132-1138.

Dayyeh, B. K. A., Acosta, A., Camilleri, M., Mundi, M. S., Rajan, E., Topazian, M. D., & Gostout, C. J. (2017). Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty alters gastric physiology and induces loss of body weight in obese individuals. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 15(1), 37-43.

Lopez-Nava, G., Galvão, M. P., da Bautista-Castaño, I., Jimenez, A., De Grado, T., & Fernandez-Corbelle, J. P. (2015). Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty for the treatment of obesity. Endoscopy, 47(05), 449-452.

World Health Organization, & Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences. (2016). International ethical guidelines for health-related research involving humans.



Interprofessional Collaboration

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Hello Dr. Jones and Class

A medication error is considered one of the main things that harm sick people in hospital settings (White, Dudley-Brown & Terhaar, 2016). Prevention and curing of illnesses or abnormalities can be done by medication through administering of drugs to patients. The occurrence of adverse events in medication administration can be caused when errors happen; this can be witnessed when their intended uses are interrupted due to several causes. Most serious forms of medical errors are from mistakes on medications. The discussion on this paper will be about mistakes on medication, participants involved and their accountability in reducing distractions causing mistakes on medication, and ways to use to make sure there are collaborations and communications that are effective.


The patients are considered to be the first stakeholders in this case since they are recipients of the medications. The medication errors make the patients be the bigger victims since the errors can forever change their lives.

The employees who have the responsibility of administering the medication are the second stakeholders. An explanation of the management and the board and a possible punishment should follow after an employee makes a medication error.         

The firm represented by the board or the management is the third stakeholder since the principle “superior respondeat” can happen in cases like those. This means that the (firm) employer will take the liabilities committed by employees.

The government is considered the last stakeholder because they follow up when patients sue the firms. Ensuring that justice is served to the patients is the government’s key plan, and they can also have the firms fined for negligence.

Working as a team

In situations where the healthcare specialists with different disciplines collaborate to ensure the right care and improvement of patient outcomes and patients’ safety through the reduction of errors is referred to as interprofessional collaboration. Every member of the team has to understand every person’s scope of practice, education level, and expertise to ensure the efficiency of interprofessional collaboration. The healthcare team’s purposes are coming together to bring diverse views about healthcare practitioners and strive to bring them together to achieve set goals while developing proficient teamwork skills. 

There is an assurance of employee satisfaction and positive patient outcomes in organizations that value multidisciplinary teams (White, Dudley-Brown & Terhaar, 2016). As discussed above, the stakeholders work with other professionals to form an interdisciplinary team that promotes quality patient delivery while maintaining a smooth flow of the organization’s operations. The staff needs to understand their roles and delegate responsibilities appropriately to ensure there is effective interprofessional collaboration. Working as a team yields many benefits, including but not limited to improving patient satisfaction scores, decrease the length of hospital stay, improve patient outcomes, and limiting adverse events (Dang & Dearholt, 2018). In order to meet these goals, healthcare administration must provide quality support to staff and appropriate staffing in each unit.

Strategic Solutions

Dang & Dearholt (2018) argues that non-maleficence is a fundamental principle in nursing ethics because it makes healthcare practitioners stick to their oath of not harming any patient. Maintaining patient safety is defined by different factors, among them, being preventing medication errors. One of the strategies that can I can adopt to ensure healthcare professionals do not make mistakes that would jeopardize patients’ safety is educating on patient safety (White, Dudley-Brown & Terhaar, 2016). Secondly, introducing training programs within the organization will help professionals keep safety at the forefront and lessen the chances of becoming complacent with da recurring activities. I believe that a facility that puts safety as a priority cultivates a culture and atmosphere that values patient safety in their practices. These mistakes can be used as learning tools within the organization rather than using them as a punishment for not promoting safety and prevention (White, Dudley-Brown & Terhaar, 2016). When healthcare practitioners understand the benefits of reducing interruptions through education, Dang & Dearholt (2018) says higher chances they will comply with enacted policies such as avoiding non-work-related conversions in particular areas such as patient wards and medication rooms. Lastly, modern technology is linking smart infusion pumps with health information platforms. Healthcare facilities should incorporate electronic health records technologies to assist pharmacists and other professionals in prescribing correct drug dosage. As a result, a significant amount of medication administration errors would be reduced and increase productivity.


Dang, D., & Dearholt, S. L. (2018). Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice: Model and guidelines (3rd ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.

White, K. M., Dudley-Brown, S., & Terhaar, M. F. (2016). Translation of evidence into nursing and health care (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.


Change Models

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Hello Dr. Jones and Class

In healthcare, one of the interventions adopted to promote healthy living and well-being is the change in the behavior of the individuals. The behavioral changes refer to the process of transforming and modifying human behavior. In public health, it refers to the broad range of activities as well as the strategies that are being adopted to focus on the individual, community, and the environmental influences on behavior. Nurses depend on several behavioral change models or theories to ensure that there is health promotion through influencing changes in the unhealthy behaviors of the patient to healthy ones. This discussion is therefore focused on the transtheoretical model of behavior change (White et al., 2016).

The steps or components of the change model or theory

This theory assesses an individual’s preparedness to act on the new healthy behaviors, and providing the needed approaches or the process of change to help in guiding a person. This model is consisting of constructs like the stages of change, the process of change, levels of change, self-efficacy, and the decisional balance. The stage of change is the temporal dimension of the behavioral change and in this case, change is considered to be involving the progress via phases. In the pre-contemplation stage i.e. there is no intention being shown by a person to make a move in the predictable future and are not well informed about the issues with their behaviors. In the contemplation stage or getting ready, individuals start to acknowledge that their behaviors are causing problems and are starting to recognize the pros and the cons of their ongoing actions (Liu et al., 2018).

In the preparation stage or readiness, individuals have the intention of taking action on the immediate future and they start with the small steps towards changing their behaviors. In the action stage, people are already made an overt change in the modification of the behavioral problems and have started acquiring new and healthy behaviors. The maintenance stage is involving the stage where the individuals have managed to sustain the action for not less than six months and are making efforts to ensure that there is no relapse. The termination stage is whereby people are having zero contemplation and are sure that the possibility of returning to old behaviors is zero(Liu et al., 2018).

In the process of change as a construct of this model, there is consciousness, dramatic relief, individual assessment, re-assessment of the environment, social liberation, self-liberation, help with the relationships, counter-conditioning, managing reinforcement, and the control of the stimulus. The decisional balance as a construct of this model is the reflection of the person’s comparing the benefits from the pros and cons of changed behavior. The self-efficacy is a construct of circumstances particular confidence that individuals have that help them in coping with highly risk state of affairs devoid of relapse to unhealthy or high-risk behaviors. The level of change as a construct is involving the identification of the complexity of the presenting issue and it is based on the levels of symptoms or situation issues, present maladaptive cognitions, present interpersonal conflicts, family or the system’s conflicts, and the long-lasting intrapersonal conflicts (Liu et al., 2018).

Whether the theory is containing the component for appraising the evidence

The transtheoretical model emerged as a result of studies that involved the examination of the smokers who quit their smoking habit on their own with other who required treatment to enable them to understand the reasons why some individuals can quit the smoking habit on their own. The findings from this study reveal that the quitting process requires preparation and readiness. Therefore, this theory is focused on the decision making process by the individuals. Therefore, it is considered as an intentional change model. The model is operating on the assumption that individuals are not changing their behaviors quickly and decisively, but in a continuous and cyclical process (Liu et al., 2018).

Whether the model contains the component for networking with stakeholders during all the phase

The key constructs of this theory such as the process of changes require collaboration between the patient, family member or caregiver, and the healthcare providers. The presence of these individuals helps in bringing positive perceptions about the behavioral changes that are being proposed on the client. For example in the management of the bodyweight for the patient diagnosed with obesity, for the client to engage in regular exercise in physical activity, he must be having positive thoughts and the good behavior in the process of change. This is important in pushing the client and assisting in ensuring that they remained motivated to take part in the physical activity (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2019).

Whether the theory contains a model for the identification of the barriers and addressing the barriers to implementation

In the decisional balance as one of the constructs of this theory, there is a measurement of the pros and the cons that are considered are the comparative potential gains and the losses. The process of balancing between the pros and cons varies and it depends on the type of stage of change that a person is in. the pros and the cons are considered as the benefit that motivated a person to make an effort in changing the behavior. The pros and cons in this construct are also considered as the barriers that refrain people to be actively involved in the behavioral change activities. In this case, the barriers are addressed by the process of perceiving more benefits in the behavioral change than the disadvantages. People adopt positive behaviorial modification towards the later stages and this helps in overcoming the barriers (Liu et al., 2018).


Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2019). NR-701 Week 4: Change Theory and Models for Change Intervention [Online lesson]. Adtalem.
Liu, K., Kueh, Y. C., Arifin, W. N., Kim, Y., & Kuan, G. (2018). Application of transtheoretical model on behavioral changes, and amount of physical activity among university’s students. Frontiers in psychology,, 9, 2402. doi:org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02402
White, K. M., Dudley-, B. S., & Terhaar, M. F. (2016). Translation of evidence into nursing and health care (2 ed.). Springer Publishing Company.



Reflection on Learning.

Student’s Name: Carlos M Legra Elias

Institutional affiliation: Chamberlain University

Professor’s Name: Dr. Janie Bailey

Date: October 12, 2020

Week 1.

The most important concept learnt during earning the DNP course is how it creates a blend of clinical, leadership and organizational skills that places us uniquely in a position to criticize existing nursing programs (McDonald, 2017). It also places us in a position to create programs for patient care that are economically feasible can be accepted by the targeted population, and would have impact on the health outcomes of the targeted location. The course will prepare those who partake it for direct patient care and also for the role of heading a nursing organization.

I feel prepared to carry out my role as a nurse because I have prior experience as a nurse which I acquired working as a nurse before coming to further my education. Further, I am passionate about what I do which further gives me an advantage. However, the one thing that poses a challenge to me is the role of leadership; making decisions that will influence a group. All decisions made when designing a plan will not only influence me but also are supposed to have a positive impact on the population (Zaccagnini, & Pechacek, 2019).

Week 2.

The objective of this week was to become a rational thinker who could employ the processes and current nursing research to step up and improve health care outcomes. The objective was attained by demonstrating professional knowledge of up to date research so as t improve health care outcomes. The demonstration could be done through identifying scientific and mathematical research principles that could be practically applied in healthcare.

To grow as a nursing scholar, I need to be able clearly communicate my thoughts and ideas through written means. My writing will have to be up to the professional standards, be well referenced and show evidence pf higher thinking. I will further be able to know whether I can make predictions, draw inferences from stated data and causal and effect relationships (McDonald, 2017).

Week 3.

The week’s objective was for all nursing professions to advance a culture of learning through embracing excellent professionalism skills that would be achieved through lifelong learning. The understanding of the culture of banking can be demonstrated through improving moving competency skills and promoting professional skills. Demonstration of comprehensive professional knowledge is done through integration of nursing standards of excellence.

The personal value that was challenged during the course of the week’s learning is my belief that one should make the decision that first and foremost favors the patient. However, under professionalism, the most apt decision for a person to make is that which reflects the greater good for the largest number of people. I would like to reaffirm this and consider giving the patients for whom the decision will influence a chance to air their views (Zaccagnini, & Pechacek, 2019).

Week 4.

The objective of the week was to teach caring and culturally responsive communicators to effectively lead interdisciplinary healthcare teams. Demonstrating caring was done through communication that was culturally responsive and applying knowledge of the healthcare system to leadership roles. Effective communication was also achieved through clear logical written communications. The leadership theory is the one that interested me much in the course of the week because it taught that being a leader matters and leadership depends most of all on communication (McDonald, 2017).

I had not considered the issue of the importance of communication when analyzing the importance of leadership. However, I have now learnt that to be a good leader, one must also be a good communicator. The two are skills that every student of DNP should be good at.

Week 5.

The week’s objective was to become ethical as a nurse and to advocate for influencing policies that will improve healthcare and make it effective and equitable to all society members. The objective was achieved through demonstrating a competent understanding of ethical principles by translating competent ethical nursing values. Decision making and policy designing should be such that it reflects nursing scholarship in nursing. As a future nurse ethics in nursing will play an important role in all the decisions that I make ranging from how I relate with patients to how I interact with members of the staff and my fellow colleagues (Roussel, Thomas & Ratcliffe, 2016).

I had not considered that ethics in nursing would be a topic that would cover an entire course. I have always considered ethics from Kant’s perceptive, treating others as what you would expect to become the universal law. It than comes as a surprise to me that any nurse could even think of disregarding this (McDonald, 2017).

Week 6.

The week’s objective was to become an effective collaborator of healthcare who is committed to improving practices in promoting health, preventing diseases and upholding quality and equality. The objective was achieved through demonstrating a comprehensive professional knowledge of best practices in promoting health and preventing diseases. Further, demonstration of showing a relation between professional scholarly sources was required (Zaccagnini, & Pechacek, 2019).

To continue showing competency, I need to gain professional comprehensive knowledge to enable me to champion for delivery of quality, safe and competent healthcare services As a student, I will be required to assimilate this knowledge from different sources and to apply it in my professional life. I will need to continue developing my leadership skills as it is only as a leader that one can effectively call for and attain changes in the health care.

Week 7.

The week’s objective was to become an advanced nursing practitioner. To attain the objective, we are expected to refine and finesse our assessment skills and apply them in the areas that we specialize. This was a goal I achieved by going out to the field and working in a hospital setting for a given time span. The core values that would define a DNP practice scholar are hard work, integrity, and above all passion that drives the scholar to learn more. As scholars, we have to believe that we are not limited to the classroom only but rather, we are the vessels that should learn from the past and by so doing, impact the present and future(McDonald, 2017)..

Knowing what is expected of a scholar will influence how I conduct myself as one. It will allow me to make informed decisions by questioning whether the decisions I make will have a positive impact upon the practice of nursing. I will need to implement leadership skills and further be more confident that the decisions I make are those that best fits the situation at hand (Roussel, Thomas & Ratcliffe, 2016).


McDonald, M. E. (2017). The nurse educator’s guide to assessing learning outcomes. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Roussel, L., Thomas, P. L., & Ratcliffe, C. (2016). Leadership theory and application for nurse leaders. Management and leadership for nurse administrators, 25-47.

Zaccagnini, M., & Pechacek, J. M. (2019). The doctor of nursing practice essentials: A new model for advanced practice nursing. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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