Reality Check Assignment


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  • Discuss a  topic covered in this last module on different Communication Contexts  and apply it to your life or a communication situation you have  experienced
  • Fully define the concept using the textbook or other reference and cite your source APA-style within your essay
  • Include APA style full reference at the end of your document
  • Write at least 400 words
  • Check your writing for grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph structure
  • Your reality check should be at least 3 paragraphs: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion

RealityCheck Assignment

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment aligns with MDC Learning Outcome:
Students will communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

In addition, it enables students to achieve the following course competencies:

▪ Recognize application of communication theories

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▪ Write papers and references consistent with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association (APA), (6th ed., 2009) format.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills essential to your

success in this course/in school/in your personal and professional life

• Access and cite needed information from your textbook

• Compose a well-organized concise essay

• Apply theory to life situations

• Develop an awareness of communication habits

Task: Students should complete the following:
• Choose a concept or vocabulary word from your course textbook

• Copy the exact wording used in the text to define the concept

• Enclose the exact wording within quotation marks

• After the quotation marks, cite the text in APA format followed by the page number you found

the direct quotation. It will look like this (Pearson, Nelson, Titsworth, & Hosek, 2019, p. 5).

Again, the page number will be different than mine. It will be the page on which you found the

statement within your quotation marks.

• Write an introduction paragraph that introduces your concept, the direct quote, and the in-text


• Write the body of your essay. In the body, you will apply the concept you chose to your own

personal experience. This is not rhetorical. You are not explaining what the concept is, you are

explaining your own experience.

• Write a concluding paragraph summarizing what you have written about in your paper. You do

not want to use the exact same wording, but you want to reinforce your main idea.

• Proofread your essay, checking for sentence structure, paragraph structure, capitalization (the

personal pronoun “I” is always capitalized), grammar, etc.

• Check your word count—at least 400 words

• Include the APA full text reference at the end of your document (use a hanging indent)

• Save your essay as a word document or pdf file

• Upload onto the correct link in Blackboard

Criteria for Success: Students will be graded on the following criteria

RealityCheck Assignment

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment aligns with MDC Learning Outcome:
Students will communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

In addition, it enables students to achieve the following course competencies:

▪ Recognize application of communication theories

▪ Write papers and references consistent with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association (APA), (6th ed., 2009) format.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills essential to your

success in this course/in school/in your personal and professional life

• Access and cite needed information from your textbook

• Compose a well-organized concise essay

• Apply theory to life situations

• Develop an awareness of communication habits

Task: Students should complete the following:
• Choose a concept or vocabulary word from your course textbook

• Copy the exact wording used in the text to define the concept

• Enclose the exact wording within quotation marks

• After the quotation marks, cite the text in APA format followed by the page number you found

the direct quotation. It will look like this (Pearson, Nelson, Titsworth, & Hosek, 2019, p. 5).

Again, the page number will be different than mine. It will be the page on which you found the

statement within your quotation marks.

• Write an introduction paragraph that introduces your concept, the direct quote, and the in-text


• Write the body of your essay. In the body, you will apply the concept you chose to your own

personal experience. This is not rhetorical. You are not explaining what the concept is, you are

explaining your own experience.

• Write a concluding paragraph summarizing what you have written about in your paper. You do

not want to use the exact same wording, but you want to reinforce your main idea.

• Proofread your essay, checking for sentence structure, paragraph structure, capitalization (the

personal pronoun “I” is always capitalized), grammar, etc.

• Check your word count—at least 400 words

• Include the APA full text reference at the end of your document (use a hanging indent)

• Save your essay as a word document or pdf file

• Upload onto the correct link in Blackboard

Criteria for Success: Students will be graded on the following criteria

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