reading discussion

In their JPE article, Bernhofen and Brown use the change in prices in Japan from the early 1850s to 1869 to measure the difference between international trade prices and autarky prices. What is the main finding in Figure 4? In what sense is this a test of the law of comparative advantage? (Note: I found the paragraph after the proof on page 53 to be helpful).

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According to the article, why do the authors think it is OK to use 1850s prices to measure what autarky prices would have been in 1869 (in particular, why do they think Assumption 4 in Section 3 is reasonable)?

What was something you didn’t understand in the reading for this week?

A Direct Test of the Theory of Comparative

Advantage: The Case of Japan

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Author(s): Daniel M. Bernhofen and John C. Brown
Source: Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 112, No. 1 (February 2004), pp. 48-67
Published by: The University of Chicago Press
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[Journal of Political Economy, 2004, vol. 112, no. 1, pt. 1]
� 2004 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 0022-3808/2004/11201-0001$10.00

A Direct Test of the Theory of Comparative

Advantage: The Case of Japan

Daniel M. Bernhofen and John C. Brown
Clark University

We exploit Japan’s sudden and complete opening up to international
trade in the 1860s to test the empirical validity of one of the oldest
and most fundamental propositions in economics: the theory of com-
parative advantage. Historical evidence supports the assertion that the
characteristics of the Japanese economy at the time were compatible
with the key assumptions of the neoclassical trade model. Using de-
tailed product-specific data on autarky prices and trade flows, we find
that the autarky price value of Japan’s trade is negative for each year
of the period 1868–75. This confirms the prediction of the theory.

I. Introduction

This paper provides a direct test of the theory of comparative advantage
in its autarky price formulation. It exploits Japan’s dramatic nineteenth-
century move from a state of near complete isolation to one that was
fully exposed to the forces of international competition and argues that
the case of Japan provides a natural experiment to explore the empirical
validity of the theory.

We test the correlation version of the law of comparative advantage

We are grateful to Clark University for supporting this project with a faculty research
grant and to Yukie Okuyama, Sumiko Otsuka, and Stephen Papadopoulos for excellent
research assistance. We thank Alan Deardorff, Jim Harrigan, Yasukichi Yasuba, and seminar
participants at Clark, Harvard, Wesleyan, the Empirical Investigations in International
Trade conference at Purdue, the Midwest International Economics meetings at Madison,
Wisc., and the Japan Economic Seminar at Columbia University for helpful comments.
The current exposition benefited from the insightful comments of the editor John Coch-
rane and an anonymous referee. Bernhofen is also indebted to his Doktorvater, J. David
Richardson, for the inspiration to combine theory with history.

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comparative advantage 49

Fig. 1.—The law of comparative advantage with two goods

developed by Deardorff (1980). It asserts that an economy’s net export
vector evaluated at autarky prices is negative.1 In a world with just two
goods (see fig. 1), this is equivalent to the proposition that the economy
will export the good with the lower relative opportunity cost.2 If one
generalizes to the case of more than two goods, it is not possible to
predict the import or export patterns of individual commodities. How-
ever, the correlation version of the law of comparative advantage is
robust in higher dimensions. The theory asserts that, on average, a coun-
try will import what is dear and export what is cheap, with the valuation
taking place at autarky prices.

An empirical test of this proposition requires only data on a country’s
autarky prices and its international trade flows. Autarky prices incor-
porate all relevant information about a country’s intrinsic supply and
demand conditions.3 The trading vector contains all the necessary in-

1 Independently of Deardorff, Dixit and Norman (1980, pp. 94–96) derived the same
result. However, their analysis was not formulated and developed as thoroughly as

2 While under autarky the economy’s production point coincides with its consumption
point ( ), international trade allows the production point to be distinct froma a fx p c x
the consumption point . In fig. 1, the economy has a comparative advantage in good 2fc
(or the slope of the production possibility frontier at is flatter than at ). This impliesf ax x
that the economy’s trade vector evaluated at autarky prices is negative, or .ap T ! 0

3 The insight that prices contain the relevant information about underlying economic
fundamentals goes back to the pioneering work of Hayek (1945).

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50 journal of political economy

formation about its trading partners. Consequently, the value of a coun-
try’s trade at autarky prices is a sufficient basis for a comparative ad-
vantage proposition.4

While several previous studies, most notably Huber (1971) but also
Williamson (1999), have drawn on the Japanese case, their primary focus
was to make inferences about the welfare and distributional implications
of Japan’s opening to trade. In order to achieve this, they focused on
a narrow range of commodities and prices. With its test of the funda-
mental proposition of comparative advantage, this study breaks new
ground. Guided by the data requirements of the theory, we have con-
structed a comprehensive product-specific data set on autarky com-
modity prices and trade flows. It draws on a rich collection of autarky
price data from a variety of historical sources.

In contrast to the often complex and sophisticated product charac-
teristics of goods traded internationally today, the commodities that
initially entered into Japanese trade after it opened up were predomi-
nantly agricultural or simple manufactured goods. They can be reason-
ably characterized as homogeneous goods. Since the historical evidence
suggests that these goods were priced under fairly competitive market
conditions, the observed autarky prices appear to be excellent measures
of Japan’s relative opportunity costs at the time. The time period se-
lected for the natural experiment begins with the final years of Japan’s
complete economic and political isolation (1851–53). Japan actually
opened its markets to trade in mid-1859, and the analysis employs trade
data from about one decade later (1868–75) when Japan’s external
trading regime could be reasonably described as “free trade” and trade
data of adequate quality and detail are available. Our finding that Japan’s
autarky price value of trade is negative for each single year of the sample
period 1868–75 provides strong empirical support for the prediction of
the theory of comparative advantage.

The paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces the theoretical
framework. Section III discusses the case of Japan and provides evidence
for the claim that Japan’s entrance into world commerce can be per-
ceived as a “natural experiment” that offers an opportunity to test the
theory. Section IV specifies the empirical framework, describes the data
sources, discusses measurement issues, and reports the empirical find-
ings. Concluding remarks are contained in Section V.

4 The unavailability of autarky prices has been the key obstacle for conducting a direct
test of the theory of comparative advantage. Hence, the empirical literature in interna-
tional trade has almost exclusively focused on models that point to different measurable
sources of comparative advantage. Deardorff (1984), Leamer and Levinsohn (1995), Davis
and Weinstein (2003), and Harrigan (2003) provide excellent surveys of this literature.

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comparative advantage 51

II. Theory

A. Autarky versus Free Trade: What Does It Mean?

The law of comparative advantage involves a comparison of autarky and
free trade. The static trade model implicitly assumes that the economy’s
production possibilities are the same under both regimes. Empirically,
it is possible that Japan’s production possibilities did change during the
country’s transition from autarky to free trade. Following Helpman and
Krugman (1985, p. 39), we view the comparison as one between two
potential histories:

To the extent that a static trade model is used as a proxy for
a dynamic world … the comparison of autarky with free trade
should be understood as a comparison between two alternative
histories, not as a change that takes place over time. … The
question is not where you are after trade compared with where
you were before, but where you are after trade compared with
where you would have been without trade.

When this insight is applied to this study, investigating Japan’s pattern
of trade should involve a comparison between the observed free-trade
regime (1870s) and an autarky regime at the same time period (1870s)
that would have prevailed had Japan not opened its doors to world
markets. Consequently, we shall focus on three states in the history of
the Japanese economy. Regime A is the autarky regime that prevailed
through 1858 (period 1), regime B is the hypothetical autarky regime
that would have prevailed during the early 1870s had Japan remained
closed (period 2 of the comparison), and regime C is the actual free-
trade regime of the early 1870s used in the empirical analysis (also
period 2).

Consider a competitive economy with n goods, and denote by theipt
n-vector of equilibrium goods prices, the n-vector of equilibrium pro-ix t
duction outputs, and the n-vector of equilibrium consumption levels.ict
The superscript a is used to denote a variable under autarky, and the
superscript f denotes a variable under free trade (i.e., ). Thei p a, f
subscript t pertains to one of the two time periods (i.e., ). Int p 1, 2
each period, production points are constrained to lie in a technologi-
cally feasible production set Ft ( ). While the equilibrium pricest p 1, 2
under autarky, ( ), are determined solely by domestic supplyap t p 1, 2t
and demand conditions, the equilibrium price vector under free trade,

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52 journal of political economy

Fig. 2.—Two comparative histories of an economy

, is exogenous to the domestic economy. The subsequent analysisfp 2
pertains to three competitive equilibria:

a a a a(autarky) regime A: (p , x , c ), x � F ,1 1 1 1 1
a a a a(autarky) regime B: (p , x , c ), x � F ,2 2 2 2 2
f f f f(free-trade) regime C: (p , x , c ), x � F .2 2 2 2 2

The discussion above implies that the law of comparative advantage
involves a comparison of Japan’s historical path under free trade with
its historical path if it had continued to operate under autarky (i.e.,
regime C vs. regime B). The absence of information on the unobservable
autarky regime B will require an assessment of the conditions under
which what is observed in autarky under regime A permits inferences
about the validity of the law of comparative advantage. The assessment
will draw on the historical evidence available on the Japanese economy
of the 1850s and the path taken during the early years of the open-
trade regime. The different historical paths are illustrated in figure 2.

B. An Identification Condition

The model is based on three key assumptions.5 First, it assumes that
competitive producers maximize the value of production on a produc-
tion possibility set Ft,

i i ip x ≥ p x for all x � F (i p a, f; t p 1, 2). (1)t t t t t t
Second, we assume that aggregate consumer preferences in period 2
are in accord with the weak axiom of revealed preference, that is,

f f f a a f a ap c ≥ p c ⇒ p c 1 p c , (2)2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
meaning that if was preferred to at , then must not have beenf a f fc c p c2 2 2 2

5 Our presentation of the theory follows the condensed formulation by Deardorff (1994).
In an earlier paper (Deardorff 1980), he has shown that as long as export subsidies are
ruled out, the theory is also valid in the presence of nontraded goods, transportation
costs, and production distortions.

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comparative advantage 53

affordable to the economy at .6 Finally, we need to rule out any tradeap 2
surplus, that is,

fp T ≤ 0, (3)2
where T denotes the net export vector, defined as .7 Givenf fT p x � c2 2
these conditions, we can state the law of comparative advantage.

Lemma. Law of comparative advantage.—The value of net exports in
period 2, evaluated at the (unobserved) autarky prices in period 2, is
negative: .ap T ! 02

Proof. Expressions (1) and (3) imply that f f f f f ap c p p x ≥ p x p2 2 2 2 2 2
. From (1) and (2), we then obtainf a a f a a a a a fp c p c 1 p c p p x ≥ p x ⇒2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

.ap T ! 02
Fundamentally, the law is a proposition about the sign of the weighted

average of a country’s vector of traded goods, where the weights equal
the corresponding opportunity costs (prices) under autarky. The neg-
ative sign implies that, on average, goods with relatively high autarky
prices will be imported and goods with relatively low autarky prices will
be exported.8

Since the autarky price vector is not observed, this lemma cannotap 2
be directly implemented empirically. However, since we observe the
autarky price vector , we can investigate a sufficient condition for theap 1
validity of the proposition if we substitute the observed autarky price
vector for the unobserved price vector . Recognizing that the coun-a ap p1 2
terfactual autarky price vector can be written as , wherea a ap p p p � e2 2 1
e denotes an error term, we obtain the following identification condition
for the law of comparative advantage.

Proposition. As long as , then is a sufficient conditionaeT ≤ 0 p T ! 01
for Japan’s trade pattern to be consistent with the general law of com-
parative advantage, that is, .a ap T ! 0 ⇒ p T ! 01 2

The identification condition states either that the correlationeT ≤ 0
between changes in autarky prices under a (hypothetical) closed econ-
omy growth path and the trading vector would be zero (i.e., )eT p 0
or that autarky prices would have fallen, on average, in goods that the
economy actually exported (i.e., ). The identification conditioneT ! 0
rules out that Japan’s “(hypothetical) closed economy growth” from
period 1 to period 2 would have been, on average, biased toward its
importables. Given production conditions in mid-nineteenth-century Ja-

6 A sufficient condition for the weak axiom of revealed preference is the existence of
a well-behaved social utility function for the economy. However, Shimomura and Wong
(1998) have shown that the general law of comparative advantage can be derived under
somewhat weaker conditions that do not require the presence of a social utility function.

7 Hence, good i is exported if and imported if .T 1 0 T ! 0i i
8 Drabicki and Takayama (1979) and Dixit and Norman (1980, pp. 95–96) provide

examples that illustrate that, with more than two goods, opportunity costs do not predict
trading patterns good by good.

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54 journal of political economy

pan and the obstacles in the economy to rapidly adopting new western
technologies, it is unlikely that , and the identification conditioneT 1 0
would most likely hold.

III. Japan’s Opening Up as a Natural Experiment

In his survey on the empirical literature of international trade, Deardorff
(1984, p. 470) argued that tests of the theory of comparative advantage
remain virtually impossible to carry out because “almost all countries
have engaged in trade throughout history, so that there is no experience
with autarky from which to draw data.” Japan’s economic history offers
a remarkable exception. As a well-developed market economy, which
experienced over two centuries of autarky, it generated a rich record
of price data. Forced by the western powers to move abruptly to a free-
trade trading regime in 1859, Japan offers a natural experiment uniquely
suited to test the core proposition of the theory of comparative

Japan’s policy of autarky (or seclusion) began formally in 1639 when
all contact between the Japanese and outsiders, including trade, was
forbidden. The only exception was a small amount of regulated trade
with the Dutch and the Chinese conducted from a spit of land in the
harbor of Nagasaki. This trade had dwindled to insignificance by the
end of the eighteenth century (Meylan 1861, pp. 93, 142). In the last
years of seclusion, imports per capita were about 0.6 cents, compared
with 9 cents in China before it was forced to open up in the 1840s and
5.9 cents during the brief closing of trade in the United States in 1808–
9 (see Hildreth 1855, p. 506; Tilley 1861, p. 99; Irwin 2001, table 1). A
small amount of trade was conducted through the Ryukyu Islands.

Treaty negotiations following the visit of Commodore Matthew Perry
and his fleet in 1853 delayed the opening up of Japan until July 1859.
The trade treaties designated three (later five) ports for international
trade and established a liberal regime that capped tariffs and export
duties at low effective ad valorem rates.9 By the mid-1860s, military in-
tervention by the western powers had forced the shogun to abandon
rearguard efforts to restrict trade (Mathias-Pauer and Pauer 1992, p.

The shift from autarky to free trade was rapid and complete. Figure
3 illustrates the steep increase in trade during the first quarter century

9 Revisions to trade treaties in 1866 set specific tariffs and export taxes that averaged
about 2.5–3.5 percent ad valorem (von Scherzer 1872, pp. 381–99). The treaties allowed
Japan to continue a long-standing ban on the export of rice and copper ore and prohibit
the import of opium.

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comparative advantage 55

Fig. 3.—The development of Japan’s external trade, 1860–85. Source: Sugiyama (1988,
table 3-4).

after the opening up to trade.10 Good communications, well-developed
commercial networks, and national markets in many commodities
prompted a substantial penetration of Japanese markets (Nakamura
1990, p. 94; Howe 1996, pp. 93–94). By 1873, Japan’s imports per capita
were 79 cents, or three times the level in China (see von Scherzer 1872,
p. 256; Sugiyama 1988, p. 46).

Japan’s move from autarky to free trade offers a suitable testing
ground for the theory of comparative advantage if the economy and
conditions of trade reasonably conform to four key assumptions of the
neoclassical trade model. The first three assumptions ensure that the
autarky prices and net export data used in the analysis convey the nec-
essary information about domestic supply and demand conditions and
opportunities for exchange with trading partners.

1. The vector of autarky prices reflected the outcome of competitive

2. Japanese producers were price takers in international markets.

10 The peak in exports in 1868 reflects exports of Japanese silk and silkworm eggs in
response to the spread of a corpuscular disease in Italian and French silkworms. The peak
in imports in 1870 reflects high imports of rice in response to the poor harvests of that
year. Trade is valued in current Japanese (silver) yen.

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56 journal of political economy

3. Exports received no subsidies.

The final assumption ensures that the identification condition eT ≤
holds, so that prices from the autarky period can be applied to the0

available data on trade.

4. Changes in production possibilities under a closed economy from
the opening up to trade (1859) to the period in which the net
export vector is analyzed (1868–75) would not have been biased
toward importables.

Assumption 1 addresses competitive conditions in the economy under
autarky and free trade. Economic historians have achieved a good un-
derstanding of the functioning of Japan’s economy during the more
than 250 years of Tokugawa rule that ended with the restoration of the
emperor in 1868.11 Initially, Japan had been organized as a feudal society.
For the most part, manufacturing took place in small workshops of 30
workers or fewer (Takekoshi 1930, 3:270; Piper 1976, pp. 29–30). Ag-
riculture was carried out on small farms. However, the feudal system
initially included guild monopolies controlling the trade in many com-
modities and restrictions on the use of land and labor. Over the century
ending in the early 1840s, the restrictions on trade were dismantled. By
then, competitive conditions characterized virtually all output markets.
The allocation of land and labor responded to movements in relative
output prices.12 Spectral analysis of the prices of bills of exchange pro-
vides quantitative support for the conclusions of historians. By the pe-
riod 1822–43, regional integration and monetization had disrupted tra-
ditional feudal regulation of the economy (Yamamura and Duffy 1971,
p. 422). Correlation analysis of the detailed regional data available for
rice markets suggests that a unified market existed even for this bulk
commodity in western Japan by the beginning of the eighteenth century
(Miyamoto 1981). Nakamura (1990, p. 94) argues that cotton cloth, a
high-value commodity, was traded in a national market with regional
specialization of production by the early nineteenth century. To ensure
that autarky prices most closely reflect competitive conditions, we chose
1851–53 as the autarky period for our analysis.

Assumption 2 raises the question of whether Japanese producers were

11 From 1603 through 1868, feudal lords of the Tokugawa family ruled Japan as a quasi-
military dictatorship from Edo (Tokyo). Already in decline when international trade
opened up in mid-1859, the system survived for only another nine years. A rebellion of
other feudal lords brought about the restoration of the central role of the emperor in

12 See Yasuba (1987), Howe (1996), and Crawcour (1997, pp. 8–24) for more detailed
English-language discussions of the Tokugawa economy. See Nakamura (1990, pp. 90–92)
for a discussion of output markets, Hanley and Yamamura (1977, p. 86) for labor markets,
and Totman (2000, p. 250) for land markets.

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comparative advantage 57

The Composition of Japanese Trade, 1868–75

Product Imports (%) Exports (%)

Agricultural nonfood:
Silk 35.9
Silkworm eggs 15.7
Other (vegetable wax and

cotton) 2.2 2.7
Agricultural food:

Tea 28.2
Rice 10.8
Sugar 9.9
Other foods 4.2 8.2

Other raw materials:
Fuel (coal and charcoal) 1.9
Other 3.1 2.9

Textiles .2
Cotton yarn 15.1
Cotton cloth 18.4
Woolens 19.2
Other textiles 1.8

Other manufactures 4.3
Weapons and ammunition 2.7
Machinery and instruments 1.4
Miscellaneous manufactures 11.2

Source.—Japan Bureau of Revenue (1893).
Note.—The trade shares of each commodity group are based on total imports and exports for the period 1868–75.

price takers in international markets. Table 1 provides a summary of
the composition of Japanese trade for 1868–75, the period in which
comprehensive trade data are first available. Consider first the markets
for imports. One-third were agricultural commodities such as beans,
sugar, vegetable oil, and rice. Latham and Neal (1983) document the
size of international markets for agricultural commodities such as rice
and wheat in the last third of the nineteenth century; the volume traded
dwarfed any demand from Japan. Another one-half of imports were
cotton and woolen textiles. Japanese imports came primarily from En-
gland, where the Japanese demand was again a fraction of exports to
India and China. The remaining imports of miscellaneous manufac-
tured goods would all have been a fraction of international demand
during the early period of open trade. Exports were virtually all of
agricultural origin and were produced by small farms under highly com-
petitive conditions. Sugiyama (1988, chaps. 4, 5) provides a detailed
account of silk, silkworm egg, and tea production, which accounted for
about 80 percent of Japanese exports. Indian and Chinese silks com-
peted with Japanese silks in the three main import markets: Britain,
France, and the United States. Japanese silks took up 15–20 percent of
imports into these markets during the first two decades after the opening
up to trade. Western governments effectively countered early efforts of

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58 journal of political economy

the Japanese authorities to manipulate the supply of silk available for
export. The United States rapidly became the main market for Japanese
green tea. It faced competition from Chinese green tea, black tea, cocoa,
and coffee. Competitive relationships also prevailed in the merchant
community that handled the import and export trade. It included 25
western merchant houses and a growing Chinese merchant community
that offered the Europeans stiff competition (von Scherzer 1872, pp.

For those familiar with Japan today, assumption 3—exports were not
subsidized—may appear the most untenable. In actuality, during the 20
or so years after trade opened up, government efforts to develop export
industries remained modest. Treaties held tariffs to a minimum, and
straitened finances precluded subsidies. The government actually levied
modest export taxes of 3–4 percent ad valorem on tea and silk.13

The final assumption, 4, asserts that had it remained closed, Japanese
growth would not have been biased toward importables during the nine
years from the opening up to trade to 1868, when the free-trade regime
was fully in place and comprehensive trade data are available. Given
the impetus of economic growth up to 1859, a shift away from export-
ables toward the goods that accounted for three-quarters of imports
(rice, sugar, woolens, and cotton cloth and yarn) in the subsequent nine
years would have been unlikely. Contemporary commentators offer one
assessment of the momentum of growth just prior to the opening up
to trade. They correctly identified the goods that actually became the
leading exports of the 1860s, including tea, camphor, and copper. Only
raw silk was excluded because of doubts that production could be ex-
panded substantially beyond what the Japanese consumed under autarky
(Hildreth 1855, p. 560). Accounts of the last century of the Tokugawa
economy likewise stress the ongoing shift of land and labor out of rice
into tea and raw silk (Howe 1996, pp. 40–41). The lack of land with a
suitable climate constrained increased production of another key im-
port, sugar, and the absence of any sheep in Japan prior to the opening
up to trade ruled out the domestic production of woolens. The low
productivity of the hand technologies available to the spinning sector
constrained any substantial expansion of cotton textile production. The
weaving sector had already achieved the productivity gains possible with
the adoption of the vertical loom and the emergence of specialized
weaving and spinning enterprises by the 1840s (Nakamura 1990).

It is also possible, but not likely, that the Japanese could have used
the available information on western technology to shift production
toward the machine-made products of the west such as cotton yarn and
cloth. Even before the 1850s, western technologies were being imple-

13 The estimated rates pertain to the early 1870s (see Sugiyama 1988, p. 35).

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comparative advantage 59

mented in Japan, but only with great difficulty. Information on Dutch
agricultural techniques was available to the small numbers of those who
spoke Dutch, but there is no evidence of commercial adoption of west-
ern technologies in manufacturing. On the basis of his reading of the
attempts of some feudal lords to manufacture cannons and build ships
according to western plans in the 1850s, Pauer (1987) argues that the
limited technological expertise and the skill set available to the Japanese
during the Tokugawa period precluded rapid adoption of western tech-
nologies. It is notable that it took 15 years after 1859 before Japanese
weavers of cotton cloth began to use the flying shuttle, a technology
offering ready productivity gains that had been in use in England since
the eighteenth century. The importation and then adaptation of western
technologies to Japanese conditions that characterized early industri-
alization got under way only after 1880.

IV. Empirical Implementation

A. Hypotheses

The methodology of our historical-empirical exercise is based on a sim-
ple decision-theoretic framework. As discussed in Section II, the theory
implies a concrete hypothesis about the sign of Japan’s net export vector
valued at autarky prices:

aH : p T ! 0. (4)0 1

To evaluate the empirical validity of this claim, we need to specify an
appropriate counterclaim.

Ruling out that the sign of is random, we obtain the followingap T1

aH : p T ≥ 0. (5)1 1
Although hypothesis H1 is not the prediction of any alternative theory
of international trade, the data could “choose” H1 instead of H0. Given
that the Japanese economy fulfills the textbook assumptions of a small
neoclassical economy, evidence in favor of H1 would require some re-
consideration of the theory.

If we were in the possession of “perfect data” on Japan’s trade and
autarky price vectors, we would be rather confident in making a correct
decision with regard to whether Japan’s pattern of trade after it opened
up followed the law of comparative advantage (i.e., H0 is true) or not.
However, measurement errors that arise from both the “timing of the
experiment” and the incompleteness of autarky price data could in-
crease the likelihood of making a wrong decision. Our decision is based
on an approximation of the true (unknown) inner product .a a˜p̃ T p T1 1

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60 journal of political economy

The “autarky” and “free-trade” regimes of the model correspond to
about two decades of historical time. The goal of keeping the mea-
surement errors as small as possible guided the selection of the two
periods used for collecting the price and trade data to construct .a ˜p̃ T1
In addition, we used approximations for the missing autarky price data
that would, ex ante, make the inner product more likely to be positive
and, consequently, weigh the decision in favor of hypothesis H1. The
aim of this strategy was to reduce the “likelihood” of erroneously ac-
cepting hypothesis H0.

Although the specification of the alternative hypothesis given in (5)
serves as a guide for approximating missing data points in calculating
the inner product, it does not lend itself to any probability statements.
An alternative counterclaim to the prediction that is negative is thatap T1
the sign of the inner product is a random event. It seems reasonable
to assume that, in the case of randomness, the occurrence of a negative
sign is as likely as the occurrence of a positive sign. This leads us to the
second alternative hypothesis:

1a aH : p T is random with Pr (p T ! 0) p , (6)2 1 1 2

where denotes the probability measure. Since the alternative hy-Pr (7)
pothesis (6) claims that the sign of the inner product is determined by
the toss of a (balanced) coin, the null hypothesis in (4) should now be
interpreted as saying that the inner product is negative with probability
one. Assuming that the annual estimates are independent and are drawn
from the same distribution, we can calculate the smallest level of sig-
nificance for which the given data points would lead us to reject the
randomness hypothesis given in (6).

B. Data Description

For the analysis of autarky prices, data from the period 1851–53 appear
to offer the best representation of the “autarky regime” just prior to the
opening up to trade. Already by the 1840s, economic activity was or-
ganized in fairly competitive markets since the economy had time to
respond to the easing of the feudal restrictions that started decades
earlier. The early 1850s precede the first treaty between Japan and the
West in 1854.14 For the “free-trade regime” we selected the period of
1868–75. With this choice we aimed to strike a balance between assuring
the reliability of the trade data, which increases with time after the

14 The first treaty simply secured the Americans access to two ports that would be available
as coaling stations and as safe havens for shipwrecked sailors. Debate over whether or not
to open trade continued through the treaty of 1858, which opened the country up
( Jansen 2000, pp. 174–85).

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comparative advantage 61

opening up of Japan, and effectively capturing the mix of Japanese
imports and exports that best reflects the production possibilities ex-
isting just prior to the end of autarky.

For the construction of the autarky price vector, we identified three
groups of commodities. The first group of commodities includes ex-
portables and importables for which we could identify reasonably close
domestic substitutes and for which we could obtain autarky price in-
formation. For these commodities, we relied on the continuous price
data that are available from 1851 through the early 1870s from a variety
of Japanese-language sources (Kinyu Kenkyukai 1937; Miyamoto 1963;
Ono 1979; Yamazaki 1983; Mitsui Bunko 1989). These sources draw on
merchant account books, the records of large trading houses such as
Mitsui, and the records of producers. The available price series cover
about 65 commodities. In cases in which the prices of downstream im-
portables were not available, we used the price of the upstream raw
material or intermediate good.15 For products with quality differences,
such as silk and tea, the decision rule dictates that the estimates err on
the side of using price data for the higher-quality variety.16 Contemporary
European-language publications and more recent research provide in-
formation on the prices of some additional goods just at or before the
opening to trade.17 Overall, commodities for which autarky price infor-
mation is available make up two-thirds of imports by value in 1868–75
and about 95 percent of the value of exports.

A second group of commodities includes goods (primarily woolens)
that were not produced in Japan under autarky. Pricing of woolens must
take account of the surge in the relative price of woolens that began in
1860 with the American Civil War and the drop-off in American exports
of cotton. James (1857) provides information on the price of Orleans
cloth (which was relatively inexpensive) and middle-quality camlets in
1854. These prices are lower than the prices quoted for similar goods
in the consular reports for Shanghai for 1858 (United Kingdom 1861,

15 We substituted a simple unfinished cloth (siraki), for which a complete description
was available, for all other finished cotton cloths. This cloth had about the same weight
and quality as the chief unfinished cloth import, shirtings. Unfinished cloths of a higher
quality sold for from 20 percent (bleached) up to 300 percent (velvets) more. Applying
the relative prices found in Brennwald (1865, pp. 27–32) and von Scherzer (1872, p. 394)
to imports in 1868–75 suggests that our approach undervalued the average autarky price
of imports of cotton cloth by at least 20 percent.

16 This approach was most important for the choice of a price for tea—where the prices
available varied on the order of 10 times—and the price of raw silk. We used the highest
price of “first-quality” tea and the price for the high-quality fine Maebashi silk (Sugiyama
1988, p. 90).

17 About 17 commodities fall in this group. They include minor exports such as seaweed,
gall puffs, awabi shells, vermicelli, and camphor. The sources are United Kingdom (1861)
for the ports of Nagasaki and Kanagawa in 1859 ( June and December) and in 1860
( January); von Scherzer (1872, p. 262) for silkworm eggs; and Huber (1971) for the price
of cotton yarn.

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62 journal of political economy

p. 517). Von Scherzer (1872, pp. 396–97) provides information on the
relative market price of other woolen imports; these price data suggest
that using the camlet prices for middle- and higher-quality cloths and
using the price of Orleans for the lower-quality cloths that appear in
the statistics will provide reasonable minimum estimates of the value of
these imports.18

Finally, the calculation of the inner product required estimating the
prices of a third group: the one-twentieth of exports and one-sixth of
imports for which there were domestic substitutes, but for which price
information could not be found in Japanese or contemporary European
sources. Approximating the prices of this group of traded goods circa
1851–53 relied on adjusting the actual unit values available from the
trade data in 1868–75 for changes in the prices of imports and exports
from the early 1850s. Sugiyama (1988) notes that contrary to the practice
of many European countries at the time, the valuations of imports and
exports reflected actual invoiced values. Exports were valued at the price
at the point of export, whereas imports were valued at the price prior
to shipment to Japan. The adjustment uses the indices of import and
export prices found in Shinbo (1978, table 5-10).

The trade data are taken from the import-export statistics collected
by the Meiji customs at the treaty ports for 1868–75 ( Japan Bureau of
Revenue 1893). The statistics include over 250 separate goods. Alter-
native series are available from the reports of the British consuls in the
ports, but these data lack consistent recording of quantities and the
detail found in the official statistics. A check of the British data from
1869 with the official statistics found only minor discrepancies that
would have no material bearing on the estimates presented here.19

C. Empirical Findings

Figure 4 illustrates the price changes of the key tradable goods after
the opening up to trade. It presents a scatter diagram of the net exports
in 1869 graphed in relation to the change in prices from 1851–53 to
1869.20 High inflation after the opening up to trade meant that all prices

18 The most important import that will be undervalued using this procedure is “woolen
cloths,” which had a unit value in the late 1860s that was four times the unit value of

19 See Sugiyama (1988, pp. 44–48) for a general discussion of Japanese trade statistics
during the first decades after the opening up to trade. The British recorded quantities
of cotton and woolen cloth in “pieces” instead of yards, a practice that substantially in-
creases the potential error in matching net export data from the consular sources with
autarky prices.

20 After 1859, Japan experienced substantial price inflation. For that reason we have
normalized all price changes using the price index of nontradables from Shinbo (1978,
table 5-10). Net exports are valued at autarky prices.

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comparative advantage 63

Fig. 4.—Net exports and price changes for 1869. Source: Japan Bureau of Revenue
(1893) for trade data and Kinyu Kenkyukai (1937), Miyamoto (1963), Ono (1979), Ya-
mazaki (1983), and Mitsui Bunko (1989) for price data.

rose substantially, so that the graph expresses price changes adjusted
for the increase in the price of nontradable goods. The prices of major
exports such as products of the silk industry (silk and silkworm eggs)
and minor exports such as copper manufactures, sake, and vegetable
wax all increased; in some cases they almost doubled. The relative price
of key imports such as sugar, cotton cloth, cotton yarn, and iron products
displayed substantial declines. The increase in the price of rice and
legumes may reflect poor weather conditions, and the increase in the
price of cotton may stem from the disruption of cotton markets in the
wake of the American Civil War.

Table 2 contains the empirical results that incorporate all of the price
and net export data. Each column evaluates the trading vector of a
particular year ( ) at the same autarky price vectorT̃ i p 1868, … , 1875i

. The rows report the constituent components of : the value ofa a ˜˜ ˜p p T1 1 i
net imports or net exports for which autarky prices are available (rows
1 and 4), the value of imports of woolens (row 2), and the value of net
imports and net exports for which autarky price data are not available
(rows 3 and 5). All valuations are in terms of the ryō, a currency that
was replaced by the yen at par in 1871. The autarky price prediction of
the law of comparative advantage holds in all of the eight trading years.
Note that the result holds in the year of a surplus on current account
(1868) as well as during a deficit. Although estimates of gross domestic

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64 journal of political economy

Approximate Inner Product in Various Test Years (Millions of Ryō)


Year of Net Export Vector

1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875

1. Imports with ob-
served autarky prices �2.24 �4.12 �8.44 �7.00 �5.75 �5.88 �7.15 �7.98

2. Imports of woolen
goods �.98 �.82 �1.29 �1.56 �2.16 �2.50 �1.56 �2.33

3. Imports with approx-
imated autarky prices
(Shinbo index) �1.10 �.95 �.70 �.85 �1.51 �2.08 �1.60 �2.65

4. Exports with ob-
served autarky prices 4.07 3.40 4.04 5.16 4.99 4.08 5.08 4.80

5. Exports with approx-
imated autarky prices
(Shinbo index) .09 .03 .07 .07 .15 .07 .11 .10

Total inner product
(sum of rows 1–5) �.18 �2.47 �6.31 �4.17 �4.28 �6.31 �5.11 �8.06

Source.—For sources of price data, see Sec. IVB and n. 17. For rows 3 and 5, current silver yen values are converted
to values of 1851–53 by deflating them with the price indices for exports and imports found in Shinbo (1978, table 5–

Note.—All values are expressed in terms of millions of ryō. The ryō equaled about $1.00 in 1873 and was equivalent
to the yen when it was introduced in 1871. The estimates are of the approximation of the inner product ( ) valueda ˜p̃ T1
at autarky prices prevailing in 1851–53. An explanation of the assumptions underlying the approximation is contained
in the text.

product for the autarky period covered by this study are not available,
evidence on wages and the price of rice helps place the estimates of
the inner product in perspective. For example, the (lower-bound) es-
timate of 180,000 ryō based on the vector of trade in 1868 would have
been equivalent to the annual earnings of about 5,000 skilled workers
in construction in Tokyo or 5,600 workers in agriculture near Osaka.21

Under the maintained hypothesis that the annual estimates are in-
dependent and stem from the same distribution, we can test the hy-
pothesis H0 against the alternative hypothesis H2 that the inner product
is purely random. For a probability statement, the problem at hand
suggests focusing on the p-value, defined as the smallest level of signif-
icance for which the given sample observations would lead us to reject
the randomness hypothesis. With eight negative entries in a sample size
of eight, the p-value is about 0.4 percent.22

21 Skilled construction workers in the early 1850s earned about 30 ryō per year (Kinyu
Kenkyukai 1937, pp. 325–26). Yasuba (1986) notes that workers in agriculture earned
about 2.94 koku of rice annually in the mid-1850s; 180,000 ryō would buy 16,500 koku
(2,200 metric tons) of rice.

22 The p-value is exactly 1/256, where 1/256 is the probability of obtaining eight heads
in eight tosses with a balanced coin.

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comparative advantage 65

V. Concluding Remarks

The last decade has witnessed an increased interest in exploring the
empirical content of neoclassical trade theory. In particular, the
Heckscher-Ohlin model—the “backbone of traditional trade theory”
(Leamer and Levinsohn 1995, p. 1345)—has been the primary target
of empirical research. The empirical trade literature typically aims at
estimating the “accuracy” of the predictions of the Heckscher-Ohlin
model rather than testing a specific hypothesis.

To our knowledge of the literature, this paper provides the first direct
test of the theory of comparative advantage in its most general for-
mulation. It is “direct” since the underlying hypothesis is formulated in
terms of a country’s relative autarky prices. The testable hypothesis de-
rived from this approach places no restriction on what accounts for
comparative advantage, whether factor endowments, technologies,
tastes, or a combination of them. However, as a trade-off, the hypothesis
provides no information about the commodity composition of trade:
which goods will be exported and which will be imported.

One central theme of this paper is that Japan’s nineteenth-century
trade liberalization provides a “natural historical experiment” within
which to test the autarky price prediction of comparative advantage
trade theory. The historical narrative demonstrates that the Japanese
economy during the time period of our investigation was compatible
with the assumptions of the underlying theory.

As has been noted elsewhere, the domain of economic theory surely
encompasses more than the recent past, and there are distinct advan-
tages to exploiting the rich veins of historical experience to test the
validity of theory (McCloskey 1976). The case of Japan provides a natural
experiment that occurs in an environment that is transparent by any
reasonable measure. External pressure forced a low tariff structure on
Japan and precluded the use of other nontariff barriers that are part
and parcel of contemporary trading regimes. The detail of Japan’s trad-
ing statistics allowed a clear identification of the commodities actually
entering trade. The robustness of our findings suggests that the autarky
price formulation of comparative advantage is a coherent and insightful
theory that can also be validated empirically.


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