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Your response should be a short (3-5 sentences) summary of the article and at least 2 of the following

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  • something you disliked about the article
  • something you’d change about the article
  • what you would do to follow up from the article
  • how you could apply the concepts from the article in your life

Interactive Creative
Problem Solving

1Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio 43606, and 2Department of
Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109


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A set creative problem-solving tools for instructional purposes is discussed. The tools
include a problem-solving text which presents the heuristic, a set of slides in electronic
form that can be used to enhance classroom presentations, and interactive computer mod-
ules that reinforce and develop the students’ problem-solving skills. © 1996 John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.


Information explosion! Expanding knowledge base!
Information overload! Technological revolution!
Information superhighway! These terms are indica-
tive of an epidemic that affects (and “infects” ) all
of us. The Industrial Revolution took place in the
1800s. We are now in the midst of an “Information
Revolution.” A special breed of new engineer will
be required to be successful in the future, and the
future is now. The development of innovative engi-
neers capable of facing the challenges of the 21st
century is our responsibility as engineering educa-
tors. Our graduates will have to contend with, and
be able to take advantage of, this rapidly expanding
knowledge base if they can hope to be successful
in global competition. To meet those challenges, our
engineering graduates need to be excellent problem
solvers. Effective problem-solving skills are essen-
tial to engineering innovation and lifelong learning.
Our students must be capable of training and retrain-
ing themselves several times over the course of their
engineering careers, as old knowledge becomes ob-
solete and new technology takes its place. Who will

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Vol. 4(1) 35-
39 (1996) .

© 1996 John Wiley 8l Sons, Inc.

CCC 1061-3773/96/010035-05

be the developers of these new technologies? Inno-
vative engineers with excellent problem-solving
skills will undoubtedly be at the forefront of this
technology revolution. Innovation and creative
problem solving does not just happen. There are
skills that need to be developed and honed. To assist
in this process, we have developed a number of
tools to help students and engineers improve their
problem-solving skills.


Over the past 6 years, we have researched the prob-
lem-solving techniques used by engineers in indus-
try. Teams of students and faculty visited a number
of companies to study problem-solving strategies.
We also carried out an extensive survey of new
employees, experienced engineers, and managers in
industry to collect information on the problem-solv-
ing process. As a result of our research, we know
that students can develop their creativity and prob-
lem-solving skills and become problem solvers. Our
research has produced a number of tools that can
be used by students and engineers to develop their
skills. These tools include

a textbook entitled Strategies for ·creative
Problem Solving [1],





Figure 1 Problem-solving heuristic.

a set of 150 slides in electronic form to supple-
ment the problem-solving text, and

a series of interactive computer modules deal-
ing with problem-solving skills.

A brief description of each of these tools follows.


This book, published by Prentice Hall in 1995, was
the product of a number of years of effort and re-
search into the field of creativity and problem solv-
ing. The problem-solving heuristic that serves as
the framework for the book is shown in Figure 1.
This heuristic, which has its roots in the McMaster
Five-Point Strategy [2], was developed after many
discussions with practicing engineers and managers
in industry. It serves as the basis for solving a wide
variety of problems. One of the very useful elements
of the heuristic is the problem definition step. To
be able to identify the “real problem” as opposed
to the ”perceived problem” is essential to arriving
at a viable solution. In this regard, industry was
very helpful in sharing numerous examples of ill-
defined problems with us. These were problems that
were incorrectly defined from the outset, causing the
engineers great difficulty in obtaining a workable
solution. We approached the companies with a clas-
sic example of an ill-defined problem and asked
them to contribute examples from their own experi-
ence. They responded with a number of problems
that we included in the book. The ill-defined prob-
lem that we shared with them involved NASA’s


desire in the early 1960s to develop a material that
would withstand the temperatures of reentry. By the
early 1970s, such a material still had not been found,
yet we had sent astronauts to the moon and back.
How was the problem solved? The real problem
was to find a way to protect the astronauts during
reentry, not the development of a high-temperature
material. The well-known solution to this problem
was ablative cooling using a sacrificial material that
dissipated the heat of reentry. Thus, by recognizing
the real problem- protect the astronauts-as op-
posed to the perceived problem- develop a high
temperature material – a solution became possible.

The book shares numerous real-life examples of
problems and solutions interwoven with the heuris-
tic and specific techniques to improve the student’s
problem-solving abilities. To improve the instruc-
tor’s ability to deliver this material to the students,
we have developed several computer tools that can
enhance the learning process by making the material
come alive and be more exciting.


We have developed over 150 slides using Microsoft
PowerPoint®. The slides are available in electronic
form and can be displayed interactively in the class-
room using a PC or Macintosh and a video display
panel or projection system. Multimedia classrooms
are becoming increasingly prevalent on campuses,
so this should prove to be a popular option for stu-
dents as well as faculty. Examples of two of the
slides are shown in Figures 2 and 3.

The slides may be viewed using the MS Pow-
erPoint® Viewer application, which may be freely
distributed for viewing purposes, so the user need
not be an owner of the PowerPoint® application.
The slides cannot be edited using the Viewer; thus,
having PowerPoint® is advantageous if the instruc-
tor wishes to customize the presentation.


Interactive computer modules were developed for
use with the text, because the students’ learning is
enhanced if they can be an active participant in the
process. The modules give them an opportunity to
be actively involved in the learning. A series of 11
interactive computer modules were developed by
undergraduate chemical engineering students at the
University of Michigan during the summers of 1993
and 1994. The software development teams were

Taking Risks

Some simple things you can do that will make you
become more comfortable with risk-taking:

• c,.,,ffi,. 5″”‘””” ,.-“””‘A.]· .. · your organization. E t
• Try a new sport, (e.g., skydiving). . 0

• Join a thespian group.

• Volunteer to be the organizer of a group activity.

• Volunteer to speak at a conference/meeting.

• Buy an expensive piece of clothing a size too smaU so
you will have to lose weight to wear it.

• Sing at a Karaoke bar.

• Try to repair plumbing by yourself.

Figure 2 Example slide (Taking Risks).

managed by Professor Susan Montgomery. Funding
for the project and distribution of the modules was
provided by the National Science Foundation
(Grant USE-9254345), the CACHE Corporation,
and the University of Michigan College of Engi-

Using the modules allows the students to review
and demonstrate mastery of the material at their
own pace and provides immediate feedback to their
responses [ 3]. The modules have been designed
and tested to best address the issues that ensure
success in interactive computer learning:

ease of use

maintaining focus on the concepts

promoting learning

Step 1: Collect and Analyze Information
and Data

Five to six weeks in the laboratory can save you an hour in the

Figure 3 Example slide (Collecting and Analyzing


Figure 4 Concentration module .

individual guidance.

Additional features included in some of the mod-
ules include introductions to new technologies us-
ing graphic animations and entertaining motiva-
tors, which have been shown to increase the stu-
dents’ interest and motivation for the module
content [ 4,5].

The modules run on PCs and compatibles with
EGA or better graphics capabilities. The recom-
mended configuration includes DOS 5.0, a 25-MHz
386 or faster processor, and a math coprocessor. A
500-kB partition is sufficient to run most of the
modules, but several require 540 kB. The modules
were written using the Quest Authoring System [ 6],
Versions 3.0, 4.0, and 4.1. The 11 modules and a
brief description of them are as follows:

1. CONCENTRATION: A foundation for cre-
ative problem solving techniques, patterned
on the game Concentration (Fig. 4).

2. EXPLORE: An exercise that leads the stu-
dents to discover the true cause of a problem.
Detective SheerLuck Holmes leads them on
an investigation of problems arising at the
Light-Bright Flashlight Co. The student then
works on the problem of selecting the correct
membrane for a heart-lung machine (Fig. 5).

Figure 5 Explore module.


Figure 6 Brainstorming module.

3. DUNCKER: Introduces three techniques to
refine the problem statement to converge on
the real problem. In the review section of
the module, the students investigate the
problem of a grocery’s freezer doors fogging
up. They then solve one of three problem
scenarios: “How to drop a tomato, ” ” Un-
smashing the smashing serve,” and ‘ ‘That
is how the chip crumbles.” .

4. BRAINSTORMING: Helps the student gen-
erate original, yet applicable solutions to a
specific problem using the brainstorming
process (Fig. 6).

5. SITUATION ANALYSIS: Introduces the
concept of situation analysis for prioritizing
problems. The scenario is based on the ex-
plosion of a gas truck that actually happened
in a Midwestern town (Fig. 7 ).

6. PROBLEM ANALYSIS: Presents the four
dimensions of problem analysis: identifica-
tion, location, timing, and magnitude. The
student assumes the role of a coatings engi-
neer and must determine why there are paint
defects on the cars rolling off the assembly
line. During the investigation, the student
can actually “speak” to workers involved

Figure 7 Situation Analysis module.

Figure 8 Problem Analysis module.

in the process to gather information. This
scenario is based on an actual case history
from one of the major auto manufacturers
(Figs. 8 and 9) .

7. DECISION ANALYSIS: Introduces stu-
dents to the process of decision making in a
rational way. The student assumes the role
of a recruiter and must select a job applicant
from a pool of candidates based on inter-
views conducted.

8. POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Helps the student
identify potential problems with their solu-
tions before they actually occur. The student
is asked to analyze a cross-country solar car
road race as an exercise. This scenario is
based on the 1993 World Solar Car Race
(Fig. 10) .

9. PLANNING: Teaches the students how to
implement solutions using a Gantt chart, crit-
ical path planning, deployment charts, and
budgets. The exercise analyzes the construc-
tion of a steel bridge for a bridge-building

10. EVALUATION: Stresses the importance of
reviewing and evaluation the solution during
the course of a project. The near marketing

f’ \VHERE, Location ~
D1m’DI ~· ~ ~ Dmffill

Figure 9 KT table for Problem Analysis.

Your Assignment

Figure 10 Potential Problem Analysis module.

disaster of New Coke is examined. The stu-
dent then assumes the role of an employee
at a paper mill looking to expand, and must
evaluate the proposed solution.

11. ETHICS: This module introduces the con-
cept of ethics. The student is placed in the
role of an employee at a chemical plant with
some environmental problems, and must
make some tough decisions on the necessary
course of action for the company.

Flyers were sent to nearly every U.S. college of
engineering offering these modules for use by their
faculty and students. A total of 131 schools re-


H. Scott Fogler, the Vennema Distin-
guished Professor of Chemical Engineering
at The University of Michigan, has_ research
interests in flow and reaction in porous me-
dia, colloid stability, wastewater treatment,
and dissolution kinetics in microelectronics
fabrication. He is author of over 130 re-
search publications in these areas. In addi-
tion, he is author of four books. The Ele-

ments of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 2nd edition, published
by Prentice Hall in 1992, is the most used book on this subject in
the world. His most recent book, Strategies for Creative Problem
Solving, coauthored with Steven E. LeBlanc, was published by
Prentice Hall in August 1995.

In 1980, Professor Fogler was a first recipient of the newly
instituted award for Outstanding Research from the University
of Michigan College of Engineering. Also, he received in 1980
the Chemical Engineer of the Year Award from the Detroit sec-


quested the modules, which were distributed to
them free of charge. The modules are still available
to interested academic institutions through the
CACHE Corporation: P.O. Box 7939, Austin, TX
78713-7939; Telephone: (512) 471-4933; FAX:
(512) 295-4498. More information can be found on
the World Wide Web at location: http://www.engin. /labs/ mel/ class/probsolv I pshome/htrnl.


[1] H. S. Fogler and S. E. LeBlanc, Strategies for Cre-
ative Problem Solving, Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ, 1995.

[2] D. R. Woods, A Strategy for Problem Solving, 3rd
Ed., Department of Chemical Engineering, McMaster
University, Hamilton, Ontario, 1985.

[3] H. S. Fogler, S. Montgomery, and R. Zipp, “Inter-
active computer modules for undergraduate chemical
engineering instruction,” Comput. Appl. Eng. Educ.,
Vol. I, No. 1, 1992, p. 11.

[4] R. Snow and M. Farr, Aptitude, Learning and Instruc-
tion. Vol. 3: Cognitive and Affective Process Analy-
sis. Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, 1987.

[5] S. M. Montgomery and H. S. Fogler, “A classifica-
tion scheme for interactive computer-aided instruc-
tional software,” J. Eng. Educ., January 1996.

[6] Quest is a product of Allen Communication, 140
Lakeside Plaza II, 5225 Wiley Post Way, Salt Lake
City, UT 84116; telephone: (801) 537-7800.

tion of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. In 1984, he
was appointed the Vennema Distinguished Professor of Chemical
Engineering. He received the University of Colorado Distin-
guished Alumnus Award in 1987, and in 1988 he was elected
president of the Computer Aids for Chemical Engineering
(CACHE) Corporation. In 1993, he received theW. Corcoran
Award for Best Paper in Chemical Engineering Education. In
1994, he was elected a director of the American Institute of
Chemical Engineers and a fellow of the AIChE, and he was
selected as an advisory editor for the Prentice Hall International
Series in the Physical and Chemical Engineering Sciences. Also
in 1994 he received the Inaugural Adler Lectureship at Case
Western Reserve University and was a McCabe Lecturer at North
Carolina State University. Most recently, he received in 1995
the AIChE Warren K. Lewis Award.

Steven E. LeBlanc (Biographical sketch and photograph not

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