read and answer 3 questions(within 12 hours)

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1. Now that you’ve read Youssouf’s article, reflect on the greetings you see among your own community and others. Think about what purposes greetings serve, i.e., for what purpose do people employ certain types of greetings. What is at stake for the individual in either knowing or not knowing specific ways of greeting. 

2. Youssouf presents a picture of Taureg greetings as divided into a number of different steps.  Identify these steps and describe what you think the meaning of each step is for the participants. 

3. Think about the specific greetings you use in your own life. Write a short vignette describing a recent time you used or witnessed this greetings. Break down the act sequence, that it, the specific steps that compose the greeting. How is this greeting meaningful for you – socially, what does it get you? Identify situations in which this greeting might change, What are the factors that prompt that change?

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