Reaction Paper #3 (2-3 pages)

 “Project VoiceScape: Musical Warrior” (2011) (based on Ch. 7) 

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SOCI4395 Health & Illness in the US

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Reaction Paper Guidelines (25 points each)

Write two reaction papers based on TWO of the documentaries listed below:

“The New Asylums” (based on Ch. 4) Due Sunday, February 16 before 11:59 p.m.

“The Weight of the Nation: Part 1” (based on

Ch. 6)

Due Sunday, March 15 before 11:59 p.m.

“Project VoiceScape: Musical Warrior” (2011)

(based on Ch. 7)

Due Sunday, March 22 before 11:59 p.m.

You must upload an electronic copy of your paper on the Blackboard on the day it is due.

Required Format:

 Paper has to be 2-3 double-spaced pages. DO NOT exceed 3 pages.

 11 or 12-point font size must be used, preferably Arial or Times New Roman.

 Use 1” margins on the top and bottom and at least 1” margins on the left and right.

Style and Structure:

 The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you understand the documentary
you have watched—and the material/chapter you have read— and that you have thought

about are enough to be able to make an original response to it.

 Please note that response papers are not exercises in simply summarizing the assigned
readings. Instead, you must critically respond to the ideas being presented by answering

the questions stated below.

 Support your argument by drawing on the lecture PowerPoints and readings.

 You do not need a bibliography, but acknowledge other sources directly in the
text (e.g., “As Dr. Amin described in the PowerPoint…”, “In the textbook…”,

“According to Durkheim…”)

 I strongly recommend writing in the first person.

 The layout of your paper should be like that of your average English essay with an
introduction, a thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

 Remember that this is a formal paper. Keep your language formal and avoid contractions.

Below are some guidelines to help you in preparing a clear and thoughtful reaction paper:

First, give details of the documentary (Introduction)

What is the Title of the documentary?

Who are the Intended audience?

SOCI 4395 Health & Illness in the US

Second, summarize the documentary (1-2 paragraphs)

What is the subject of the documentary? / What is the documentary about?

Third, critically evaluate and extend the main theoretical arguments (1-2 paragraphs)

What is/are the purpose/ main ideas of the documentary?

What is the main message the director wants to get across to the audience?

Do you agree or disagree with these ideas?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the documentary?

Fourth, state your prior knowledge of the subject (1-2 paragraphs)

In this step, you need to synthesize the assigned chapter with the


Was the documentary related to the assigned chapter?, How?

Try to synthesize the main purpose/s of the documentary with the main idea/s discussed

in the assigned chapter?

Finally, give personal comments and recommendation (1-2 paragraphs)

In this final step, you need to provide a summary of your personal feedback on the


Did you like the documentary?

Which part of the documentary do you like most? and Why?

What have you learned from it?

What impact did this documentary have on you?

Was there anything that surprised you?

What are the drawbacks of the documentary?

Best of Luck!

SOCI 4395 Health & Illness in the US

The following grading rubric will be used to evaluate the students’ work:

Criteria Points

A coherent paper (Intro, body paragraphs, and a conclusion)

Grammar, punctuation, and spelling

_____ /2.5 pts

A clear summary of the documentary: the main

arguments/approaches/ideas & Summary of the documentary

_____ /7.5 pts

Synthesize the documentary with the assigned chapter from the


_____ /7.5 pts

Strength of your critique/criticism: addressing the strengths and

weaknesses of the documentary, stating your opinion

(agree/disagree and why), etc

_____ /5 pts

Clarity and precision: is it clear to the reader (me) what you are

trying to say? Is your wording precise?

_____ /2.5 pts


_____ /25 pts

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