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Some research situations are summarized below. For each situation, identify all variables and characterize them in terms of level of measurement and whether they are discrete or continuous. If applicable, identify which variables are dependent and which are independent. Explain your reasoning. What statistical application is being used?

A group of one hundred students are asked for their High School and college GPAs. The GPAs are then compared to see if there is any relationship between them.

b. A candidate for student body president telephones a randomly selected sample of students and asks about their opinion of the system used for course evaluation. Each student is asked if they strongly support, moderately support, or do not support the system. The candidate then uses this information to characterize the opinions of the entire student body

c. From what regions of the nation does the college football program recruit players? A researcher ascertains the hometowns of every member of the team for the past ten years.

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d. Which sport on campus has the players with the highest GPAs? The academic records of randomly javascript:void(0)selected samples of athletes from all sports are compared to answer this question.

e. Is academic achievement associated with any “background” variables? Information on a sample of students is collected. The information includes GPA, age, sex, major, years of schooling completed by both parents, and marital status of the student.

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