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Emma works between 30 and 32 hours per week at a hair salon. She pays a one time $250 chair rental fee, and earns $40 per hour that she works. The hours she works are rounded to the nearest quarter hour. The function p(h)=40h−250 represents Emma’s weekly pay as a function of hours worked. What is the practical domain of the function? 30≤h≤32 {30, 30.25, 30.5, 30.75, 31, 31.25, 31.5, 31.75, 32} all real numbers {30, 31, 32} 


Thomas starts a canned food collection with 2 cans of food. He challenges his friends to bring 4 cans on the second day, 8 cans on the third day, and 16 cans on the fourth day. Thomas and his friends plan to collect cans for 10 days. Which statement describes why this sequence is a function? Select each correct answer. Each day corresponds to a unique amount of cans in this sequence. Each amount of cans corresponds to a unique day in this sequence. The graph of the sequence would pass the horizontal line test. The graph of the sequence would pass the vertical line test. 

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