Business Strategy
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Business Strategy drives Informational Systems Strategy and Organizational Strategy
Business strategy is a set of decisions or course of action that help entrepreneurs achieve the stipulated business objectives. It acts as a master plan of achieving organizational objectives in addition to gaining competitive advantage in the market (Lin, Hsing& Wang, 2008). As such, a business strategy is a competitive activity and move that help the business organization to attract customers, strengthen its performance, compete successfully, and achieve its goals. Essentially, the variances in the organizational objectives require varied routes of achieving them, the routes of achieving these objectives constitute business strategy. The major importance of business strategy includes plans for goals and objectives, identification of strengths and weaknesses of the business and helps the organization to be effective and efficient (Lin, Hsing& Wang, 2008). There are different levels of a business strategy, the highest level is the corporate level, which stipulates the guidelines to be achieved and how they should be achieved. The corporate level strategy focuses on the vision, mission, and corporate objectives. The second level is the business unit level, which focus on the different business divisions with the aim of differentiating them from competitors in order to gain competitive advantage. The third level is functional level, which focus on the departments in each business unit; for instance, it focuses on the operations, marketing and finance departments among others
Organizational strategy is a collection of actions to attain long-term goals. Organizational objectives emanate from the organization’s mission that stipulate why the organization is in business (Seidle, 2019). On the other hand, information systems strategy- IS strategy focuses on the influence of information technology in the organization. It is therefore understandable why business strategy supersedes organizational strategy. Among the components of a business strategy include the vision, mission and business objectives; as such, the business it helps in informing the operational tactics in order to effectively and efficiently achieve the goals. Examples of business strategy include creating new markets, buying the competition, or product differentiation. Therefore, because of the direct influence of the business strategy on the business objectives, it influences organizational strategy (Lin, Hsing& Wang, 2008).
Organizational strategy as mentioned aims at attaining the long-term goals by directing the operations of the whole business organization. Specifically, it determines the timing, direction, and pace of the organization’s growth. Business strategy is conceptual and based on the different theories; for example, if the business strategy is to enhance product differentiation, the resultant organizational strategy would focus on management plan to achieve the concept. Organizational strategy pursues an introverted approach while business strategy is extroverted approach that links the business organization with the environment. As such, business strategy is wider in perceptive while organizational strategy is relatively narrower.
In a situation where the business strategy does not drive organizational strategy and IS strategy, the result is a poor formulation of decisions because the organization-based decision made by middle level management would not align with the decisions made by the top-level management in the organization. In addition, whereas both strategies focus on the long-term objectives of the organization; if the business strategy fails to drive organizational strategy, it leads to decisions that disconnect with the external business environment.
Lin, Y-C., Hsing, M. Y and Wang, Y-C (2008).Research on Business Strategy and Performance Evaluation in Collaborative Design.International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 6(2), pp. 57-69.
Pahwa, A (2019). Business Strategy: Definition, Levels, Components, and Examples.Web. Accessed on 8/1/2020
Seidel, M (2019). What is the Meaning of Organizational Strategy.Web. Accessed on 8/1/2020
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You shared your views about business strategy, organizational strategy, and IS strategy. In one of your comments, you stated, “Business strategy is conceptual and based on the different theories; for example, if the business strategy is to enhance product differentiation, the resultant organizational strategy would focus on a management plan to achieve the concept.”
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Technology is a tool to serve organizational needs, In my opinion it should drive business strategy, to support my statement I would like to share personal experience. Almost 6 years ago we as group initiated and worked on a startup idea where most of time, we discussed only on how to implement, obtain ground truth and execution etc. But one thing we haven’t focused on was what technology or platform we should be using to build that software. As a result, a malicious user has hacked our site and demanded some large amount of capital. Even though we own everything we hardly could do anything. So, a business Strategy is perfectly articulated vision which help determines where the business will go and how the expectations are reached.
In common terms a business strategy is a document on how an organization is setting out to achieve their goals. Business strategy can explain how to deal with competitors, visualize the expectation and needs of customers and finally will examine the sustainability and long-term growth of any organization. Business strategy defines the objectives and goals that are dependent on organizational capabilities and structure. An organizational Strategy is addition of every action a firm intended to take to achieve long-term business goals. Having strategy is the not the primary thing to achieve success following best practices will help any organization reach his potential and become successful. An IS strategy is detailed document which explains how technology and information systems should be utilized as a part of business strategy and how things should be designed to support over all business plan.
Business strategy drives both Information strategy and organizational, if the business strategy cannot drive or doesn’t drive the other two strategies there will be imbalances and it will lead to failure of organization. To handle these senecios every organization should understand and have Information System Strategy Triangle framework. As business strategy drives Information and Organizational strategy, it plays a vital role in the IS Strategy Triangle.
Omaha N.E (January 23, 2009), [
Posted 2009/01/23
]EXECUTIVE CONSTRUCTION JOBS, Chief Information Officer (CIO), Available at:
(Access on February 20, 2009).
Pahwa, A (2019). Business Strategy: Definition, Levels, Components, and Examples.Web. Accessed on 8/1/2020
Business Strategy
Every business needs some strategies for running their business successful. The business strategy gives support for the complete objectives and operations of the associations. For an association to have a sufficiently IS strategy, organizational strategy, the synchronized strategy of the business, the business strategy of the company should also be defined the followed through with it. The strategy of business gives the IS and the organizational strategy with the instructions and the mission of their division. It permits the leaders of that unit of the company to manage and organize initiatives that are based on the objectives and goals set out by the business strategy.
It is usually approved that the performance of firms can be effectively enhanced if an association can align the business strategies and performance capacity. Also, a strategic performance capacity that both mixes with the operational and strategic activities and cover the behavioral traits of workers which allows the improved performance (Yuliansyah, Gurd, & Mohamed, 2017). The role of the IS in giving the competitive benefits and the frequent necessity for the business which attends the adoption of a new type of technology are discussed. The planning of strategic IT and the assessment procedure to confirm the proper arrangement of the technology to the business objectives.
If the business strategy was not the driver, the systems of business strategy are serious- from the differentiation to the focus of the association, to the cost leadership, and the way the strategy of the business is laid out gives the basis for the IS strategy and organizational strategy. The impact of the IS on association and how IS related to the strategy of business and organization is understood with the basic and simple framework of the triangle of the information system strategy. An effective association will always have a dominant strategy for a business that pushes all other types of business strategies (El-Telbany & Elragal, 2014). The strategy for IS desires to balance the business strategy relative to the goals of the business.
El-Telbany, O., & Elragal, A. (2014). Business-information Systems Strategies: A Focus on Misalignment. Procedia Technology, 16, 250 – 262.
Yuliansyah, Y., Gurd, B., & Mohamed, N. (2017). The significant of business strategy in improving organizational performance. Humanomics, 33(10), 56-74.