
Research Deliverable (2)

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Refer to research deliverable 1 if needed

Objective: To answer the client question with in depth research that challenges the researcher to look at the question from a variety of angles. To ensure breadth and depth of research.

Format: Use the same format as research deliverable (1

The client is:

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Please summarize your key findings succinctly. What did you find in your research? What information did it give you? What is missing? Your findings should be thorough enough that I can clearly understand what you learned as well as useful enough that you can easily use them directly for your analysis/presentation preparation.

Although volume of research was emphasized for the first deliverable, quality is more important here. You still need a quantity of research but this deliverable should be more focused on what you need specifically to draw conclusions.

The second deliverable should address your gaps as well as any other additional information you found.

Do not list a bibliography. Match the findings with the citation so that it is clear what you found where.

1 Gaps that u need to focus on research:

· New markets requirements: although there is a huge opportunity to enter new markets( middle east, Asia…) , we need more research to identify those new markets’ requirements to eliminate the risks. You can give some countries as an example

· Potential market in other countries

· Products innovation: more research to identify customers’ needs and preferences to help develop products that will help gain customers’ loyalty.

· Competitors: who are the competitors small and big for JNP, and what competitors have been doing differently from JNP that helps them grow their business.

· Financial risk: look for more information regarding the financial risk associated with expanding JNP coffee into new markets.

2 Clearly identify/differentiate the research from your second deliverable.

Organize your research like this

Secondary Research Notes

Create a folder called research to store all PDFs of the articles you’ve accessed.



Key points



Key points


Citation in APA format including the url:

Summary: How do the points help you?

Citation in APA format including the url:

Primary Research Notes



Key points

Citation in APA format including the url:

Who you spoke with including their title


Summary: How do the points help you?

Research deliverable 1

Market Expansion Strategies at JNP Coffee

Based on the client overview, it is clear that JNP Coffee has already established itself as a brand in the Burundi coffee market. However, as an exporting entity that exports coffee to other countries, it is essential for the company not to focus on a single market alone. Still, it should widen its market scope to increase its market share. So, the question is how JNP Coffee can introduce its business into new markets? Since JNP Coffee is still a small-scale business entity, it can expand its business operations through market penetration (Kim et al. 2018). This strategy will ensure that the company increases its market share in the countries it has established its business. Secondly, the company can expand its growth through market expansion, deciding to sell its products to new markets. Thirdly, the company can increase its business operations, hence increasing product expansion by adding new product lines to its current products and increasing sales and profitability.

Some of the main competitors in the coffee industry who are giving JNP Coffee a run for its money include 85C Bakery Café, Alterra Coffee Roasters, and A Giang Coffee, founded in Taiwan, the United States, and Vietnam, respectively. Others have Bewley’s, Barcaffe, Café Britt, and Tully’s Coffee. Business entities operating in the coffee industry employ different strategies to achieve their goals (Rowe, 2018). Some of the techniques include partnering with local farmers through various programs to make them exclusive coffee buyers. Similarly, competitors have formed direct links with the farmers who sell their coffee directly to the firms. The coffee products’ strategic pricing is another strategy that other coffee exporting and importing companies are using to expand their markets (Peluso, 2020). They offer reasonable prices for the coffee they receive from farmers and sell at a relatively low cost as compared to their competitors. Just li other companies, coffee exporters, producers, and importers were affected differently by the COVID-19 pandemic. Firstly, the firms reduced their import and export because many countries reduced over the border business activities. Demand for coffee is also reduced since most restaurants and hotels closed doors to abide by the COVID-19 regulations.

Secondary Research Notes

Category: Business Strategy

Date: 2018

Key points

· Application of the five forces analysis in the coffee industry

· The bargaining powers of the suppliers is high in the industry

· Entry into the industry is easy; hence high competition

· The bargaining power of the customers is high, thus less profitability

Summary: How do the points help you?

Like any other industry, the coffee industry experiences a high competition level from other established firms. This study’s findings are essential to the current research as they will help the company understand some of the strategies and industry dynamics that impact competition in the sector.

Citation in APA format including the URL:

Kim, S. H., Kim, M., & Holland, S. (2018). How customer personality traits influence brand loyalty in the coffee shop industry: The moderating role of business types. International journal of hospitality & tourism administration, 19(3), 311-335.


Category: Small Competitors

Date: 2019

Key pints

· Tanzanian Peaberry Coffee

· Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Coffee

· Kenya AA Coffee

· Burundi AA Kirimiro Coffee

· Madagascar Excellence Roasted Coffee

Summary: How do the points help you?

The source’s findings are essential to the company as they will help the organization understand some of the small and leading coffee firms in Africa. Similarly, it will help company management understand some of the strategies these organizations use to grow their businesses and compete effectively.

Citation in APA format including the URL:

Africa.com. (2019). Top ten popular African coffee brands. Retrieved from:

10 Most Popular African Coffee Brands

Category: Large competitors

Date: 2018

Key Points

· Starbucks

· Cost Coffee

· Dutch Bros

· The Coffee Bean & Leaf

· Caribou Coffee

· Dunkin’ Donuts

· Tim Hortons

· Dunkin Brands

Summary: How do the points help you?

The source’s findings are essential to the company as they will help the organization understand some of the world’s leading coffee firms. Similarly, it will help company management understand some of the strategies these organizations use to overcome competition in the sector.

Citation in APA format including the URL:

Rowe, S. (2018). Top 10 coffee companies in the world. Retrieved from:


Category: Marketing strategies

Date: 2019

Key Points

· The article focused on the analysis of CSR on customer loyalty.

· The authors noted that CSR contract renewal strategy is on customer loyalty is controlled by customer company identification strategy

· The findings also indicate that brand reputation regulates CSR effects on renewal strategy.

Summary: How do the points help you?

This article’s findings are significant as they will provide me with important information on how business organizations can use CSR as a strategy to achieve business growth. The findings also elucidate CSR’s role in the business growth and formation of customer loyalty to the brand.

Citation in APA format including the URL:

Li, Y., Liu, B., & Huan, T. C. T. (2019). Renewal or not? Consumer response to a renewed corporate social responsibility strategy: Evidence from the coffee shop industry. Tourism Management, 72, 170-179.


Category: Marketing strategies

Date: 2012

Key points

· Organizations operating in the coffee industry have to attain specific industry regulators’ specific quality standards to be competitive enough in the marketplace.

· Production of high-quality coffee is the primary strategy adopted by coffee firms to gain market share in the industry.

· New coffee markets are sprouting out in Asia and South America, attracting investments in the regions. 

Summary: How do the points help you?

The current source provides essential information on the coffee standards that must be attained to be competitive enough in the coffee industry. Similarly, the findings are significant since they inform me of the emerging coffee markets worldwide.

Citation in APA format including the URL:

Reinecke, J., Manning, S., & Von Hagen, O. (2012). The emergence of a standards market: Multiplicity of sustainability standards in the global coffee industry. Organization Studies, 33(5-6), 791-814.


Category: Impacts of COVID-19 to coffee businesses

Date: June 20, 2020

Key Points

· Impacts of Covid-19 to coffee farmers and business owners

· Strategies to keep employees in the industry from Covid-19.

· Increasing Employee productivity through motivation during Covid-19 pandemic

Summary: How do the points help you?

The study’s findings are essential to the current study because they provide tips on maintaining business growth during the Covid-19 pandemic and how to safeguard employees during the pandemic. It also provides details on the possible ways to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Citation in APA format including the URL:

Cbi.eu. (2020). How to respond to COVID-19 in the coffee sector. Retrieved from:


Category: Dynamics and trends in the coffee industry

Date: 2019

Key points

· Coffee prices are affected by different factors, including climate change, global warming, and weather patterns changes.

· Coffee farmers dictate the coffee prices in the coffee industry as high production will reduce prices while low production will increase prices. 

· Demand for coffee products is regulated by the season, weather, and production level.

Summary: How do the points help you?

The current study is important to the research paper as it will provide an in-depth explanation of the factors that impact the coffee industry. The role of different players in the industry is analyzed in detail in this paper.

Citation in APA format including the URL:

Purnomo, M., Daulay, P., Utomo, M. R., & Riyanto, S. (2019). The moderating role of connoisseur consumers on sustainable consumption and dynamics capabilities of Indonesian single-origin coffee shops. Sustainability, 11(5), 1319.


Category: COVID-19 Impacts

Date: May 11, 20202

Key Points

· COVID-19 negatively impacted the production and distribution of coffee in the world.

· The closure of beverage shops, restaurants, and hotels reduced the demand for coffee.

· The export and import of coffee trends declined.

Summary: How do the pints help you?

This source is important to my research. It provides a detailed explanation of how the coffee industry was impacted by the coronavirus and the damages incurred by the coffee farmers and businesses globally.

Citation in APA format including the URL:

Peluso, M. (2020). Covid-19: Impact of the Pandemic on the Coffee Production Chain (Part 1). Retrieved from:



Africa.com. (2019). Top ten popular African coffee brands. Retrieved from:

10 Most Popular African Coffee Brands

Cbi.eu. (2020). How to respond to COVID-19 in the coffee sector. Retrieved from:

Kim, S. H., Kim, M., & Holland, S. (2018). How customer personality traits influence brand loyalty in the coffee shop industry: The moderating role of business types. International journal of hospitality & tourism administration, 19(3), 311-335.

Li, Y., Liu, B., & Huan, T. C. T. (2019). Renewal or not? Consumer response to a renewed corporate social responsibility strategy: Evidence from the coffee shop industry. Tourism Management, 72, 170-179.

Peluso, M. (2020). Covid-19: Impact of the Pandemic on the Coffee Production Chain (Part 1). Retrieved from:

Purnomo, M., Daulay, P., Utomo, M. R., & Riyanto, S. (2019). The moderating role of connoisseur consumers on sustainable consumption and dynamics capabilities of Indonesian single-origin coffee shops. Sustainability, 11(5), 1319.

Reinecke, J., Manning, S., & Von Hagen, O. (2012). The emergence of a standards market: Multiplicity of sustainability standards in the global coffee industry. Organization Studies, 33(5-6), 791-814.

Rowe, S. (2018). Top 10 coffee companies in the world. Retrieved from:

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