
Part one:

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answer the following question in one paragraph or bullets.

How do you know when you can do better on a project or a job?

Part 2:

For each paragraph bellow write a comment (1 to 2 sentences)

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in my opinion, communication skill is crucial in most occasions. When I find myself not working productively in a team, I tell myself that I need to communicate with my teammates about the distributions of the project. If no one in the team participate actively, then I tell myself to step out and be the leader in the team. Moreover, time management skill is also important. If I miss deadlines of my work, or do not show up in meetings on time, I know I should use my planner wisely to make sure everything is planned ahead. Especially that I will start working after I graduate and there will be more tasks everyday when I start my job, therefore, I should keep in mind to communicate well and take my planner wherever I go.


With any project you need guidelines and a plan. At the beginning of a project the roles are given and the general idea is discussed, however along the way there are usually changes that need to be made. I manage changes to the project by first identifying the issue and then communicating with my team members about it. It is important to brainstorm ideas before picking the first one as a solution. Running into issues in my opinion is good because it means that you can do more thorough work and research for the best possible outcome. If the issues are about other team members not completing their assigned role then I usually will pick up the slack and also discuss the lack of commitment. Communication is key in any working environment in order to understand where your team members stand. 


Part one:

answer the following question in one paragraph or bullets.

How do you know when you can do better on a project or a job?

Part 2:

For each paragraph bellow write a comment (1 to 2 sentences)

in my opinion, communication skill is crucial in most occasions. When I find myself not working productively in a team, I tell myself that I need to communicate with my teammates about the distributions of the project. If no one in the team participate actively, then I tell myself to step out and be the leader in the team. Moreover, time management skill is also important. If I miss deadlines of my work, or do not show up in meetings on time, I know I should use my planner wisely to make sure everything is planned ahead. Especially that I will start working after I graduate and there will be more tasks everyday when I start my job, therefore, I should keep in mind to communicate well and take my planner wherever I go.


With any project you need guidelines and a plan. At the beginning of a project the roles are given and the general idea is discussed, however along the way there are usually changes that need to be made. I manage changes to the project by first identifying the issue and then communicating with my team members about it. It is important to brainstorm ideas before picking the first one as a solution. Running into issues in my opinion is good because it means that you can do more thorough work and research for the best possible outcome. If the issues are about other team members not completing their assigned role then I usually will pick up the slack and also discuss the lack of commitment. Communication is key in any working environment in order to understand where your team members stand. 


Consider the strengths and weaknesses of the team members. Below, describe how this information can be used to your team’s advantage; that is, how will you structure your work together in ways that allow each member of the team to use his/her strengths to make a contribution?


Describe below how you will hold each other accountable for making equal contributions to the project. If one or more team members is not contributing, what will the team do to resolve the situation in a constructive, professional way?


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