Python Mid Term
Program should execute and do what it is asked to do ~50% of the grade
name your executable file with midterm_
I will run the program code using python command, no jupyter notebooks will be accepted – 40%
I will run the pytest using pytest command – 10%
Edge cases coverage ~20% of the grade
Invalid API URL – I will modify the API URL in your code to validate this
Invalid API inputs – I will test this by passing a user input that looks valid but will fail the API
Code cleanness ~10% (this includes well organized code/files and meaningful, appropriate comments, format function used to format output, no warnings on running the pytest)
Decision making ~20%
looping and correct use of break and continue (heavy penalty, up to -5%)
moving repeated code to a function and using meaningful parameter and return types (medium penalty -2%)
moving computation logic to a function meaningfully (medium penalty -2%)
the api endpoint removed into own variable (light penalty -1%)
correct math (medium penalty -2%)
correct JSON parsing (medium penalty -2%)
Submission: zip up your files/folders and sbmit via file upload only, no github links
You will have an essay type submission box. If you like to add notes, please do so in that box