Psychology Final Grad Level

This is a final project for which need to be perfect and on a grad level attached are the requirements for this assignment questions need to be answered in great detail with reference

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Theory to use is the Bowen Family System Theory 

COU 605 Final Project I Guidelines and Rubric

Final Project I is the creation of a family case conceptualization. As a counselor, you will work with a variety of populations including families, couples, and
children. In order to effectively counsel families, couples, and children, a strong theoretical knowledge of family systems must be present. Each systems theory
views clients, their issues, and goals through a unique lens. To build a firm foundational knowledge in family systems, you will need to choose a theory that
aligns with your personality, views, and values and that also works with the clients. When choosing a systems theory and working with clients, it is essential to
assess and address all legal, ethical, and multicultural considerations that might impact the clients and you. By working with any legal, ethical, and multicultural
considerations, you will build a strong, mutually constructed relationship with the clients and ensure that you and the clients are both protected from harm.

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In this project, you will be tasked with applying a systems theory of your choice to a complex family counseling situation via Bongo as you watch and interact
with the family in the video Of Rocks and Flowers: Dealing With the Abuse of Children. The chosen theory will be your guide as you describe how you would
apply it and intervene with the family to help them reach their goals. As you assess the dynamics of the family system, you will address the legal, ethical, and
multicultural considerations that are pertinent and could potentially impact the family and you.

You will practice elements of the final project at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. The final product
will be submitted in Week Eight.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

 Apply appropriate systems theories in a professional counseling setting to inform case conceptualization

 Justify professional decision-making as it relates to ethical and legal considerations in counseling a family

 Assess complex situations for how they affect the family system and individual interactions within a professional counseling setting

Your family case conceptualization will be a Bongo interaction between you and a family unit that you are working with. You are responsible for presenting the
systems theory that you have integrated into your personal approach to counseling to your clients and describing to them how the theory will influence your
work with them.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Theory

A. Describe the systems theory that informs your own counseling philosophy and practice.
B. Explain to your clients why this theory is appropriate to use in their specific circumstance.

C. Explain to your clients how you will use the theory in your work with them.
II. Considerations

A. Describe any ethical considerations that are presented in the case. Include how you plan to address these considerations.
B. Describe any legal considerations that are presented in the case. Include how you plan to address these considerations.
C. Describe any multicultural considerations that are presented in the case. Include both your clients’ cultural considerations and your own in your

III. Complex Situations

A. Using systems theory as a guide, describe any indicators of complex situations that are presented during the session.
B. Describe how the identified complex situations are affecting the family system and interactions.
C. Explain to the clients how you plan to approach the complex situation, including the goal of the approach.

Final Submission: Family Case Conceptualization
In Week Eight, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should
reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project I Rubric.

Final Project I Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your family case conceptualization should be a recording submitted using the appropriate Bongo activity. Note: You will be allowed
one attempt to answer each of the questions. You will have a minute to read and answer each question. Your video submission will be private between you and
the instructor.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Theory: Informs
Philosophy and


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
response demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of the
influence of systems theory on
counseling philosophy and

Describes the systems theory
that informs your personal
counseling philosophy and

Describes the systems theory
that informs your personal
counseling philosophy and
practice, but description is
cursory or lacks cogent

Does not describe the systems
theory that informs your
personal counseling philosophy
and practice


Theory: Appropriate

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
response demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of
appropriate use of systems
theory with clients scenarios

Explains to clients why the
selected theory is appropriate
to use in their specific

Explains to clients why the
selected theory is appropriate
to use in their specific
circumstance, but explanation
is lacking in detail or illogical

Does not explain to clients why
the selected theory is
appropriate to use in their
specific circumstance


Theory: How

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
response demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of
how to use systems theory in a
counseling session

Explains to clients how the
theory will be used in working
with them

Explains to clients how the
theory will be used in working
with them, but explanation is
illogical or lacking detail

Does not explain to clients how
the theory will be used in
working with them



Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
response demonstrates a
nuanced approach to
addressing ethical

Describes ethical
considerations that are
presented in the case, including
a plan to address these

Describes ethical
considerations that are
presented in the case, but
description is cursory or does
not include a plan to address
these considerations, or plan is

Does not describe ethical
considerations that are
presented in the case


Considerations: Legal

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
response demonstrates a
nuanced approach to
addressing legal considerations

Describes legal considerations
that are presented in the case,
including a plan to address
these considerations

Describes legal considerations
that are presented in the case,
but description is cursory or
does not include a plan to
address these considerations,
or plan is illogical

Does not describe legal
considerations that are
presented in the case



Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
response demonstrates a
nuanced approach to
addressing cultural

Describes multicultural
considerations that are
presented in the case, including
both the clients’ and the
counselor’s cultural

Describes multicultural
considerations that are
presented in the case, but
description is cursory or
illogical or does not include
both the clients’ and the
counselor’s cultural

Does not describe multicultural
considerations that are
presented in the case


Complex Situations:

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
response demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of
how systems theory defines
indicators or complex situations

Describes indicators of complex
situations that are presented
during the session, using
systems theory as a guide

Describes indicators of complex
situations that are presented
during the session, but
explanation is cursory or
illogical or does not use
systems theory as a guide

Does not describe indicators of
complex situations that are
presented during the session


Complex Situations:
Affecting Family

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
response makes cogent
connections between behaviors
of a family system, their
interactions, and complex
situations that are observed

Describes how the identified
complex situations are affecting
the family system and

Describes how the identified
complex situations are affecting
the family system and
interactions, but description is
cursory or lacks cogent

Does not describe how the
identified complex situations
are affecting the family system
and interactions


Complex Situations:

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
response demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of
counseling approaches to
complex situations

Explains plans to approach the
complex situation, including the
goal of the approach, to the

Explains plans to approach the
complex situation, but
explanation is cursory or
illogical or does not include the
goal of the approach

Does not explain plans to
approach the complex situation
to the clients


Articulation of

Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented
in a professional and easy-to-
read format

Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas

Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of


Total 100%

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