Psychology Discussion Question

Safety is an important issue to consider when explaining the physical development in children and adolescence. For this discussion, you will address the following:

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  • Provide examples of new safety guidelines that did not exist either when you were growing up, or when your parents were growing up.
  • Then, review What Is CRAAP? A Guide to Evaluating Web Sources (Links to an external site.) and search the internet for credible sources, using University of Arizona Global Campus Library’s video Scholarly and Popular Resources (Links to an external site.) for guidelines. Find and report on three statistics specifically related to child and adolescent safety from this current decade (2010 to present). Provide one statistic for each of the three stages: infancy or toddlerhood, childhood, and adolescence. Address the social system (family, school, and the community) that is affected by this statistic if applicable.

    In other words, you will have one unique statistic for each of the three stages. Be sure to reference the site where the statistic was located.
    minimum of 300 words

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