PSY331DiscussionsWeek 5 – Discussion 2


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Prior to engaging in this discussion, please read “Chapter 8: Owning Our Learning Experiences” in your e-book and review the Instructor Guidance. Metacognition is the ability to be aware of and regulate one’s thought processes. It is suggested to be a process that improves our ability to effectively process information. Consider the benefits of being more aware of your own learning needs and how it might affect both your personal and professional goals. Discuss the following:

  • How could an increased awareness of information processing, your learning style, and your attention and self-regulation strategies potentially affect your performance in your academic journey?
  • Your career development/professional life?
  • Based on your career goals, how can a better understanding of how we learn be applied?
    (e.g. in your organization? your community? your volunteer efforts?)
  • Did you learn anything important about yourself through the process of learning about learning?
  • What did you learn about your peers in the class through the process of learning about learning?
  • How will you apply what you have learned about yourself in your future learning activities (whether you are the learner or the instructor in these activities)?
  • Do you agree or disagree that by applying the elements of metacognition into your studies, you will improve your ability to learn more effectively?

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