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Write at least 250 words reflecting on your results from the parenting style. Do you think
the parenting style you received would result in positive outcomes for a child? Why or why
The result


You are an AUTHORITATIVE parent. You have a balanced approach to parenting which is very
much based on your expectations of your child, and their ability to be mature enough to respond
to your scheme. Whilst you establish a clear system of rules, you like your children to be
independent and to discover things for themselves. You will discuss matters with your children
in depth, allowing them to understand the reasons behind your rules. You will punish where
necessary, but only when you are sure that the child knows and agrees with the reasons behind it.

Parenting Styles
No one denies that parenting is difficult, but you can make it easier on yourself by identifying
your parenting style. According to scientists, there are four parenting styles. Parents are
authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, or neglectful. Identifying where you fall on the spectrum
is a great way to determine what you need to work on to become a better parent.

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What’s in a Style?
Your parenting style says a lot about your relationship with your child. Because of that, you
might want to change parenting styles once you learn what type of parent you are.
Authoritative parents are deemed the most effective. These parents are characterized by their
high expectations, understanding, and support. These qualities create a healthy environment that
allows children to thrive. You might not score as an authoritative parent right out the gate, but
you can work on obtaining the right qualities and retake the test to find out if you have developed
the necessary skills.
Authoritarian parents are typically defined as strict parents. They are the most demanding of the
parents, and they don’t respond to their children’s requests for an open dialogue. They set rules
and punish their children in an effort to obtain obedience.
Indulgent, or permissive, parents, are extremely lenient. These parents avoid confrontation at all
costs. While the parents are very nurturing, they don’t set boundaries for their children so their
kids don’t learn important rules. Parents who follow this method of parenting were often brought
up by authoritarian parents. Finally, neglectful parenting is the most dangerous of all of the
styles. As the name suggests, these parents neglect their children’s basic needs. For instance,
they are not there for their children emotionally or physically. If you are a neglectful parent, you
should seek outside help to mend your relationship with your child and to find a new parenting

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