PS101 Fundamentals of Psychology KIM WOODS


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Fundamentals of Psychology – Week #6 Assignment

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Write a 1-2 page paper addressing the following.  Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs suggest a pyramid where lower level needs must be met before moving on to the next higher level need. You can view the pyramid and the order of these on page 209 in the book.  However, there are times this order does not always go in an upward progression as Maslow suggested.  For example, a person in an unhappy marriage (love belongingness need) may continue in it to not be seen as a failure by others (esteem) needs.  This is the reverse of the order Maslow suggested.  Think of three other examples where the Hierarchy of Needs are reversed. Use a different pair of needs for each example.  Be sure and explain how the needs are being reversed.  For the last paragraph of the paper, discuss how self-actualization would look for your life if you were to reach that level of the pyramid.

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