Proposing Market Entry Strategies

You have just taken on a new role as a marketing manager for a new hospital in Ajo, Arizona.  There is one other hospital in town, but it 67.3 miles from the center of town making it difficult for many residents to get to.  The new hospital, Ajo Medical Center (AMC), will be much more accessible to a number of people who live further in town.

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As you prepare to take on this role, watch the following video clips on branding and marketing. You will use the content of the videos to consider how the practices of Moving Brands might be applied to the marketing strategy of Ajo Medical Center.

Watch the following video case study clips:

Chapter 1: Brand Vs. Branding

Chapter 3: What’s the Difference Between Branding and Marketing?

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The CEO of AMC has asked you to create a 4–6 page proposal in which you provide a competitive marketing entry strategy, a communication strategy and suggest marketing research tools for the new hospital.

Your proposal should include the following items:

  1. A market analysis (SWOT or otherwise) to determine the best approach for the market entry.
  2. An overview of the marketing entry strategy you are proposing based on the information gathered in your analysis and conclude with how your hospital differentiate themselves from the existing hospital in town.
  3. An overview of the communication strategy you are proposing, also based on information gathered your analysis.
  4. A list of suggested marketing research tools and why those tools would be a good fit for use at AMC.

Keep in mind that this proposal is for the CEO, so the proposal should also:

  • Contain accurate and clearly written information.
  • Be professional in appearance.
  • Use headings.
  • Incorporate colors and/or graphs and charts as appropriate.
  • Use 4–5 sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source slide at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.
  • A resources page at the end of the proposal, cited using the Strayer Writing Standards format. Note that these pages are not counted as part of the 4–6 page requirement.

**I have attached the PDF of the video but its only chapter 1 and 3 of the video***

papers healthcare

  • Practitioner Perspectives with Moving Brands
  • Video Title: Practitioner Perspectives with Moving Brands

    Originally Published: 2017

    Publication Date: Jul. 06, 2017

    Publishing Company: SAGE Publications Ltd

    City: London, United Kingdom

    ISBN: 9781526427908


    (c) SAGE Publications Ltd, 2017




    DR. BEN VOYER: Hi, viewers. [Dr. Ben Voyer, ESCP Business School, London School of
    Economics] Today, we’re talking about brands and branding. We’re here in Shoreditch, London to
    meet up with Moving Brands. It’s a global creative agency, and they’ve been working with some of the
    most famous and creative brands in the world. When you think about it, everything is about brands
    and branding these days, so it’s very important that marketers work closely with brands to create
    memorable branding

    DR. BEN VOYER [continued]: experiences. So let’s go inside and see what they have to say about
    it. [WHAT IS A BRAND?] What’s a brand for you?

    DARREN BOWLES: For some people, it’s what it looks like. [Darren Bowles, Executive Creative
    Director] And for lots of people, that is all it will be. But I think from our perspective, it’s more about a
    promise. It’s a promise that you’re making, so either you’re making a promise about the performance
    of the product, the service of what it can do, or what it stands for. And I think what a brand isn’t, or
    often is lost, is when that promise is broken.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: So if you’ve said it can do something, if you said it represents
    something and it doesn’t, then the brand has lost its tarnish, and then, perhaps, it needs a change.
    So, something like BP, for instance, suffers because it promises to be beyond petroleum. But a lot of
    what you see and what you have reactions to in the world are where the petroleum side is where it
    fails. So I think that’s where, perhaps, a brand sometimes

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: breaks down.

    HANNA LAIKKO: People are taking much more control about the brands and the products that they
    want to interact with. [Hanna Laikko, Chief Operating Officer] So there’s much more ownership with
    the general public instead of the brand owner. So the brand is not actually truly owned by a company
    anymore. So you need to be able to kind of modulate between the truth, the story, the point of view
    of your company,

    HANNA LAIKKO [continued]: and what the customers and consumers need. So being able to match
    between those things and continuously evolve and iterate the solutions is really important. [BRAND

    DR. BEN VOYER: What’s the difference between a brand and branding, then?

    DARREN BOWLES: The brand is a perception. I think it’s what people have experienced. So I think
    you have to create amazing experiences, because people will make a judgment upon that. It used to
    be that you could project this is what you should think of us, but I think people are far more savvy. I
    think their understanding of brands are more about the experience in and around it.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: So a brand lives in the mind of people, not in the mind of the
    business that’s portraying it. They hope to live up to what the business represents, and they hope
    everybody else sees that perception. Branding, I think, is a terrible kind of verb, if you want, that

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    people start to use where you force– I suppose, the physical nature of stamping of where branding
    originally came from,

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: or the terminology came from. I think there’s still a behavior where
    people assume that you can force something to be something that it’s not through a branding
    process. I think what we try to live out is that we make real experiences. We deliver upon things and
    create, hopefully, perception in the mind of others something that’s truthful.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: So I think the process that we go through is to try to bring those
    truths of the brands to life as they really do perform, rather than trying to force, or package, or wrap
    something that it isn’t.

    HANNA LAIKKO: So branding, I suppose, the origin of the word comes from burning, making a mark
    of ownership. Obviously, in today’s context that’s not really how we understand branding anymore.
    My understanding of the word brand would be that it’s a total sum of the experiences that people
    have with an entity, whether it’s a product,

    HANNA LAIKKO [continued]: or service, or company. For example, I would say that it encapsulates
    a story and an identity of that product so that people can understand what to expect, what the brand
    is about, and what’s different about it in relation to other products or services. I suppose, in relation
    to marketing or design,

    HANNA LAIKKO [continued]: marketing often has the role of putting a promise or communicating the
    story in the marketplace. There has been design of the products or services and the experiences,
    then has to deliver on that promise. And I suppose from a more financial perspective as a business
    person, I see brand as an asset that has value.

    HANNA LAIKKO [continued]: It can drive acquisition of customers, it can drive loyalty. It should be
    able to contribute to achieving price premium when you have similar products, and also employee
    engagement. So it should help you to get better people to work for your company. [WHAT SERVICES

    DR. BEN VOYER: Can you tell me a bit about the kind of services you offer to your clients?

    DARREN BOWLES: As a studio, we’re quite broad. So within our name, Moving Brands, so many
    might come to us as a brand creative business, so the creation of brands or the transformation of
    brands. But I think as far as what we do and the services we offer, it’s far broader. So we think that
    the brand is a total experience that you make.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: So whether that might be a physical interaction, so a product that
    you make– a digital product, a physical product. Or whether it be an experience of an environment
    or an interaction that you make or a piece of information to be digested– a booklet, a trade event,
    whatever it might be– all right the way through to film, and the story, and the narrative of that.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: So it’s quite broad. So on top of the creation of the brand itself, it’s
    every which way that brand will then live in the world, and then be experienced by people. And we’ve
    built a studio that’s able to consider that on-going relationship a person will have with the brand, and
    the experience as it evolves as well. So some might come to us and ask for–

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: specifically forgetting the upfront part, the creation of the brand, or
    the transformation of the brand, or perhaps the strategy, if you want, of what that brand will do– and
    might go straight to the endpoint and say, we just want the experience. And we work in that area, and
    we sometimes have a relationship which is only that. And other times, where it’s the entire journey,
    where its everything. Or perhaps, its just the up front, and we

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: want to understand the strategic objective, and how do we define

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    that for the brand. We have this is how the corporation or the business wants to perform and execute
    itself, and we’ve set ourselves this vision– how can our brand help us to live or create that? And that
    might be the singular piece that we will work with our client for. So I suppose, for us, its very different

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: that we would try to have this offer that are more like blocks. You
    might want all of those blocks that join together, or you might want an isolated one. Where we’re
    successful, and where we really add most value is when we can make the connection between
    these parts. It’s not an isolated piece, it’s where we can see how that piece has an effect or has
    repercussions in other areas.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: And we can start to bring that journey to life for them. [WHAT’S THE
    DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BRANDING AND MARKETING?] For me, I think they serve a symbiotic
    relationship. They’re not two different things, and they shouldn’t be perceived as necessarily
    contrasting parts or pieces that need to be treated differently.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: I think, as I said, I think a brand is a promise that you make. And I
    think that marketing is delivering on that promise, it needs to convey what it’s trying to achieve. As
    opposed to announcing to the world, this is the promise, this is what we represent. I think sometimes
    where, perhaps, brand and marketing come in competition to one another is where, perhaps, you
    market something that the brand can’t deliver upon,

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: or what the service can’t deliver upon. And I think that’s where,
    perhaps, people have real problems, or they have an objection to a brand. Because it is perceived,
    or it’s trying to make you perceive it in a different way, so I think that relationship– there’s what we
    do, and what we say we can do– need to work together. I think, otherwise, it feels more like spin,

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: we’re all used to political spin. I think in terms of marketing and
    brand, we can see when something has being spun as a line to a person and not necessarily
    delivered upon. So they need to work together, and I think they need to come from that singular
    source where there’s an objective of the business that sets the scope of what it’s trying to say to the
    world. That’s the point where these things join,

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: and they’re both trying to achieve that aim.

    HANNA LAIKKO: I would say that brand or branding, in general, is bigger than marketing. It’s bigger
    than design, as well. If we discuss about brand as the combination of the story, the identity, the
    promise, the differentiation, and the set of expectations the customer can have, but then also the
    product and the delivery

    HANNA LAIKKO [continued]: of those expectations. Because if you don’t match those two things,
    over time, you will lose. [WORKING WITH GLOBAL BRANDS E.G. SONY AND NOKIA] We work
    with a lot of the best global brands. There’s quite a few technology brands in there so, of course, you
    need to take the context where these brands operate

    HANNA LAIKKO [continued]: into an account. So looking at their competitors, looking at their
    customers and consumers– how they behave, what they actually need from them. I suppose one of
    the key things– what’s part of our belief is that it’s an interplay between the aspirational ambition that
    the brand has, and the real truths that

    HANNA LAIKKO [continued]: exist in the company. So, obviously, it needs to look into the future of
    where the brand or the company wants to be, what is the vision, what do the consumers or customers
    want– but also, what’s true in the company. So in that sense, it doesn’t really matter that we work
    with some of the competing companies in the world as well, because inherently, all

    HANNA LAIKKO [continued]: of the creative out within all of the design that we deliver is based on

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    that truth. So it should, ultimately, be theirs, it needs to be ownable and unique for them, instead of
    their competition. But in that similar kind of consideration, it’s really important to look and understand
    what makes a difference, and therefore

    HANNA LAIKKO [continued]: drive all the work to focus and bring those differences to the front. The
    clients that you mentioned, Sony and Nokia, obviously had very different situations when we started
    to work with them, and very different needs. One of them was more about actually transforming the
    overall experience of their brand,

    HANNA LAIKKO [continued]: looking at how the brand, not only the product, can actually deliver
    value to the company. There is the other one was very creative, a product-oriented, production-

    DR. BEN VOYER: How do you work with a client over the long term?

    DARREN BOWLES: With Swisscom, it’s been now a seven to eight year engagement. Traditionally,
    I suppose, for branding, they want agencies. They work in cycles. So you do a cycle and you’ve
    hopefully completed your work, you’ve set their objective. And perhaps your engagement tails off,
    because the brand has been created and others will be working with that. So there’s always other
    agencies in and around an engagement

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: and around the client. So the client will be commissioning you to
    be [INAUDIBLE] in this part, but they have a number of other executional [INAUDIBLE], perhaps,
    as part of it. The difference with the Swisscom engagement that we work on with them is to work in
    partnership with the client. So from very, very early on, we’ve been quite collaborative with them. So
    we’ve always been a very open studio, and that’s how we pride ourselves in our work.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: We like that transparency with clients. And we talk about co-creation
    a great deal. We do extract a lot of information and knowledge directly from the clients. So the kind
    of engagement that we have, and that helps us with our creative response. And so in the seven year
    engagement with Swisscom, it’s an ongoing conversation, if you want. So a lot of the time, we’ll be

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: about the status of their objectives, perhaps the health of that
    brand– you know, is it being successful, what is the perception? And I think it’s become more
    iterative, so along that way. So rather than a cycle of a brand being created, then perhaps needing
    to be rebranded in five, six, seven, eight years–

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: you maintain that health. We created the Swisscom brand to be
    dynamic and to be responsive. And the behavior with the client is to keep that kind of dynamic and
    the agility, I suppose. More like in a software development, you put something into the world. You try
    to see how it works– it is working, it isn’t working– we react, and we change. So a lot of that seven
    year engagement

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: has been that maintenance, if you want, making sure that everything
    is working. If it’s not working, what can we create? So much new technology has come in in seven
    years. There certainly wasn’t iPhones, certainly wasn’t smartphones when it was created, and that’s
    made a vast amount of difference to the business that they operate and, I suppose, the landscape
    they need to work within. So a lot of that work has been making them fit and ready

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: for those transitions and those new technologies so they can best
    take advantage of them. So we’ll work on smaller and more strategic projects. Sometimes very large,
    new initiatives where the business has looked to, perhaps, enter into a new vertical. So for instance,
    with Swisscom, they’ve moved more towards an offer within energy, for instance,

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: or they’ve moved more towards the creation of something within

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    health. And we’re working with the client to see what these things could be. So there’s different points
    of industries that they move in. And we work with Swisscom, and the team, and the branding that we
    work with to make sure that the decisions made along that seven year process are still

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: keeping that vision alive. And sometimes we’ll have isolated projects
    which are just pure design and expression pieces, and other times we’re just there to steer other
    agencies and just help making sure that those things are working with intent that they were made.

    DR. BEN VOYER: Have the client’s needs changed over time?

    DARREN BOWLES: Absolutely. I mean, within that time, I suppose from the outside looking in, they
    seem quite small. But technology offers far more diversity in what they’re able to achieve, and they
    look to maximize, I suppose, the relationship they can have with their customers in the services that
    they can provide. So a lot of the transformation that we’ve been assisting

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: is that in the engagement they have with their customers. And
    sometimes that’s through visual, of course, because the way that it’s experienced and the way that
    it’s interacted with. So the kind of overall feeling, if you want, of that brand. Or the emotionality of that
    brand. But also, take an experience and really creating

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: something that feels progressive and contemporary. And I suppose,
    at the forefront of what technology and what the media of the time is able to achieve as well. So we
    try not to create that kind of time capsule brand– it fits for that period, and then over a period needs
    to be updated. We and the team, working together,

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: are looking to make sure that that carries on in its progression and
    delivering. [CHALLENGES OF WORKING WITH A BRAND OVER TIME?] I suppose some of the
    challenges that might be is that, of course, within a delivery team, if you want, or from our side–
    perhaps the experience of that team progresses and new people might come into that engagement.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: So, for us, its the onboarding of new people into that. And also,
    I think the freshness of perspective. So it’s to make sure that we challenge ourselves because, of
    course, as a team and as a leader within that team, for instance, you’ve set a vision, you’ve set a
    response to perhaps a trouble at a time,

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: or perhaps an obstacle at a time, and you’ve given a resolution to
    that. Perhaps that might change in time, so there’s a new one. Do you respond in the same way, or
    do you challenge it in a different way? So I think what we do is to cycle people and experience and
    different skills within the team to make sure that we have a new and fresh perspective. So we’re all
    constantly challenging ourselves

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: so that we can be getting the best response, I think, with the client.
    So that’s one of the challenges. I think you could keep it to exactly the same personnel, but perhaps
    you are not responding accurately enough, or well enough, to make sure that it’s really giving them
    the best possible advantage.


    DR. BEN VOYER: How do you approach working for an iconic brand? How do you take into account
    the brand’s legacy? What kind of advice would you give people working with these types of brands?

    DARREN BOWLES: I think the diligence and research. There’s the brief that you’re given that a client
    has constructed. And of course, they sometimes have been very immersed in their business, and I
    think there’s often a belief that perhaps you’re as knowledged on the brand as they are. And I think
    what we often do is to assume that we

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    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: know nothing about that brand. We have a perception and we will
    come and say, we see this of you, and this is a response of what we see. What we’d like to know is
    the real truths behind this– why it was created, how you operate, what you intend to do. And I think
    that process of really trying to understand– so a lot like yourselves in an interview and trying to get
    that discourse,

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: we want to have that relationship that we can try to get those
    truths and those strange nuances. Those quirky little things that happen behind that really are
    the manifestation of that brand. It’s really why that is different, why Fiat might be different to a
    Volkswagen and why a Norton + Sons will be different to a Gieves and Hawkes, for instance. What
    is that thing that they do that’s different?

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: Part of that might be the history, that might the heritage, that might
    be something within their process. Or it could be something within that personality of the people
    that run it. There’s something of it that we need to uncover– that we can create a brand, and an
    experience that brings that to life. And sometimes you delve right into something that hasn’t really
    been fully recognized by the client.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: You know, ah, actually, that is true. I’ve never really thought that
    about ourselves, like, that’s the thing. That’s the thing that makes you different to the other. So when
    everything else around you is changing, and you’re creating new and different pieces each time,
    there’s something about you that is a constant. And we like to work and try to unpick what that thing
    would be, because there’s a truthfulness to it.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: I think people are savvy. As we all know, we can really sniff that out.
    If you think that actually, yeah, I can believe that, that’s really good. And that’s, I think, where we like
    to let the clients uncover that part of it. Not, perhaps, how they would like to be seen. [THE BRIEF
    FROM BRANDS TO THE CONSULTANCY] Often, the brief is that first kind

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: of entry point start and that first discussion that you have. Because,
    of course, it’s a response to something. So the client has made it in response to perhaps an imminent
    need– they need to change their business and the success of the business. To have the business a
    new offer, for instance. So they’ve constructed something, this is an encapsulation. I think what we
    go back to with our experience is the chance

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: to make sure that that was that, the objective, was that the singular
    problem, the obstacle, that you fear? Or is there something else that is a challenge? Is there an
    opportunity that this presents elsewhere? So we like to go back to that very heart. And again, having
    that discourse to understand what is this in response to– so you present this to me as a solution, and
    I could give you

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: a solution to what you’ve asked, but that may not be what you
    require. And that’s not a point of farming, that’s not trying to make a project bigger– that’s trying to
    get the right solution, because that’s what we pride ourselves in. The work that we do sells the work
    that we hopefully do in the future. We want to make sure that we make

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: a difference for that client and for that objective. So if we can go
    back to and then pick what really is this in response to, what has been that trouble, what has been
    that need? And then we can work from there, and then help with the client to construct more of a
    holistic briefing, I suppose. So more context, perhaps, is needed.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: Or perhaps, more vision of what is intended to be within it, as much
    as there is the state of play today. So we might work with them to create that. So it’s the agreement
    at the end that you sign together. And it’s important that you share that objective, that we both share
    that yes, this is the answer. We both signed to it, yes, let’s work with that.

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    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: And so it becomes that agreement that you have as a party, so
    it’s very important. But it’s important to make sure that it is accurate, and right, and fit for purpose.

    DR. BEN VOYER: What would you say are the advantages and, perhaps, disadvantages of coming
    to work with Moving Brands and outsourcing the work to a creative agency?

    DARREN BOWLES: I think there’s been, certainly, more of an appetite over the last few years, I think,
    for in-house agencies to be made. And there’s lots of very successful examples you can probably
    point at. So probably the likes of Apple, which would be one of the largest, most successful agencies,
    if you want, in the world, really, as an internal team.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: And I think the successes that we’ve witnessed within that area
    are perhaps encouraging more brands to build their own internal teams. I think where there’s an
    advantage at, of course, there’s cost and efficiencies in this process, because everybody is under the
    same understanding. You work for the same business, there’s perhaps not a knowledge gap, there’s
    direct references because you’re

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: all part of that same business. You can see how it works daily,
    you know the nuances inside, and therefore you can create with them. I think that’s definitely an
    advantage and the efficiencies, perhaps, that comes with. I think the advantage of using an external
    agency is a fresh perspective, because there’s also all those things that you just forget. It’s like, well,
    it’s this because– and you have a legacy, and people

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: have followed that legacy– we don’t do that because, actually, it
    was a project five months ago. When you work with an external agency, you can challenge that. And
    you can say, well, that might have been the case, but have you thought of this? So I think that clear
    distance is an advantage, because you have more context. And I think, also, as agencies work with
    different clients

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: and have different experiences and different knowledge, they can
    give you an insight to a behavior that perhaps they’ve not considered. Because they have a fresh
    perspective, a fresh take, and can progress that for the client and bring them into new engagements.
    So that, I think, is an advantage. I think, also, the breadth of talent, as well, that an agency can
    represent. It’s very difficult for an internal agency

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: to create the dynamic or the breadth of experience and the skills that
    perhaps an agency can bring to it. So you have a wealth of experience of an agency where people
    have worked in other areas, worked for other brands, worked for other teams, and that amalgamation
    of all of those different experiences become what our clients can combine.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: When you working with an internal team, it’s a bit more fixed.
    Of course, you can match that, and it’s more of a challenge, I’m sure, to do that. But with an
    agency, that’s what they and we pride ourselves on. And I suppose that constant challenge and
    constant delivery gives us a fresh and more challenging approach as well. [INDUSTRY TRENDS

    DR. BEN VOYER: Where do you see your industry going?

    DARREN BOWLES: I think there has been, certainly, more of a trend towards the integration of
    agency and client. So working far closer together, so that the relationships between the two–
    although, there needs to be a very definitive line between who is delivering– so who is responsible
    for the creation and delivery of something. I think the journey and the solving,

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: I think, of our work around that time, I think that collaboration is
    really important. We were noticing more of a behavior around sprint. So the kind of behavior that

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    you’ve probably seen within software and technology developments where you try something in a
    very short amount of time. Does it work? Yeah, that works, let’s build in it. What can we do now?
    Let’s test it. It failed, OK, let’s start again. So the kind of cyclical type of approach.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: I think in design, perhaps, in the past we’ve been more guilty as an
    industry of perhaps going away from the client, creating a distance and coming back. More like a
    magician with a response like, ta-dah, we’ve made this. Don’t you love it? No, you don’t love it? Let’s
    try again. I think that closer proximity that you work with them and go on a journey together, I think
    there seems to be definitely more advantageous

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: relationship and a better response at the end of the day. Because I
    think you learn a great deal more from doing that as well. We’ve had several relationships here where
    the clients actually work with us, actually come in to the studio. Many times we’ve left the study and
    gone to work at the client’s location as well. So we will work and share the team. And I think that’s
    been really interesting.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: I think it’s far more dynamic. I think the speed to response, the
    accuracy, as well, is far better. The other will be the role of design. I think we have probably witnessed
    over the last five years the emergence of the design of, perhaps, at the c-suite level within a
    business, where they can see

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: that the approach of a creative person or a creative visionist and
    how they can look at a solution in a very different way. I think the role of a person within that in a
    business has increased. And if you look at Jonathan Ive within Apple, I think he’s a very easy one to
    kind of roll off.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: But across the lead-in brands of the world, now you can see that
    the designer has a more important role within that business, and part of decision making, and the
    solving of needs, as well. And I think that’s something that we’ll see, certainly, more of. And I think
    that’s good for all of us, good for design, because I think the relationship that people have now,

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: and understanding of the importance of design, has increased
    because of that. It’s no longer a tool. So that’s something that’s needed, and I need a practitioner to
    make that thing happen– I think that understanding that a person can give you a solution before it’s
    become something that’s made, and they can help to define that. They can see what response that
    might get in the world, or what that response that might make for the business.

    HANNA LAIKKO: In this industry, there will be much more pressure towards understanding how
    those experiences actually happen. How the business, the brand, and the product work together–
    what is the business model, what is the brand promise, and what is the product or channel
    experience? And that will require more and more cross-disciplinary teams

    HANNA LAIKKO [continued]: and broader, deeper business understanding. [YOUR MOST

    DARREN BOWLES: It would be too easy to say Apple. I like what it stands for, for sure– a constant
    beauty and delivery, and I think the performance and the challenging of new services. I think Burberry
    was very interesting in what they’ve achieved in their business. I think they had some very testing
    times as part of chav culture.

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: I think what’s very interesting is the way that they managed to
    reaffirm what Burberry was about. And I think they’ve become from being something that was about
    to be dismissed as being a kind of a haute couture or kind of a high response brand. I think they’ve
    gone back to that, they’ve understood what they were about. And they’ve taken us on that journey
    with them. And they’ve created something that’s far more enlightened.

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    Practitioner Perspectives with Moving Brands

    DARREN BOWLES [continued]: I think that was really clever, I think that was a great journey. It’s
    not a surprise that those that have headed that transformation have now been plucked off by other
    businesses, because it’s a great success. But I think, yeah, for me, I think that was a really good and
    strong transformation for a brand to make.

    DR. BEN VOYER: Well, that was fascinating and gave us some really good insights about what
    working for a creative agency is about. For more information about the case studies we’ve seen
    today, go and visit Now, I’ve got three reflexive questions for you. First, what
    does a brand mean to you? Second, how would you have approached working on some of the brands
    we’ve seen today?

    DR. BEN VOYER [continued]: Third, working on these projects, would you have done anything
    differently? Thanks for watching, and see you next time. [MUSIC BY A HIMITSU]

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