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Due to the Always Fresh expansion, management wants additional network controls to protect their growing network.


Consider the Windows servers and workstations in the domains of a typical IT infrastructure. Based on your understanding of network security controls, recommend at least four possible controls that will enhance the network’s security. Focus on ensuring that controls satisfy the defense in depth approach to security.

Summarize your network security controls in a summary report to management. You must provide rationale for your choices by explaining how each control makes the environment more secure.

Required Resources

§ Internet access

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§ Course textbook

Submission Requirements

§ Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)

§ Font: Arial, size 12, double-space

§ Citation Style: Follow your school’s preferred style guide

§ Length: 2 to 4 pages


Assume you are a security professional for an educational institution with 10 servers. Researchers on campus push a lot of traffic over the network, which slows performance at times. You also have a limited budget. You are evaluating both stand-alone and embedded firewalls in preparation of a purchase. A stand-alone firewall filters traffic before it reaches your servers, while an embedded firewall would be implemented on each server.

Answer the following question(s):

Which type of firewall would you choose? Why?


The process of reaching security goals is a continual process that requires specific direction. An organization’s success at complying with its internal security policy and external security regulations depends, in part, on clearly stated goals.

Answer the following question(s):

  1. What are two potential consequences to an organization that does not have clearly stated goals? Why?

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