Project Part 1: Project: Strategic Decision-making, and Heuristics

Due date: 30 March 2017 @ 15:00hrs GMTProject Part 1: Project: Strategic Decision-making, and HeuristicsIn Project Part 1, you use CVP analysis and create a balanced scorecard using various types of financial and non-financial measurements regarding multiple stakeholder perspectives to give a more balanced view of business performance.You have the opportunity to conduct research that will enhance your value as an asset to the organization for which you work. Your critical thinking and credibility as a communicator of information are vital, much desired, skills. Recent research conducted by Kaplan University’s School of Business and Information Technology establishes that critical thinking and credibility in written communications are the two most important skills needed to meet the demands of the changing global business environment.Part 1: Note: This is Part 1 of the Project — A case study due on 27 March 2017 at midnight (Part 2 will be completed on 01 April 2017).Part 1 requires you to complete an analysis and evaluation of a manufacturing organization. This evaluation will also provide the foundation for Part 2 of the Project. “The Organization” may be understood and used in three ways:You may use your own employer as the basis for the Project – IF your employer is a manufacturer, is appropriate to the Assignment and has the requisite information to support a graduate-level analysis. Use of an organization that is not appropriate may result in a diminished score. If you have any doubts, please contact your instructor for additional guidance.Another possibility would be to use a local manufacturing company willing to help you with your Project, even if you are not an employee.Next, if you are not employed, or if your employer is not appropriate to the assignment, you may select a different organization. You may use any organization of your choosing, but it must be appropriate to the Project.NOTE: One method for choosing a company will be to do an on-line search for a company that might interest you; then you may search the company’s website as the basis for your Project.Project Part 1 ChecklistAssignments submitted late will be subject to the Late Policy described in your Syllabus.The Unit 4 Project Part 1 rubric has been provided here on the rubric icon. The rubrics are an integral part of all Assignment instructions. Please review the rubric document for a complete understanding of how your Assignments will be assessed. Doing so will help you successfully complete your Assignments.

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