Project management – progress report and research paper

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Two Assignments 

Assignment 1

Research paper topic:

The relationship between project management and overall performance of a company.

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Research Paper Progress Report

The progress report should include an introduction to the research paper that is a minimum of 800 words in length and includes at least four (4) references in APA format. The purpose of the progress report is to help the student begin the task of identifying relevant literature and better framing the overall research process.

Research paper- 8 to 10 pages

Topic – The relationship between project management and overall performance of a company.


Prepare a research paper on the topic you selected.

Follow the APA format for your report. Use spell check, grammar check, etc., to make sure that your report is written in professional form with no keyboarding or grammatical errors. APA Format Resource:

Please use at least 5 APA format references


Criteria/Categories Indicators/Levels Score 5 4 3-2 1 Abstract and Introduction _____ x 5 = /25 Introduction should be clear with a preview of the main points Good introductory statement, but the preview of the main points is lacking Introductory statement is vague and main points are unclear Issue not clear and preview of the main points is incomplete Main Points and Sub Points ______ x 20 = /100 Main points are clearly stated and developed; specific examples/support ing points are appropriate and clearly developed; smooth transitions and well organized. Main points are clearly stated but development of examples/suppo rting points are lacking; smooth transitions between points. Main points are not clear. Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around. Examples/supp orting points are appropriate but need elaboration or are not well thought out. Main points are not clear, Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. Examples/supp orting points are inappropriate for issue. Conclusion _____ x 5 = /25 Well-thought out concluding statement that summarizes main points well. Well-thought out concluding statement but does not summarize main points well. Does not have a well-thought out concluding statement, but summarizes main points well. Has neither a well-thought out concluding statement nor summarizes main points well. Spelling, grammar and punctuation _____ x 6 = /30 No more than two errors in any of these categories combined No more than eight errors in any of these categories combined Eight to twenty errors in these categories combined. More than twenty errors in these categories combined. /30 No more than two errors in any of these categories combined No more than eight errors in any of these categories combined Eight to twenty errors in these categories combined. More than twenty errors in these categories combined. Summary _____ x 4 = /20 Very interesting question. Evidence that student has put a great amount of thought into the subject. A rather interesting and challenging work, but student doesn’t show much excitement in the subject matter. Satisfactory work, but does not engage the reader Lack of writing skills seen by the quality of work. The concept was clearly not well thought out.

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