project management

This assignment is worth 40 points toward your final grade.  For this assignment, you must prepare a Project Schedule for the Term Paper project described below. It is due at the end of Week Five.

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  • Create a Project Schedule for the Term Paper Project using MS Project (or similar tool)


  • Your project schedule must include a WBS with deliverables and work packets numbered accordingly
  • Make up realistic durations for each task. Make assumptions as needed.  
  • Establish predecessors and successors for tasks as appropriate
  • Create a GANTT chart for this project using MS Project (or similar tool)
  • Capture an image of your task list + GANTT Chart, save the image as a document OR just submit the .mpp file
  • Submit your document to the instructor via Canvas (.mpp, , , .gif)


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    • Assume that you are part of a team of four students.
    • The four of you must prepare a research paper and present your research paper to the rest of the class.  (The topic of the paper is irrelevant for this lab exercise…)  
    • Your instructor requires you to use the library and online web sites to research the topic.  
    • You must also use the EBSCO online research database (for which you do NOT yet have an account.) 
    • Your research must include at least 2 books, 2 periodical articles, and 4 different websites.
    • Your paper must be 5-7 pages of content, and must  include a cover page and full citation in a bibliography.
    • The paper will be turned in on hard copy in a nice folio or report cover
    • In addition to turning in your research paper, the four of you are required to create a slide presentation summarizing your research.
    • You will present your present your research to the rest of the class in the classroom on the last night of class.  Your presentation should take 5 – 10 minutes.  Bring your powerpoint slides to class on a flash drive.

    Preliminary WBS

    Here is a preliminary list of tasks.  These are in alphabetical order.  You must arrange them into chronological order and define predecessors/successors and durations.  Feel free to add tasks as needed.  

    • Add Footnotes to Paper
    • Assemble the Final Document for submission
    • Assign roles & tasks to four students on the team
    • Buy a Report Cover
    • Buy Note Cards
    • Check out Books
    • Correct Spelling Errors in Draft
    • Create a Bibliography
    • Create an Outline of the paper
    • Get a Logon ID for the research web site
    • Give the presentation 
    • Go to the library
    • Locate and Retrieve Books
    • Look up books by Subject
    • Organize Note Cards by Topic
    • Prepare the Final Copy
    • Prepare the Powerpoint Slides
    • Print the Final Copy
    • Print the Rough Draft
    • Read books and articles
    • Record catalog numbers
    • Rehearse the presentation
    • Run Spell check 
    • Search the World Wide Web 
    • Take notes on note cards
    • Turn the Report In
    • Write the Rough Draft

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