project management

BBA222 – PROJECT MANAGEMENT Case Study 2 Task Brief & Rubrics

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• Read the case study

• Answer all the questions provided

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-Case Study 2: The Back-to-School Crunch at Global Green Books Publishing

Global Green Books Publishing is a successful printing and publishing company. Just two years old, it has taken on a great new customer, a local college that

needs customized eBooks.

To deal with this new customer, they have hired several new part time employees to help them with their publishing business, some of them students at the

college with flexible hours.

As the new school year drew closer, the orders started coming in. They had been told how many different printing jobs the college would need, but they weren’t

all arriving at once, and orders were quite unpredictable in arriving from the professors at the college. Some professors needed rush orders for their classes.

When Global Green Books finally got the orders, some of these jobs were much larger than they had thought they would be.

Printing these orders turned out to be very challenging. Not all of the new student hires were trained for all of the printing and binding equipment used to print

and assemble to books. Some of them often made mistakes, some workers called off from work due to other demands, and there were often not enough people

available to get all the work done before deadlines.

Quality was a serious issue, as they had to provide quality texts—if there were quality problems with the printed product, they would have to spend time and

money to fixing defects in their products.

Deliveries started slipping past their requested dates and times. Global Green Books was unable to deliver eBooks to their cu stomers on schedule.

The local university was unhappy as their eBook products reached campus late for use by professors and student. In some cases, the books were a week or two


Samantha had been hired as a project management assistant. In her new role as a project manager, one of the processes she was trying to institute was risk

management. She started looking at what was happening in the business, talking about it with the owners and employees, and heard about the college’s

unhappiness. As she did this, she started identifying risks and potential risks. As she went along, she started doing more proactive risk analysis and risk response

planning, and as she did surprises and issues were reduced. By talking with stakeholders and addressing their concerns, communication with stakeholders was

also enhanced.

Comment on the following aspects of the case study answering the following questions:

a) What risks can you identify? Why are they a risk to Global Green Books Publishing?

b) What kind of impacts does each of your identified risks have? Can you categorize these as low impact, medium impact, or high impact?

c) How probable are each of your identified risks? You can think about something simple like categorizing these as not very likely, likely, and highly likely to


d) What would you advise Global Green Books are their three most critical risks?

e) What would you suggest that they do about these three risks? Are there specific actions to deal with these risks? Have you identified a contingency plan to

carry out if the risk occurs?


• Individual work.

• Minimum length of the assignment 1500 words – Maximum 2000 words.

• Relate your work to the concepts delivered in class.

• Font: Arial 12,5pts. Line-spacing: default. Text-align: Justified.

• Bibliography/References, if needed, has to be quoted in Harvard style.

• You may use Appendixes. These and the References do not count for the total wordcount.

Submission: Via Moodle before 18th April 2021, at 23:59 CET.

Weight: This task is worth 15% of your overall grade for this subject.

Outcomes: This task (both parts) assesses the following learning outcomes:

• LO 1: Describe the need for a project-based approach inside organizations.

• LO 2: Understand the role of project management as a strategic element inside organizations.

• LO3: Evaluate how to select, develop, and measure project risks.





Marginal fail



Understanding of

Student demonstrates
an excellent
understanding of theory,
using a range of relevant
theories, models and

Student demonstrates a
good understanding of
theory, using some
relevant theories,
models and

Student demonstrates a
good understanding of
theory, using a few
relevant theories,
models and

Student demonstrates a
limited understanding of
theory, using few relevant
theories, models and

Student demonstrates
a very limited
understanding of
theory, using few or no
relevant theories,
models and

Application of

Relevant theory to
design appropriate


Student applies relevant
theory to case and
comes up with suitable

Student applies relevant
theory to case and
comes up with some

Student applies some
relevant theory to case
and comes up with

Student applies limited
relevant theory to case
and recommendations are

Student applies no
relevant theory to case
and has extremely
weak or no


Student constructs an
excellent, logical
argument, incorporating
a range of competing

Student constructs a
good logical argument,
incorporating some
competing perspectives.

Student constructs a fair
logical argument and
attempts to incorporate
some competing

Student fails to construct
a logical argument and
does not consider
competing perspectives.

Student fails to
construct a logical
argument and does not
consider competing

BBA222 – PROJECT MANAGEMENT Case Study 2 Task Brief & Rubrics


• Read the case study

• Answer all the questions provided

-Case Study 2: The Back-to-School Crunch at Global Green Books Publishing

Global Green Books Publishing is a successful printing and publishing company. Just two years old, it has taken on a great new customer, a local college that

needs customized eBooks.

To deal with this new customer, they have hired several new part time employees to help them with their publishing business, some of them students at the

college with flexible hours.

As the new school year drew closer, the orders started coming in. They had been told how many different printing jobs the college would need, but they weren’t

all arriving at once, and orders were quite unpredictable in arriving from the professors at the college. Some professors needed rush orders for their classes.

When Global Green Books finally got the orders, some of these jobs were much larger than they had thought they would be.

Printing these orders turned out to be very challenging. Not all of the new student hires were trained for all of the printing and binding equipment used to print

and assemble to books. Some of them often made mistakes, some workers called off from work due to other demands, and there were often not enough people

available to get all the work done before deadlines.

Quality was a serious issue, as they had to provide quality texts—if there were quality problems with the printed product, they would have to spend time and

money to fixing defects in their products.

Deliveries started slipping past their requested dates and times. Global Green Books was unable to deliver eBooks to their cu stomers on schedule.

The local university was unhappy as their eBook products reached campus late for use by professors and student. In some cases, the books were a week or two


Samantha had been hired as a project management assistant. In her new role as a project manager, one of the processes she was trying to institute was risk

management. She started looking at what was happening in the business, talking about it with the owners and employees, and heard about the college’s

unhappiness. As she did this, she started identifying risks and potential risks. As she went along, she started doing more proactive risk analysis and risk response

planning, and as she did surprises and issues were reduced. By talking with stakeholders and addressing their concerns, communication with stakeholders was

also enhanced.

Comment on the following aspects of the case study answering the following questions:

a) What risks can you identify? Why are they a risk to Global Green Books Publishing?

b) What kind of impacts does each of your identified risks have? Can you categorize these as low impact, medium impact, or high impact?

c) How probable are each of your identified risks? You can think about something simple like categorizing these as not very likely, likely, and highly likely to


d) What would you advise Global Green Books are their three most critical risks?

e) What would you suggest that they do about these three risks? Are there specific actions to deal with these risks? Have you identified a contingency plan to

carry out if the risk occurs?


• Individual work.

• Minimum length of the assignment 1500 words – Maximum 2000 words.

• Relate your work to the concepts delivered in class.

• Font: Arial 12,5pts. Line-spacing: default. Text-align: Justified.

• Bibliography/References, if needed, has to be quoted in Harvard style.

• You may use Appendixes. These and the References do not count for the total wordcount.

Submission: Via Moodle before 18th April 2021, at 23:59 CET.

Weight: This task is worth 15% of your overall grade for this subject.

Outcomes: This task (both parts) assesses the following learning outcomes:

• LO 1: Describe the need for a project-based approach inside organizations.

• LO 2: Understand the role of project management as a strategic element inside organizations.

• LO3: Evaluate how to select, develop, and measure project risks.





Marginal fail



Understanding of

Student demonstrates
an excellent
understanding of theory,
using a range of relevant
theories, models and

Student demonstrates a
good understanding of
theory, using some
relevant theories,
models and

Student demonstrates a
good understanding of
theory, using a few
relevant theories,
models and

Student demonstrates a
limited understanding of
theory, using few relevant
theories, models and

Student demonstrates
a very limited
understanding of
theory, using few or no
relevant theories,
models and

Application of

Relevant theory to
design appropriate


Student applies relevant
theory to case and
comes up with suitable

Student applies relevant
theory to case and
comes up with some

Student applies some
relevant theory to case
and comes up with

Student applies limited
relevant theory to case
and recommendations are

Student applies no
relevant theory to case
and has extremely
weak or no


Student constructs an
excellent, logical
argument, incorporating
a range of competing

Student constructs a
good logical argument,
incorporating some
competing perspectives.

Student constructs a fair
logical argument and
attempts to incorporate
some competing

Student fails to construct
a logical argument and
does not consider
competing perspectives.

Student fails to
construct a logical
argument and does not
consider competing

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