Project Charter Submission


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You have presented and had approved a project to build on throughout the remainder of this course. You now need to write the project Charter. This is an important document needed to give authority to you, the Project Manager, to move forward with planning and use of organizational resources in this endeavor. 

A Charter template is provided; however, you can choose to devise your own as long as the content meets the requirements of the rubric. Each of the sections will be evaluated for completeness and quality (i.e., realistic content) as it relates to your project.  

Presentation - It is expected that your final submission will have excellent grammar and spelling and will exhibit the quality of work capable of a graduate student and a working professional.


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Your Instructor will use Turn-it-in to ensure your paper is authentic work.  To avoid plagiarism, see the course home page for more information and use the Purdue Online Writing Lab to learn how to paraphrase, summarize and cite the references you use in all academic writing assignments. 


Student Name: Naga Srinivas Guntupalli
Project Name: Online retail grocery store website’s software development
Project Description:
Introducing online retail grocery website for indivdiduals or customers who don’t want to go to the store in person and buy the products they need. Customer who don’t have car can order the products needs through online. Customers need to have a list of items which are needed and order them on website. Since it is online website customer can pay through card or cash on delivery as per the interest of the customers. The minimum cost of the products, delivery fees and timings when the customers can order will be discussed briefly during the course of the project.
Project Duration: 9 months
Note:  Your project should adhere to the PMI definition of a project: a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. Projects are different from other ongoing operations in an organization, because unlike operations, projects have a definite beginning and an end – they have a limited duration.

Project Charter

Project Name
: Online Retail Grocery Store website’s software development

Project Sponsor

Project Manager









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* Note: All blue italicized sections are directional in purpose and should be deleted from the final document.

Table of Contents

1. Project description and justification

2. Project Objectives

3. Project Scope

3.1 Out-of-Scope:

4. summary milestone Schedule

5. assumptions and constraints

6. Project Success Criteria

7. Key stakeholders

8. Project Charter Approval

Project Description and Justification:

State the business need that the project addresses. Why is the project being undertaken?
What is the business case for this project? How will it be a solution to a problem faced by the company or how will it give the organization the ability to take advantage of an opportunity
? What business value will the project will bring to sponsors and stakeholders?

The main need for this project is to solve the addressed issue of the individuals who cannot go or travel far to the grocery stores physically and buy the products which they actually need. This project is software website development project which is built in order to bring the grocery items to the customer door so that customers need not travel towards the grocery or individuals who don’t have car to travel where they need to spend money on cab services. The project is undertaken because after analysis customers faced issues in purchasing the products where there is necessity to show up physically at stores in order to purchase the products that they need. Sometimes it is difficult to handle more number of quantity products by an single individual.

This project is an opportunity for the organization where it is taking advantage of customers who are in need of grocery or retail products where the customers homes are far from the retail grocery store, individual who have transportation issues and individual who don’t have time or cannot give time to visit the grocery stores physically. By considering all the issues, the organization has got a chance to take an advantage of this opportunity through building a new software website application so that the customer can order the products which are needed and the company can run into profits once the project is successfully completed. The organization has also an opportunity to offer employment for giving further assistance to the customers.

The business value where this project can bring to sponsors and stakeholder would be profits in terms of return on investment once the website application goes live or launched where more number of users will start utilizing the application. The stakeholders will get benefit it can add value in terms of delivery of products with no travel and also good value to the individuals in terms of employment where they will deliver the retail or grocery products to the customers.

Project Objectives

Specific, attainable and measurable project objectives reflect interested parties’ expectations as to how the project will address a defined business need. The objectives are the products or processes that project personnel will develop during the course of the project.


1.) The main most objective is to add value to the customers and future employees.

· 2.) The second objective is where to add recognition to the product’s brand with which the online web application is dealing with.

· 3.) The objective is to end the travelling process of customers who are not interested to travel to the store and get groceries.

· 4.) The objective is to generate employment for the individuals who are delivering the grocery products and also to the individuals who are taking care of customer service in terms of gaining customer’s feedback and assisting customers on their questions by timely manner.

Project Scope

Sets the boundaries for the project; he work that will be performed. What are the high level deliverables?

· Continuous updating the web application after the deployment is done.

· Test application functionality after the coding so that end users can use it without any errors and issues where the application is free from bugs.

· Make sure that customer can enter all the payment details such as card number, validity and CVV and also the customer has an option to pay through cash by selecting cash on delivery.

· The website will be maintained in a such way where the credit/debit information will be safe through enhanced cyber security maintenance.


· Buy the cars to the individuals who needs to deliver the retail or grocery products.

· Marketing the retails product which is dealt by the website application.

Summary Milestone Schedule:

Using bullet points, outline the estimated Completion dates of the major phases of work in your project.

Assumptions, Constraints, and Risks:

All items affecting the project have been identified and are listed below.

State all assumptions, anything your team thinks to be true in order for the project to be successful but there is no guarantee. Also state all constraints which are limitations on you and your Assumptions and constraints can be anything; they might be related to human resources, budget, time or any kind of functionally. Each item listed should include what it is representing.

Project Success Criteria

Key performance indicators (KPIs) the project’s success will be measured by.

Key Stakeholders:
(Note at least 5 stakeholders)

Project Charter Approval

Approval of the Project Charter indicates an understanding of the purpose and scope of the project and agreement with this document’s contents.

Charter Approvals will be collected via email approval. Approvers include:

Signature Authority




PMGT 540 Assignment Rubric 1-Charter

Topic Criteria Weight
0 to 4

Rating %
* Weight

Student 1


The charter addresses:
Problem/opportunity is clearly stated in the business case and reflects business
value to be gained – Effective cost-benefit analysis to demonstrate forecasted
returns including key performance indicators (KPIs) and /or critical success
factors (CSFs)
High level deliverables are identified and described
Project goal is succinct (one to two sentences) and bound by time, budget and
scope; out of scope items are noted
High level timeline w/milestones is included
Assumptions, constraints and any high level risks are noted
Success Criteria are measurable and quantitative (SMART) assessments of post-
implementation business value to be realized from the project
Key stakeholders (individuals or groups) and the nature of their participation
are identified
Governance and sponsorship and the nature of their participation are

50% 4 50

Format and

Format & Organization
Key charter elements are present
Establishes expectations for appropriate stakeholders regarding scope,
schedule and solution
Coherent, complete, unambiguous
Clear and logical flow of information

35% 4 35

Grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation
Professionalism and readiness for a senior review

15% 4 15

Comments 0 Penalty / Bonus

100% 100 Assignment total – 100 of 100






Summary Milestone Schedule September October November December
6 1

3 20 27 10 17 24 8 1

5 22 29 12 19 26
Project Planning Project Start Date: September 6th
Develop Project charter and plan
Develop work plan and resource plan Project Plan approved: October 3rd
On-board resources for project
Snack food manufacturing
Identify Snack foods for production
Setup Darwin facility for test production
Produce test snack line-up for market Production for test market complete Nov 15th
Test Marketing
Market research for Northern territory
Identify retail food chains for partnership
Introduce snack foods in chains Snack food introduction in all chains complete: 22 Nov
Monitor and Expand
Monitor customer feedback in test market
Make changes to product and roll-out
Identify plants for mass production
Project Close out
Setup Plant for mass production
Phase-out activities for project Project End Date: December 26th

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