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Team Case Study Assignment: 

Dollar General Bids for Family Dollar


Meet with your group members, and thoroughly read, review, and discuss the case. Concurrently, read this document, the case study assignment worksheet. Present your team’s written case study, answering each question, by Saturday.

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Following the submission of your team’s written case study, your team must conceive of a narrated PowerPoint presentation, collectively and individually articulating team members’ learning outcomes; due by Sunday.

Describe and summarize the case study issues, challenges, and trends. Your best work is expected; there is no minimum word or page count.

Your paper will be evaluated according to the grading rubric criteria listed at the end of this document.

Case Synopsis

The case is set in Spring 2015, when Dollar General’s CEO and chairman Rick Dreiling was looking ahead to retiring at year’s end but could not help but revisit some of the key decisions he and the rest of the board has made in their pursuit of Family Dollar. In July 2014, Family Dollar (FDO) announced a merger agreement with Dollar Tree (DLTR), although Dollar General (DG) had held talks with Family Dollar as early as 2013 and offered $4 per share more than Dollar Tree. Dollar Tree believed that Family Dollar had been the right competitor to buy as a merger would have created substantial value for shareholders. Dollar General was also confident that its board had fulfilled its duties to its shareholders during the bidding process, however, it was less certain whether this was also true for Family Dollar’s board.

Case study learning objectives

1.) Evaluate the best target for a potential merger/acquisition through the use of ratios that demonstrate how business strategy and performance are reflected in financials;

2.) Evaluate the respective corporate governance practices of two boards in carrying out their fiduciary duties of care, loyalty, and candor tot their shareholders; and

3.) Evaluate the tension between resolving social issues to accomplish a strategically attractive acquisition and selecting and appointing the right CEO for the company at that time.

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