
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Plan you will submit your promotional plan. You have been hard at work developing the University Boutique’s new image through publicity and special events (fashion show). Now it is time for you to complete the retailer’s entire integrated marketing communications (IMC) plan for the next three months (July, August, and September). This IMC plan must reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This last component of the final project is divided into six sections: (1) Introduction, (2) Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Objectives, (3) Media and Promotional Plan, (4) Media Selection Rationale and Media Schedule, (5) Conclusion, and (6) Appendix. The answers provided in each section should be at least 10 to 12 sentences in length and written in paragraph form using the headings provided. 

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(1) Introduction 

The introduction should include an executive summary that provides a brief overview of your promotional strategy for the University Boutique. Also, discuss the theme of your IMC plan and the idea that connects all aspects of your promotion mix (what are the main benefits of the retailer and their merchandise that you plan to highlight?). 

The following topics should be discussed in this section: 

  •  University Boutique’s Target Market: Explain what type of consumer (e.g., age, lifestyle, fashion taste, occupation, income) you believe the retailer should target
  •  University Boutique’s Budgeting Strategy: Explain the budgeting strategy you plan to use for the retailer’s IMC plan
    (2) IntegratedMarketingCommunicationsObjectives
    What do you hope to accomplish through the IMC plan for the University Boutique?
    Objectives should be detailed and precise. You must provide at least four IMC objectives using complete sentences. Example objectives include:
  •   Generating awareness
  •   Creating (more) favorable attitudes
  •   Creating a brand (company, organization, or service) image
  •   Developing new customers
  •   Increasing merchandise sales
    (3) Media Plan/Promotional Plan
    Include written justification for each promotional activity incorporated into the IMC plan. Explain why the chosen promotional activities would be effective and the potential market you hope to reach with each ad/sales promotion. You must address the following:
  •   Print advertisements
  •   Special event—fashion show
  •   In-store sales and promotions
  •   Fashion show press release
  •   Radio commercial
    (4) MediaSchedule
    Plan a media schedule for three months (July, August, and September). Each month should include a detailed account of when each promotion would occur, running time of advertisements, and any other important information concerning your promotion schedule. Using each promotional activity that you have already developed (e.g., two print ads, radio commercial, fashion show, news release, and in-store promotions), plan a three-month media schedule of when each activity will occur.
    Requirements for media schedule:
  •   Each month must have at least three promotional activities (this includes the in-store promotion).
  •   Each month must include at least one in-store promotion (e.g., sale or special event).
    Note: You may repeat the same activities throughout each month.
    (5) Conclusion
    What are the anticipated outcomes for this IMC plan? What do you expect to happen for the University Boutique as a result of the IMC plan? (6) Appendix
    This is the final section of your IMC plan, which will include all the promotional activities you have completed thus far as the retailer’s advertising and promotion manager. The following items should be included in the appendix: University Boutique’s radio commercial script, two print advertisements, and fashion show news release).
    Note: All the items that are required for inclusion in the appendix have already been created by you. These items were a part of the final project components from Modules Four and Five. Therefore, you should make any necessary changes and resubmit what you have already developed.


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MKT 230: Project Guidelines and Grading Guide

The final project for this course is the creation of an integrated marketing communications plan for the University Boutique. The final project consists of creating
a media kit and a fashion show production, and it will culminate in an entire integrated marketing communications plan. The project is divided in to three
milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be
submitted in Modules Four, Five, and Seven.

To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to apply what you have learned in this course and should include several of the following course

 Explain the concept of advertising and promotion in the retail industry

 Describe elements of the promotion mix and their use in the retail industry

 Analyze the use of print media, broadcast media, and direct marketing in the retail industry

 Identify the social and ethical aspects of advertising and promotion in the retail industry

 Explain the process for developing an integrated marketing communications plan for a retailer

Main Elements
As the advertising and promotion manager for the University Boutique, you have been given the task of developing the retailer’s integrated marketing
communications (IMC). To begin, you will be developing the retailer’s media kit for its upcoming grand reopening event, which will take place sometime during
the summer (July, August, or September).

The University Boutique is a fashion-forward retailer that carries juniors and misses apparel, shoes, and accessories. The boutique is located in proximity to a
college campus full of young students, staff, and faculty. The University Boutique offers manufacturer brands at low to moderate prices.

Milestone One: Media Kit Development
In 4-3 Media Kit Development, you will submit the media kit, which includes the development of the following components:

(1) News release: This letter should promote the retailer’s grand reopening as well as the upcoming fashion show event. The press release should also include
the University Boutique’s logo (clipart is acceptable for logo creation) and business slogan, which you will develop. Use the template below for your news
release to ensure the correct format.

(2) Fashion show invitation: The retailer’s name, logo, and slogan should appear on the invitation (Microsoft Publisher should be used to develop the
invitation). In addition, the invitation should include the date, time, and location of the event, and be creatively presented. This event must take place at
some point during the three-month period designated.

(3) Print advertisement: This advertisement should promote the University Boutique’s grand reopening only, NOT the fashion show. In the advertisement
identify when the reopening will occur (July, August, or September). Be sure your print advertisement includes all the components of an advertisement
(discussed in Module Two).

(4) One- to two-page summary: In this summary you should explain your rationale for the choices you have made and discuss why you believe the publicity
pieces you have created will effectively promote the University Boutique. In addition, explain your decisions regarding the retailer’s slogan, logo, color
scheme of publicity pieces, and font style.


Name of Retailer and Logo

Retailer’s Slogan


Name of Contact Person: your name

Title of Contact Person:

Phone Number:

E-mail Address:


Each paragraph of the news release should be indented and the body of the letter should be

double-spaced. The first paragraph of the news release should provide the “who,” “what,” “when,”

“where,” and “why” of the event that the retailer wishes to publicize.

The second paragraph of the news release should focus on amplifying and selling the event.

This is done by using clever phrases meant to create an element of excitement about the event. The

news release should be written in third person and end with thee pound signs (###) centered under the

last line of the letter.


Milestone Two: Fashion Show Production
In 5-3 Fashion Show Production, you will submit components for a fashion show. As the advertising and promotion manager for the University Boutique you
have been given the task of producing the retailer’s grand reopening fashion show. This special event will launch the retailer’s new image to the world. This
assignment includes the development of the following components:

(1) Radio commercial script: Using the template provided below, develop a radio commercial script that can be used to promote the University Boutique’s
fashion show.

(2) Print advertisement: Design a print advertisement to promote the University Boutique’s fashion show. In the advertisement identify the “when,” “where,”
and “why” information regarding this special event. Be sure your print advertisement includes all the components of an advertisement.

(3) Fashion show program: create a program for the fashion show that will be distributed to the guest attending the fashion show. The program should outline
the type of merchandise featured in each scene (Microsoft Publisher should be used to develop the program). NOTE: The fashion show MUST have at least 5

(4) 4 page summary: This summary will discuss the plan you have developed to implement this special event. Address the following topics in your summary
using the headings provided:


 Identify the reasons for producing this fashion show (what is the purpose of your show?)

 Explain the theme and title of the fashion show

 Provide the name of each of 5 scenes in the fashion show and the type of merchandise that will appear in each scene.

Publicity and Advertising

 Provide a justification for the choices you’ve made regarding the fashion show program, print advertisement, and radio commercial. Also, discuss

why you believe the promotional pieces you have created will effectively promote the University Boutique’s fashion show.

Model Selection and Music

 Discuss your model resources. How will you secure models for the fashion show and what type of models will be used (e.g. gender, age, ethnicity,


 The music used for the fashion show must be discussed. Provide the song title and artist to be played during each scene and provide a justification

for your music choices.


Client name: Macy’s

Commercial Title: “Let’s Make Magic!”

Music: song title and artist


ANNOUNCER (ANNCR): We’re here at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade to celebrate the arrival

of Macy’s new fall/winter merchandise.


Woman: Excuse me sir, I’ve been shopping at Macy’s all my life and have always been able to find

everything I need for my home, myself, and my family! It’s like magic. They always have

everything I’m looking for!

ANNCR: Well, there you have it, folks. Macy’s has EVERYTHING! Yes, everything you and your

family need to look and be your best. Visit your local Macy’s Department Store today so you can

experience the “Magic of Macy’s.”



Milestone Three: Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Plan

In 7-3 Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Plan you will submit your promotional plan. You have been hard at work developing the University

Boutique’s new image through publicity and special events (fashion show). Now it is time for you to complete the retailer’s entire integrated marketing

communications (IMC) plan for the next three months (July, August, and September). This IMC plan must reflect the incorporation of feedback gained

throughout the course. This last component of the final project is divided into six sections: (1) Introduction, (2) Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)

Objectives, (3) Media and Promotional Plan, (4) Media Selection Rationale and Media Schedule, (5) Conclusion, and (6) Appendix. The answers provided in each

section should be at least 10 to 12 sentences in length and written in paragraph form using the headings provided.

(1) Introduction

The introduction should include an executive summary that provides a brief overview of your promotional strategy for the University Boutique. Also, discuss the
theme of your IMC plan and the idea that connects all aspects of your promotion mix (what are the main benefits of the retailer and their merchandise that you
plan to highlight?).

The following topics should be discussed in this section:

 University Boutique’s Target Market: Explain what type of consumer (e.g., age, lifestyle, fashion taste, occupation, income) you believe the retailer
should target

 University Boutique’s Budgeting Strategy: Explain the budgeting strategy you plan to use for the retailer’s IMC plan

(2) Integrated Marketing Communications Objectives

What do you hope to accomplish through the IMC plan for the University Boutique?
Objectives should be detailed and precise. You must provide at least four IMC objectives using complete sentences. Example objectives include:

 Generating awareness

 Creating (more) favorable attitudes

 Creating a brand (company, organization, or service) image

 Developing new customers

 Increasing merchandise sales

(3) Media Plan/Promotional Plan

Include written justification for each promotional activity incorporated into the IMC plan. Explain why the chosen promotional activities would be effective and
the potential market you hope to reach with each ad/sales promotion. You must address the following:

 Print advertisements
 Special event—fashion show
 In-store sales and promotions
 Fashion show press release
 Radio commercial

(4) Media Schedule

Plan a media schedule for three months (July, August, and September). Each month should include a detailed account of when each promotion would occur,
running time of advertisements, and any other important information concerning your promotion schedule. Using each promotional activity that you have
already developed (e.g., two print ads, radio commercial, fashion show, news release, and in-store promotions), plan a three-month media schedule of when
each activity will occur.

Requirements for media schedule:

 Each month must have at least three promotional activities (this includes the in-store promotion).

 Each month must include at least one in-store promotion (e.g., sale or special event).

Note: You may repeat the same activities throughout each month.

(5) Conclusion

What are the anticipated outcomes for this IMC plan? What do you expect to happen for the University Boutique as a result of the IMC plan?

(6) Appendix

This is the final section of your IMC plan, which will include all the promotional activities you have completed thus far as the retailer’s advertising and promotion
manager. The following items should be included in the appendix: University Boutique’s radio commercial script, two print advertisements, and fashion show
news release).

Note: All the items that are required for inclusion in the appendix have already been created by you. These items were a part of the final project components
from Modules Four and Five. Therefore, you should make any necessary changes and resubmit what you have already developed.

Deliverable Milestones

Milestone Deliverables Module Due Grading

One Media Kit Development Four Graded separately; Final Project Rubric

Two Fashion Show Production Five Graded separately; Final Project Rubric

Three Final Product: Integrated Marketing
Communications Plan

Seven Graded separately; Final Project Rubric

Final Project Rubric

Requirements of submission: Written components of projects must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Main Elements Includes all of the main
elements and requirements

Includes most of the main
elements and requirements

Includes some of the main
elements and requirements

Does not include any of the
main elements and


Integration and

All of the course concepts are
correctly applied

Most of the course concepts are
correctly applied

Some of the course concepts
are correctly applied

Does not correctly apply any
of the course concepts


Creative Thinking Synthesizes ideas or expertise
in original ways, demonstrating
a high degree of innovation,
divergent thinking, and risk

Synthesizes ideas or expertise in
original ways, demonstrating a
moderate degree of innovation,
divergent thinking, and risk taking

Synthesizes ideas or
expertise in original ways,
demonstrating a minimal
degree of innovation,
divergent thinking, and risk

Does not synthesize ideas or
expertise in original ways and
does not demonstrate
innovation, divergent
thinking, and risk taking


Integrative Learning Makes simple connections
among ideas and experiences
to effectively synthesize and
transfer learning to new,
complex situations

Makes simple connections among
ideas and experiences to
synthesize and transfer learning
to new, complex situations

Makes simple connections
among ideas and
experiences to synthesize

Is not able to make simple
connections among ideas and
experiences to synthesize



No errors related to
organization, grammar and
style, and citations

Minor errors related to
organization, grammar and style,
and citations

Some errors related to
organization, grammar and
style, and citations

Major errors related to
organization, grammar and
style, and citations





! 1

Milestone two: Fashion show production

Radio Commercial Script


Client name: University Boutique

Commercial Title: “New


Music: Unstoppable By: Sia


ANNOUNCER (ANNCR): We are here to celebrate the opening of the university
boutique, which has been closed for some time now.


Lady: Excuse me, so what new is the University bringing, what should will be expect
from them. I hope that we will be amazed by their new beginnings.

ANNCR: Well, you seem curious I hope you are coming to their greatest fashion show
ever to celebrate the new beginnings.

Lady: now, that’s a good start

ANNCR: Yeah, come and witness style meet class at the seasons fashion show.


Print Advertisement





The university boutique has been closed for a few years now and finally, the boutique is being

opened up. To jumpstart the operations of the boutique there will be a fashion show that will be

held few days after opening the boutique. The main aim of the fashion show is to reintroduce the

boutique to the students and showcase some of the apparel that the boutique has. The fashion

show is also meant to inform students about some trends in the fashion industry and also inform

them on how to dress appropriately for the weather. The theme of the fashion show will be the

seasons of the years and the fashion show is also called seasons. The main reason for the

selection of the theme is what seasons mean in the lifecycle of life or a business. The winter


symbolizes the end of a business and sporing shows a new beginning. The four seasons

symbolize that the end of one season opens up a way for the begging of another. The boutique is

in spring because it is experiencing a new beginning. The entire fashion show will be based on

the four seasons of the year. The fashion show will have five scenes. The first scene will be the

introductory scene that will introduce the models to the audience. The scene will be an open

scene for models to select a season of their choice and dress according to it. The second scene

will be the spring scene. The models will wear denim jackets, shorts, mini skirts, oversized

sweaters, turtle necks among other spring wear. The second scene will be the summer; the scene

will represent how relaxed people are in the summer through the way they dress.

For the summer the models will wear swimming clothes, summer shorts, and shirts, linen

clothes, tank tops, sunglasses, and anything else cool that goes good with the weather. The fourth

scene will be the autumn scene. During the autumn temperatures drop and thus people start

wearing warm clothes. The clothes in the scene will be jackets, scarves, sneakers, jeans, and

others. The last scene will be the winter scene. In the scene, people will put on high boots, heavy

jackets, Marvins, and many other cold clothes. The idea is to mainly let the models select the

clothes themselves and dress as desired.

Publicity and Advertising


Advertising is the marketing effort that is meant to inform existing and potential customers about

a product or service to encourage them to buy. The first advertisement for the fashion show is the

radio commercial. First I made the radio commercial as short as possible. Most people do not

like long adverts, the best way to capture the audience is to keep an advert very simple,

informative, and interesting. The title of the commercial is a new beginning which is a symbol

that the boutique is back into action. The title of the advertisement is also the tagline of the

commercial. The tag line is repeated a few times to make it stick in the mind of a listener. The

other factor is that the music in the commercial is very suitable for the theme. The song is

Unstoppable by Sia. The song is a declaration that the boutique is untouchable and will not be

shaken. The song also symbolizes that the boutique is going to move at a great speed and

towards its goals. The song is an interesting song that will immediately capture the attention of

listeners when the commercial begins.

The second commercial is the print advertisement. The advertisement is a very simple

commercial that can be printed or even posted on social media. At a glance, the advertisement

already captures the attention of an audience because of the clear image and the interesting

colors. The advertisement is not wordy; it is precise and to the point. The lack of wordiness is

good for communicating the message easily without the audience struggling to read through the

advertisement. The print advertisement can also be posted on the school notice boards to help

circulate the information. The program for the event will be very effective in communicating the

order of the events for the fashion show. first, the program is small and thus it will be easy for the


guests to carry it with even a single hand as they read through it. The program has time for every

single scene and also for the speeches and remarks that will be made during the fashion show. the

program has a very cool color that makes it easy to read the writings which are in a clear and

sizable font.

Model selection and Resources

The models for the fashion show will be selected through a series of auditions that will take

place in the university before the opening of the university boutique. The requirement to

participate in the audition will be that one must be a student of the university; one will be needed

to prove that by the show of a school ID. The ages for the models should be between the age of

seventeen to twenty-seven years. The fashion show auditions will be picking models from both

genders; male and female. The preferred height for the models will be 5 feet 9 inches for the

ladies and for the men it will be 5 feet 11 inches. Since the school promotes diversity applicants

from all ethnicities will be accepted.

The call for auditions will be done through a print advertisement and social media posts at the

end of May. The auditions will be done by a panel of judges who are mostly alumni of the

university who have majored in fashion and design. The qualities that will be looked for in the

models will be confidence and beauty. The candidates to be selected must be very bold with

poise and a good smile. The auditions will be done in a week with auditions for every faculty

being done separately. The people who succeed in the auditions will proceed to the fashion show.

The introductory scene will have the song fashionista by Jimmy James. The starting of the song

is very good to begin the fashion show with. When the song starts by saying, line up the show is

about to start. that is a good way to start the show. For the next scene which is the spring scene,


the music to be played will be the song Here comes the sun by the Beatles. The song is the

perfect song because looking at the surface meaning the song talks about the end of winter and

the beginning of spring. It talks about the coming of the sun which can represent the reopening of

the boutique after winter.

The next scene will be summer and the song that will be Summer by Calvin Harris. The title of

the song is already referring to the scene. Secondly, the song talks about love and relaxation that

goes on during the summer and will be good for the theme. In the third scene; autumn will have

the song fashion by lady gaga sing, the song is cool and has good beats for modeling. Lastly in

the winter, the song will be the song, Back to December by Taylor Swift. The song talks about

looking back to summer and the beautiful moments because summer is here and people cannot

go out due to the weather.


News Release

University Boutique


Look decent and increase your confidence at an affordable price


Name of Contact Person: Megan George

Title of Contact Person: Promotion and Advertising manager

Phone Number : (452) 452 4536

Email Address:



This news release aims at creating awareness of the grand reopening of the

University boutique and the upcoming fashion show. The boutique has been closed

for renovations and now it is back big and better. The grand reopening of the

University boutique will mark the beginning of the fashion show, which will be used

to showcase some of the apparel that the boutique will offer. The grand-reopening will

be on 22nd July 2021 after which the fashion show will follow. The fashion show will

commence on 22nd July 20321 and end on 24th July 2021. The grand reopening and

the fashion show will be held at the University grounds to accommodate more



The grand reopening and the fashion show have been planned effectively to

ensure that no one misses a chance to witness the largest fashion show that has been

hosted by the University. The event will be like no other and one should not afford to

miss it. Moreover, the first 100 people that will arrive at the grand re-opening of the

University boutique will be given vouchers to shop at the University boutique.

Additionally, some of the most renowned models in the region will be attending.

Representatives of big fashion brands will also be in attendance. It is your chance to

interact with them and learn more about the world of fashion. Book your seat now!


Fashion Show Invitation


Print Advertisement




When writing the news release. The aim was to create awareness of the

upcoming fashion show and the grand re-opening of the University boutique. That


will ensure that people start planning to attend in advance. Additionally, the news

release was meant to create an interest of people to attend the grand re-opening of the

University boutique and the fashion show. That was done by mentioning that renown

models in the region and representatives from some of the common fashion brands

will be in attendance. That will motivate more people to attend the two events thus

making them a success. During the fashion show, the clothes in the university

boutique will be show-cased. That indicates that when more people attend, the

university boutique is likely to get more customers of their apparel. Thus, the wide

reach of the news release will promote the university boutique effectively.

The fashion show invitation was created to invite people from various

departments in the university, models, as well as some people from the common

fashion lines. Their attendance will be key to the event. That is because they will pull

a crowd with them. Additionally, they will have some roles to play during the fashion

show. The color theme of the invitation letter is warm and welcoming. It will evoke

the interest of reading it once the invitation card is delivered to an office. Additionally,

it will be visible to others in the office. The print advertisement is meant to advertise

the grand reopening of the university boutique. It will create awareness to the

customers that were shopping at the boutique and also attract new customers. The

print advertisement will be shared all over the university and the surroundings. It will

also be shared through social media to have a wider reach. The color of the print

advertisement will be used to attract people to read the advertisement on the notice

boards. The print advertisement will be successful as it will have a wide reach.

Additionally, it is attractive. The logo and the slogan of the university boutique are

effective in passing a message about the university boutique. For instance, the slogan


attracts customers by assuring them that they will find high-quality clothes at

affordable prices.

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