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It’s time to implement your first class. Take the definition for a listType class included in the listType.h file and create a new file called listTypeImp.cpp that implements the methods contained within. I have also provided a test program called listTest.cpp that will help you verify your implemention is working.

Submit your listTypeImp.cpp file only with this submission.

#include “listType.h”
using namespace std;
int main() {
listType firstList;
listType secondList;
if (firstList.isEqual(secondList))
cout << "They are the same!" << endl; else cout << "The lists are different" << endl; cout << "The contents of the first list are: "; firstList.print(); cout << "The contents of the second list are: "; secondList.print(); cout << "Assigned the second list to the first list." << endl; firstList = secondList; if (firstList.isEqual(secondList)) cout << "They are the same!" << endl; else cout << "The lists are different" << endl; cout << "The contents of the first list are: "; firstList.print(); cout << "The contents of the second list are: "; secondList.print(); cout << "Added 12 and Removed 3 from the second list." << endl; secondList.add(12); secondList.remove(3); if (firstList.isEqual(secondList)) cout << "They are the same!" << endl; else cout << "The lists are different" << endl; cout << "The contents of the first list are: "; firstList.print(); cout << "The contents of the second list are: "; secondList.print(); cout << "Added 4 to the first list." << endl; firstList.add(4); cout << "The size of the first list is: " << firstList.size() << endl; cout << "Cleared out the second list." << endl; secondList.clear(); cout << "The size of the second list is: " << secondList.size() << endl; cout << "The contents of the first list are: "; firstList.print(); cout << "The position of 10 in the first list is: " << << endl; cout << "The element at position 0 of the first list is: " << firstList.getElementAtPosition(0) << endl; cout << "I am printing out the contents of the first list from a 'for loop': " << endl; for (int i=0; i

#ifndef LISTTYPE_H
#define LISTTYPE_H
class listType {
// Returns True if List Size is 0
bool isEmpty() const;
// Returns True if List Size is Same As Max Size
bool isFull() const;
// Returns Index for First Occurance of Item in List, -1 if Not Found
int search(int searchItem) const;
// Adds New Element to End of List
void add(int newElement);
// Removes First Occurance of Element in List
void remove(int removeElement);
// Resets List to be Empty List
void clear();
// Prints (cout) All Contents of List
void print() const;
// Returns Value of Element at Index Provided
int getElementAtPosition(int index) const;
// Returns Current List Size
int size() const;
// Returns True if OtherList and This List Have the Same Elements
// In The Same Order
bool isEqual(const listType &otherList) const;
// Returns the Maximum Number of Elements That Can be Stored
int maxSize() const;
// Constructor; Should Start New List as Empty List
static const int MAX_SIZE = 1000;
int list[MAX_SIZE];
int listSize;

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The lists are different
The contents of the first list are: 3 10
The contents of the second list are: 3 4 10
Assigned the second list to the first list.
They are the same!
The contents of the first list are: 3 4 10
The contents of the second list are: 3 4 10
Added 12 and Removed 3 from the second list.
The lists are different
The contents of the first list are: 3 4 10
The contents of the second list are: 4 10 12
Added 4 to the first list.
The size of the first list is: 4
Cleared out the second list.
The size of the second list is: 0
The contents of the first list are: 3 4 10 4
The position of 10 in the first list is: 2
The element at position 0 of the first list is: 3
I am printing out the contents of the first list from a ‘for loop’:
3 4 10 4

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