Professionalism Essay

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ACTG 495

Professionalism Essay

Throughout the term we have discussed accounting professionalism, the public interest and the

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role of the Accountant in society. In this context I want you to think broadly about Accountants.

They may be Accountants in CPA firms or other public practice, Accountants in industry or other

types of for-profit firms, Accountants in non-profit entities or Accountants in government. This

assignment will ask you to explore what it means to be a professional Accountant in the 21st


In addressing this question, please consider:

▪ What does it mean to be a professional Accountant?

▪ What are the characteristics of a professional Accountant? What distinguishes a professional

Accountant from someone who simply works in accounting (e.g., bookkeepers, data entry,

accounts payable clerks, etc.)?

▪ What role does a professional Accountant play in our economy, society, democracy, etc. (think


▪ Does a professional Accountant have responsibilities not shared by other professions (i.e.,

finance professionals, sales and marketing professionals, technology professionals, etc. – all

may work alongside Accountants in the modern day accounting firm)? If so, discuss these

unique responsibilities and indicate their relevance.

Please do not address these questions theoretically, but with practical examples. Specifically,

illustrate and support your answers with examples out of the cases, readings and class

discussions that we have addressed during this term, including The Reckoning. Remember, your

response should be broad enough to consider the roles of Accountants in public accounting firms,

in business and industry, in non-profits and in government. In short, weave a cloth of

professionalism with examples out of the cases, readings and class discussions that we have

addressed during this term into your discussion of what it means to be a responsible participant in

the accounting profession.



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