Product Project

3321 – Principles of Marketing

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Product Project – Information

Due: December 8th @ 11:59 pm (Submit via Canvas)

Select a product item that you love and use on a regular basis. You may not use any products
manufactured by Apple Inc., tobacco related products (including vaping products), or products
that are illegal in the state of Texas. Your product item must be a tangible product, cost less than
$100, and be sold through a brick-and-mortar retailer in the DFW metroplex.

Research the product and the organization that produces your product to answer the questions
below. Make sure to indicate which question you are answering on your paper.

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Answer each question in sufficient detail to receive full credit- Assume that Dr. Brewer has
never heard of your product item and/or organization.

1. What is the name of your product item? (1 point) What organization produces your
product item? (1 point)

2. What type of orientation does the organization that produces your product item follow?
Explain your answer. (3 points)

3. What type of competitive advantage does your product item have? Explain your answer.
(3 points)

4. Select 2 factors within the external environment that are important to the marketing
managers of your organization for your product item. List those factors and indicate why they are
of importance for your product item. (4 points)

5. Create a scenario for Bob/Betty following the entire consumer decision-making process
for your product item. Assume that Bob/Betty has never used your product item and is not
familiar with it. *You must create a need, and step 4 must result in the purchase of the product.
(5 points)

6. What type of consumer buying decision does your product item fall into for you?
Explain your answer. (3 points)

7. List and discuss two bases of segmentation that your organization uses for your product
item. Explain your answer. (5 points)

8. What type of consumer product is your product item for you? Explain your answer. (3

9. How many products are in the product line with your product item? Explain your
answer. (4 points)

10. Through what channel(s) is your product item sold? Explain your answer. (3 points)

11. Through what type(s) of in-store retailers is your product item sold? Explain your answer.
(4 points)

12. What type(s) of advertising appeal(s) does your organization use to advertise your
product item? Explain your answer. (3 points)

13. What type(s) of advertising media does your organization use to advertise your product
item? Explain your answer. (3 points)

14. What type(s) of sales promotions does your organization use to promote your product
item? Explain your answer. (4 points)

15. What type(s) of fine tuning tactics does your organization use for your product item?
Explain your answer. (4 points)

Mechanics: Grammar, punctuation, spelling, syntax or semantics errors. (2 points)

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