Process Synchronization Using Monitor and Pthreads


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The purpose of this programming project is to explore process synchronization. This will be accomplished by writing a program to solve the bounded buffer problem using monitor concept. Your program must be written using C or C++ and you are required to use the Pthread libraries. 

Bounded buffer is used to enable multiple producers and consumers processes to share memory. A producer can place items into the buffer only if the buffer has a free memory location to store the item. A producer cannot add items to a full buffer. A consumer can remove items from the buffer if the buffer is not empty. A consumer must wait to consume items if the buffer is empty. The “items” stored in this buffer will be integers. Your producer processes will have to insert random numbers into the buffer. The consumer processes will consume a number. 

AdvancedOperating Systems (CS 5500)

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Assignment 3 (100 points)

Due by 2nd November (Monday) 11:59pm

You are allowed to discuss the problem and solution design with others, but the code you submit

must be your own. Your solution must include the certification of authenticity “I certify that the

code in the method functions including method function main of this project are entirely my own


Process Synchronization using Monitor

The purpose of this programming project is to explore process synchronization. This will be

accomplished by writing a program to solve the bounded buffer problem using monitor concept.

Your program must be written using C or C++ and you are required to use the Pthread libraries.

Bounded buffer is used to enable multiple producers and consumers processes to share memory.

A producer can place items into the buffer only if the buffer has a free memory location to store

the item. A producer cannot add items to a full buffer. A consumer can remove items from the

buffer if the buffer is not empty. A consumer must wait to consume items if the buffer is empty.

The “items” stored in this buffer will be integers. Your producer processes will have to insert

random numbers into the buffer. The consumer processes will consume a number.

Assignment Specifications

The buffer used between producer and consumer processes will consist of a fixed-size array of

type buffer_item. The queue of buffer_item objects will be manipulated using a circular array.

The producer thread will alternate between sleeping for a random period of time and generating

and inserting (trying to) an integer into the buffer. Random numbers will be generated using the

rand_r() function.

The consumer thread will alternate between sleeping for a random period of time (thread safe of

course) and (trying to) removing a number out of the buffer.

The main function will initialize the buffer and create the separate producer and consumer

threads. Once it has created the producer and consumer threads, the main() function will sleep

for duration of the simulation. Upon awakening, the main thread will signal other threads to quit

by setting a simulation flag which is a global variable. The main thread will join with the other

threads and then display the simulation statistics. The main() function will be passed two

parameters on the command line:

• The length of time the main thread is to sleep before terminating (simulation length in


• The maximum length of time the producer and consumer threads will sleep prior to

producing or consuming a buffer_item

Monitor Solution

You need to use monitor synchronization tool to synchronize multiple producer and consumer

processes. However, Pthread library doesn’t have monitor keyword. Monitor needs to be

implemented using condition variables (pthread_cond_wait(), pthread_cond_timedwait(), and

pthread_cond_signal()) and mutex lock (pthread_mutex_lock(), pthread_mutex_trylock(), and

pthread_mutex_unlock()) of Pthread library.

Program Output

Your simulation should output when various conditions occur: buffer empty/full status, buffer

slots occupied, location of producer/consumer in the buffer, presence or absence of elements in

all the buffer entries

Here is a sample output:

Producer Inserted Item 21 at buffer[0]

buffer slots occupied: 1


21 -1 -1 -1 -1

Consumer Removed Item 21 from buffer[0]

buffer slots occupied: 0


-1 -1 -1 -1 -1

buffer is empty

Producer Inserted Item 47 at buffer[1]

buffer slots occupied: 1

-1 47 -1 -1 -1

Producer Inserted Item 25 at buffer[2]

buffer slots occupied: 2


-1 47 25 -1 -1

Consumer Removed Item 47 from buffer[1]

buffer slots occupied: 1

-1 -1 25 -1 -1

Submission Guidelines and Requirements

1. You need to use C/C++ and Pthread library to implement this programming assignment
2. Your program should run on a UNIX platform
3. Include your name and UCM ID in the code
4. Add the following statement in your solution “I certify that the code in the method

functions including

method function main of this project is entirely my own work.”

// Your Name

// Your UCM ID

//Certificate of Authenticity: “I certify that the code in the method functions including

method function main of this project is entirely my own work.”

5. Add comments (about the function/variable/class) to your code as much as possible
6. Zip your project including source file(s) and input text data files (if any)
7. Upload the zipped project file onto Blackboard
8. Grading standards:

1. Compiles: 20%
2. Implements monitor correctly, sleep times are used correctly, program is

producing correct answers, and program output follows the given sample output:


3. Handles error conditions gracefully and well commended and well designed: 20%
4. There will be automatic 10 points penalty if your program is missing certificate of


5. Late submission: Late submission is allowed with a 10% deduction per day (delay
in submission). Submission after 3 days of the deadline won’t be accepted

6. You may get 0 if your code matches with another student in your class or matches

with any previous semester’s submissions

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