Problem Solving, Creativity and Solution Setting

select the “Dell case”, identify the key problem, disruption or opportunity, and then use an appropriate analytical tool to present your problem.

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Problem Solving, Creativity and Solution Setting

Assessment Description: Your task is to select the “Dell case”, identify the key problem, disruption or opportunity, and then use an appropriate analytical tool to present your problem.

Around 1000 words

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Assessment Criteria:

· Identification of problem, disruption and /or opportunity in the context of business change

· Selection of appropriate analytical tool, method or approach for the identified problem, disruption or opportunity

· Correct application of the analytical, creative tool, method or approach

Two tools options:

Service Blueprints

Customer journey mapping (CJM)

(See the file for specific usage)


Interpretation of case 1 –

Identification and interpretation of problem, disruption or opportunity for Case 1

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSelection and use of analytical tool – Case 1

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication of analytical tool – Case 1

2.0 pts

Problems, Disruptions & Opportunities

21854 – Problem solving,
creativity & solution setting

Problem types

• Known problems
– Analytical thinking

– Structured processes

• Unknown but with precedence
– Critical thinking

– Draw parallels

• Unknown without precedence
– Creative thinking

– Risk of solution not working

Known problems – tools

5 Why’s

• Root cause analysis

Process flow charts

Swim lane diagram


Customer journey map


Service Blueprints

5 Why’s

Systematic approach

Lucid chart

Cause and effect diagrams

Fishbone diagram example

Process flow charts

• A process flowchart is a graphical representation
of a business process through a flowchart.

• It’s used as a means of getting a top-down
understanding of

– How a process works,

– What steps it consists of,

– What events change outcomes,

– Identifying potential problems

– Identifying where a problem is occuring

Process flow chart symbols

Problems of ineffective process

• Apply process mapping on inappropriate
types of processes

• Being unclear about the focus of your process

• Trying to create the “perfect” process maps

• Weakness of cross-party responsibilities

Swim lane diagrams

• Visually distinguishes job sharing

– People, roles and functions

– Departments

– Organisations, Supply Chains or service value

• Processes and decisions are grouped visually

• One lane represents an entity

Swim lane diagram

Swim lane diagram example

Limitations of swim lane diagrams

Customer journey mapping (CJM)

• Process of visualizing customer experience
through the eyes of the customer

• Customer centric operations

• Outside in perspective

• Identify problems and opportunities for
improvement or differentiation

Customer journey maps

1. Persona (who)
2. Scenario (what)
3. Phases of the journey
4. Actions
5. Thoughts
6. Emotions
7. Opportunities
8. Internal ownership

Customer journey map

Pitfalls and limitations of CJM


• Selecting the wrong
journey map framework

• Applying an organizational
view rather than a
customer perspective

• Assuming a common


• Data integration is difficult
and time consuming

• Scarcity of skills and

• Lack of real-time customer

• Gaps between data and

Service blue prints

Service blueprints

• Operational planning and problem solving

• Visualises relationship between different
service components

– People, props and processes

• Visibility (lines of visibility) into the process
and potential problems and opportunities for

Service Blueprints

Dell Computer Corporation:

A Zero-Time Organization

Deep in the heart of Texas lies a Fortune 500 company who exemplifies many of the principles
of a Zero Time organization. Dell Computer Corporation has seen extraordinarily growth: a
58% revenue increase and an 82% profit increase in 1997, an equally extraordinary short
period of time. Sales rose to $12.3 billion in 1997, profits to $944 million in 1997, and the stock
split for the sixth time in 1998. Much of this success is due to management principles and a
vision that we describe here. First we provide some background information on the company,
and we describe the management principals and philosophies we think make Dell a success.
Finally, we describe Dell using the lens of a Zero Time organization.

Company Background

Many know the story of Michael Dell, his college-based business of building personal
computers with available parts, and his build to order strategy. Founded in 1984 as PC’s
Limited, the name was officially changed worldwide to Dell Computer Corporation when the
first stock offering took place, in June 1988. Other key turning points, according to Michael
Dell, were in 1986, when Dell first went outside the US to Europe and hit $50 million in sales;
1989, when the company when from last to first place in their industry on the management of
their inventory; and 1993 when the concept of segmenting took shape and allowed the
management to regain control of customers.

At the core of Dell’s business was the build-to-order strategy. Customers ordered PCs
directly, and their order was routed through a credit check, then directly to the manufacturing
floor. The order was then built, tested, and shipped to the customer, who received it 5-7 days
after placing their order.

This strategy afforded Dell some impressive results. First, Dell eliminated middlemen-the
resellers, who were part of the traditional distribution model. As such, Dell not only passed the
savings to the customers in the form of lower costs, but was also able to understand customer
needs first hand and adapt to market changes faster than competitors. Second, Dell built
computers directly for customers, not for inventory. This meant that the company did not waste
resources building systems that may not reach a customer, need staffing positions to move
inventory around the world, or spend time managing and tracking inventory, and reworking
systems that become obsolete before purchased. Third, Dell Computer practiced just-in-time
manufacturing, where trucks with vendor parts pulled up to one side of the plant, and unloaded

Page 2









directly into bins used for building customer orders. These parts did not become the property of
Dell Computer until they were unloaded, which took place as frequently as every few hours.
Fourth, information systems tied together the entire company, routing orders to the next step in
the business process and eliminating waits, backlogs, and losses that a less automated system
may experience. Michael Dell explained,

In this business, it is not about how much inventory you have, but about how fast
it’s moving through the cycle. I don’t want a warehouse of stuff, because it
becomes obsolete so quickly. With our model, we start with the customer whose
order pulls inventory through the channel. That results in our ability to deliver a
desktop computer in 3 days which is configured exactly as the customer wants.
That provides a great deal of value.

In 1998, Dell Computer employed 16,000 employees in central Texas, its largest workforce,
and was in the process of expanding their European facility, in Limerick, Ireland, to 4500
employees. There were five plants: three in Texas, one in Ireland, one in Maylasia. A sixth
plant was planned for China, and a seventh was planned for Brazil.

Customers were initially divided into three categories: Large businesses, Small to medium
businesses, and personal consumers. Each group was supported in a manner consistent with
their requirements. Large businesses had dedicated sales people who managed the orders.
Small and medium businesses shared sales staff who insured that the needs of these
businesses were met. Individual customers interested in Dell’s products were served by either
telephone-based inside sales people, or later by the sales system on the Internet. Underlying
all customer accounts was the famous Dell Direct distribution strategy. The inside sales force
took phone calls from a toll-free phone number from customers seeking information about the
products and placing orders. These sales people sat at a computer at one of the Dell offices
and serviced customers as they called in. The entry of an order by the inside sales group
initiated the entire build to order process. Customers with corporate accounts could order from
these sales people, or they could work with the dedicated sales teams for the corporate
account. Each large account had field people in charge of the relationship with the client, and
dedicated team members in Austin, Texas to service the account. But the ability to call directly
to Dell, order a computer, and have it arrive a week later became the cornerstone of the
In 1996, Dell expanded their direct order model to the Internet, and their success in this medium
quickly became legendary. Scott Eckert, Director of Dell On-Line, began as Michael Dell’s
Executive Assistant in 1995. In 1996 when Dell decided to launch an on-line sales program,
Eckert took over the project. In the first quarter of 1997, the on-line business did $1million per
day in sales. In the second quarter, they did $2 million per day, and the success continued. By
the end of the first quarter of 1998, Dell logged $ 5 million in sales per day, by the end of the
third quarter it was up to $10 million per day in sales over this channel, and the rate of growth
was expected to continue. In addition, the web site had grown in functionality. In 1994, it was a
simple technical support tool for disseminating tips and bug-fixes to internal and external
customers. In addition, Dell conducted customer surveys. In mid-1996, Eckert was put in charge
of using the Internet for a “yet to be determined” online business. The first application was an
order status system, where customers could track their orders through the Dell process.

Page 3















By fall 1996, the configurator system was ported to the Internet, and electronic commerce
began. The configurator assists customers in designing the exact product they need, and in
pricing it out. Once this system was available to customers, the revenue took off. Eckert

Using the Internet, we were able to offer our corporate customers special
services like our Premier Page. This was a custom web site designed and
dedicated to the individual corporate account. It included sales and technical
information. One part of this service was a set of standard configurations for the
customer based on those approved by their information technology people.
Another part was technical support custom designed for the systems we know
the customer has. We even linked the premier page to the technical support
pages in our internal customer support system. A third part of this page had
reporting tools like purchase history and service history so that the customer
could keep track of their Dell activity. And we included some marketing
information such as the account team contact information. We had built over
8000 of these pages, and each one was different. Some had the orders go
directly to us, while others had the orders pass through their internal groups for
approval. We had the ability to offer this level of customization in our sales and
customer service using the Internet.

Dell Computers was best known for its pioneering use of the direct marketing channel for selling
and distributing personal computer systems. Its well-known strategy of manufacturing a system
for a customer, or build to order, provided Dell with a cascading series of advantages over its
competitionincluding low inventory costs, no dealer costs, and current technology in every
system manufactured. Conventional wisdom said that it was necessary to have inventories of
systems in order to provide customers with many choices, and it was necessary to have those
systems sold through dealers who could explain the complexities of the systems and give
customers a chance to “kick the tires.” Instead, Dell gave the customer a chance to pick
whatever features he or she wanted from those available. In addition, Dell manufactured
systems only after they were ordered by a customer, which conventional wisdom would say was
either too costly or took too long. But Dell was able to guarantee delivery within five to seven
days of order. Finally, Dell saw that personal computers were becoming a commodity and
realized that sales people would not be needed to explain the systems in the conventional,
physical way.
The result was a win/win situation for both Dell and its customers. Factory inventory was at
most three days, supported by tight alliances with suppliers who deliver smaller loads, but more
frequently than traditional manufacturing systems. Downstream inventory was zero since the
systems were directly shipped to customers. No one in the “stream” was sitting with more than 7
days of inventory, whereas traditional supply chains held up to 60 days of inventory of parts and
30 days of inventory of systems for dealers. Exhibit 1 summarizes the business model of Dell,
as compared to a more traditional value chain model.

Management Principles

The Dell Direct Model, described in Exhibit 2, highlights how the build-to-order philosophy
was central to the Dell management principles. The direct model was the most

Page 4

















visible and important principle of Dell: it aligned all of Dell’s business units and people. Within
the Dell organization, the direct model meant that everyone was a customer. For example, the
IT organization had very few central staff. Almost all of the IT personnel reported directly to
business units. Similarly, Dell University was structured into different colleges each residing in a
business units. In fact, Dell University’s budget did not come from corporate, it came from each
business unit, and hence Dell University’s survival depended on the satisfaction of each of its
customers. The philosophy of central planning with local implementation supported the direct
model principle. This philosophy enabled the organization to grow at its breathtaking rate
because it provided the capability of build to order for all parts of the organization and all
business processes needed to run the corporation.

In addition to the principals of build to order and direct marketing, Dell Computer managers
spoke of a few key principles that were fundamental to their business. These included:

Exchange inventory for information

• Velocity, value and volume
• Constant change
• Criticality of coordination

Exchange inventory for information

At the heart of the successes at Dell was their strategy of exchanging inventory for information.
This meant that instead of keeping inventory on hand at Dell, or on hand in a warehouse, or on
hand at a retail outlet, Dell kept information about customer orders, needs, and forecasts.
Manufacturing predicted what orders would come in, alerted suppliers of anticipated needed
parts, and staffed up to meet demand. This gave Dell an advantage in the marketplace for
several reasons. Information was easier to store than inventory. Information was easier to
move than inventory. Information was easier to discard than inventory. And information was
less expensive to have than inventory. Consequently Dell managers architected a way to
minimize inventory, and in its place use information. This dovetailed with the build-to-order
philosophy Michael Dell had used since he began his business, since both helped achieve the
minimum inventory possible. As soon as demand forecasts changed, information about that
change was sent out to the rest of the organization and shared. The closer Dell got to this
exchange of inventory for information, the closer they got to their vision of strategic advantage
through cost and service.

This advantage was also passed on to the suppliers. Eckert elaborated,

The business was founded on the idea of getting the middleman out of the
transaction. The next step is to build Internet capabilities for our suppliers. For
example, we can give suppliers like Intel a view of processors shipping out of
our factories on a very frequent basis. That is quite a bit different from what our
competitors can do, since they put finished systems in inventory first which are
sold later by a reseller. Therefore they don’t have a direct view into what the
customers are actually buying. As we refine our information we can reduce
inventory levels and the cost for our suppliers will decrease.

Page 5














Focus on velocity, volume and value

As Dell exchanged inventory for information, they increased velocity, or the rate at which their
business processes happen. Velocity was a critical focus for Dell management. In order to
manage the changing requirements of their customers and the changing technology critical to
their products, it was necessary to be able to quickly and effectively respond. This was termed
velocity at Dell. Michael Dell expressed this as a “time driven” culture, where the focus was on
how fast inventory is moving rather than on how much inventory there was.

As velocity increased, the volume of business increased. Volumes were dependent on the
amount of information Dell could obtain or access, store and process. The ultimate result of this
was value to their customers, shareholders and employees. For example, the rate of their
inventory turns was multiples of their competitor, which translated directly into a steady and
large volume of supplies from suppliers. In addition, Dell’s systems provided a view of customer
demand in real time. This gave Dell the opportunity to negotiate favorable agreements with
suppliers in part because their volume had grown in a much shorter time than other competitors.
This then translated into value for Dell customers.

In the IT organization, velocity, volume and value meant seeking out improvements in
systems so they did not get in the way of decisions, actions, and management. According to
Andy Greenawalt, VP and CIO of the Americas,

System requirements were to make dramatic improvements in our
processes through IT. We wanted to reduce obstacles to the flow of
information, in the origin of information, and every other place where
information may reside. IT’s perspective was to get the systems ‘out of
the way’ so business processes are not impeded by the systems.

Time was a key value at Dell and the compression of time added value to all stakeholders. The
compression of time meant reducing task and process time whenever possible. Value was
added as a lower cost for customers, higher returns for shareholders, and bigger profit sharing
bonuses for employees, as noted by the CFO, Tom Meredith. As the velocity at Dell increased in
all their business processes, time was further compressed, and value was increased.

The only constant in this world is change

While virtually every business knows that their environment changes at one time or another,
Dell managers took for a given that the only thing they knew about their future was that it would
be different from the present. This assumption had implications for how the company was
organized, and how management control systems were put in place. It further complemented
the focus on velocity, forcing managers to both deal with constant change and an increasing
pace of change.

Page 6


As part of this predictability of change, Dell executives described “time pacing” as a critical
characteristic of their organization

. This concept was based on Gordon Moore’s 1965

predication that capacity of the computer chip would double every 18 months. The authors who
created the term, Eisenhardt and Brown, considered time pacing strategic for successful
competitors in fast-changing, unpredictable markets where change was scheduled at
predictable time intervals. Tom Meredith described it this way,

We created order, discipline, and focus in order to make innovation occur in
approximately the time frame we desire.

In fact, while acknowledging the time pacing effect, many executives also consider Dell’s pace to
be accelerating.

Coordination is critical

Coordination efforts at Dell continued to be extensive. The top management team of 16
executives met monthly, quarterly, and ad hoc to discuss everything from strategy and new
product development to alignment, empowerment and optimization. Meredith estimated that he
spent about 1/3 or more of his time planning and coordinating. In an organization as fast moving
as Dell Computers, empowerment was critical. However coordination was the ingredient that
helps prevent suboptimization. To keep all elements of the organization moving in the same
direction, while at the same time responding to changes and movements in the environment,
coordination between individuals, business units, and geographical segments was necessary.

Coordination throughout the company was achieved through keeping the business model first
and foremost in the minds of the employees. Effort was spent on trying to help people know
where to find information, not just on communicating information. The human resources group
provided tools that assisted in keeping a consistent message. Paul McKinnon, VP of Human
Resources, described the process of orientation for new hires as,

At Dell, 75% of the training budget is spent on new hires, job basics and new
product training, and the rest is used for everything else. We send new hires as
much information as possible ahead of time. We send them a video tape as well
as a list of locations on the web they can use to get oriented. For executives, as
soon as they join Dell, we send them a laptop loaded with a CD providing an
overview of Dell, which also has web addresses for information. This provides a
virtual guided tour of Dell even before the executive starts work.

Coordination was done through heavy communications over the intranet. Every year, after
the annual vice-president conference, a digest of the meeting was put on the net so every
employee could access it and know what happened. John Cone, VP of Dell Learning,
commented that “people loved that digest, and we experienced huge volume of hits on the

For more information on time pacing, see K. M. Eisenhardt and S.L. Brown, “Time Pacing:

Competing in Markets That Won’t Stand Still.” Harvard Business Review, vol. 76(2), March-
April 1998, pp. 59-69.

Page 7

after a conference.” The intranet was one of the basic communication tool for senior executives.
Cone related a story about coordination with Michael Dell.

About a year ago, I was copied on an e-mail from Michael saying that he would
not open attachments anymore. If I wanted him to read stuff, he wanted it put on
the net. The implication was that the net, itself, was an attachment. It also made
it much more efficient for the network since attachments were on the net, not
downloaded with the mail. As a consequence, I have begun to require all the
people working for me to do the same. Michael was right on target with this
request. He is amazingly fast at recognizing a technology and has the patience
to put it into the right place within the organization.

At the pace of Dell’s growth, such coordination was almost an impossible challenge.
Aggressive communication was part of an overall coordination effort to keep people aligned.
Michael Dell commented,

Communication came in many different forms. We had at least one massive
meeting a year in which we discussed what happened last year, what worked for
us, what should be the goal for next year, and the overall theme for the year will
be. For example, 1998’s theme was ‘the customer experience,’ the year before
was ‘the Internet,’ and the year before was ‘servers.’ We celebrate our success
in these meetings.

Time pacing helped to cultivate a culture of speed and a sense of urgency by keeping people
moving with a general rhythm. Finally, good management systems, which include company
performance-based incentives and monitoring measurements, provided general guidelines for
steering actions in the direction most beneficial to all stakeholders in the long run.

The Customer Experience Initiative

May 1998 saw the company-wide launch of a strategic initiative called the “Customer
Experience.” This was a program designed to leverage the direct model to “deliver the best
possible customer experience across all points of contact with Dell,” according to Michael Dell.
It meant looking at all aspects of the business from the customer’s perspective. Kevin Rollins,
vice chairman, described the initiative.

In the past we defined quality in terms of the failure rate of hardware. Hardware
reliability was an essential element in satisfying our customers, but it was not
the only element. The Customer Experience was a way to challenge ourselves
to expand our focus, to look at quality in all the ways the customer saw it, and to
convert this perspective into solutions that met or exceeded our customers’
expectations. As we improve every customer’s experience with Dell, we
accomplish two important objectives: we build brand loyalty, which translates
into increased business; and we continue to add value, which makes us more

Page 8

resistant to low-cost competitors. Improving the customer experience will be the
key to maintaining our success.

The “Customer Experience” was defined to be the sum of every contact a customer had with
Dell, including looking at company advertising, browsing the company web site, purchasing a
system, and receiving follow up support. Dell had more than 16 million customer contacts a
week. The key to making this initiative successful was to encourage every employee to take
a customer-centric view, and to encourage every department in the company to own part of
the customer experience. Michael Dell elaborated,

There are countless stops along the way where employees behind the scenes
make day to day decisions that affect the customer. Each of us owns part of the
customer experience because everything we do ultimately touches the customer.
At Dell, a complete customer experience should never end. The satisfied
customer should want to call Dell for all of their hardware needs and all of their
future upgrades. Strategically speaking, this affects all employees all the time in
everything we do. This initiative will keep all of us focused on the most important
people outside Dell—the Customers. Our customers should be treated like VIPs.

To measure the success of this initiative, performance goals were clearly set. Managers
targeted three key metrics to evaluate the progress of the company, and each metric was to
improve by at least 15% during the year. The metrics were:

• Order and Delivery (the percentage of orders shipped to the customer by the
targeted date)
• Installation and Operation (the percentage of customer calls to technical support
which require a part dispatch within 30 days of the invoice date)
• Service (the percentage of on-site service incidents resolved by a Dell Service
Partner within the target time-frame)

Michael Dell summarized this initiative.

The Customer Experience is the most important initiative we have at Dell. We
monitor progress all the time in all parts of the company and tie everyone’s
compensation to it. I personally monitor it, and we present the results at every
board meeting. It has a company-wide, world-wide focus.

Information Systems at Dell

Information systems were critical to Dell. The information systems supported the Dell Direct
business model by providing a range of tools from order entry to production integration.
Information systems provided the means for delivery of instant information to employees through
e-mail or over the intranet. And information systems were a way to connect suppliers to the
business, to collect and analyze information collected from the marketplace, and to support
decisions on everything from hiring practices to product offerings to pricing. “IT is an enabler to

Page 9

make the business model work,” remarked Jerry Gregoire, the CIO. The backbone of the
information system was an architecture called “G2” (See Exhibit 3).

The G2 architecture was an object-based infrastructure, with a web browser front end
interface. It had a single point of connection and was built in small pieces. There was local
control of functionality but a global view of the business. The primary components of the G2
architecture were commonly available applications such as Microsoft office, database
engines, and Internet servers. The G2 architecture was similar in design to the Dell
organization structure, which was also built in small pieces, with local control but a global
view of the business. “We have to have an information architecture that can grow as fast as
our business grows,” explained Gregoire,

There was nothing about our situation that was normal. We had to think
differently because we were growing by about $1 billion every 9 weeks.
Growth like that meant we typically used existing or commercial systems
rather than build them from the ground up. And we didn’t have time for
extensive classroom training, so we tried to design systems that maximized
the efficiency of our training. We had to use an interface that everyone could
easily understand and intuitively use. The only thing slowing the business
down might be the rate of expanding our information technology. We had to
continuously evolve our systems. Our model was simple, but there needed to
be a high rate of success with its execution. Our model required a high degree
of precision. Since we bought off the shelf parts, anyone could build a similar
system. Our advantage was in our execution of the system in conjunction with
our business model. We wanted to get to everyone in the world, and we could
by letting them plug into our systems using the Internet. The G2 architecture
was the architecture for doing business using the Internet.

The Dell business model resulted in a different production profile than other business models.
The direct model implied that every production run is unique in some way, and hence every
lot was of quantity one. Gregoire elaborated on the implication for the information systems,

That was why we chose not to implement a standard enterprise information
system. The systems in the market could not support our business model. We
built something like 45,000 lots of 1, which was what the Dell direct business
model was all about. But standard systems didn’t support that number of
unique transactions.

The information systems were highly decentralized. No programmers reported directly to the
CIO. Instead, each division and business had some IT people. Gregoire defended this
approach, “Even if we had a centralized structure, the local business units would have IT
people. I believe all IT, like politics, is local.” This was an example of the Dell philosophy of
central control of strategy, but local control of implementation.

Page 10

Dell as a Zero Time Organization

We believe Dell Computer Corporation exemplifies many of the principles of a Zero Time
organization. In this section, we briefly describe the concept of a Zero-Time Organization, and
then provide a perspective of the company using the core characteristics of Zero Time: Zero-
value-gaps, Zero-learning-gaps, Zero-management-gaps-gaps, Zero-process-gaps, and Zero-

A Zero-Time organization has a mindset different from other organizations. Zero-Time
organizations design and operate with the assumption that processes can be done
instantaneously if information technology and people are creatively combined. This mindset
translates into a set of organizational disciplines summarized in Exhibit 4.

A company which successfully implements each of these disciplines is closer to achieving the
organizational objective of instant customerization, which means that the needs of any
customer are fulfilled as soon as the needs are expressed. Instantaneous fulfillment of
customer needs is achieved by converting knowledge into something valued by the customer.

There are three models for how to achieve instant customerization (See Exhibit 5). One is
based on the concept of an emergency room, an organization that provides virtually unlimited
resources (access to experts, databases, processing time, products, etc.) to the individual
servicing the patient. In an emergency room, the doctors, nurses, and equipment needed to
treat emergency patients are all immediately available and easily accessible. Similarly, this
model suggests that organizations can achieve instant customerization with large inventories
and by making all resources available to those who service customers. An example of
company that uses this model is, whose large virtual inventory makes it possible
to order just about any book in print and have it delivered directly to the customer. Another
example is a luxury hotel, which pamper customers by providing anything needed, such as
business centers, health clubs, a variety of restaurants, etc. to make the stay exceptional.

In a different model, the Disneyland model, an organization provides the customers with a set
of choices and allows the customer to effectively provide self-service. By providing the
environment and a choice of rides and attractions, Disneyland enables every guest to
experience a unique vacation within the boundaries of the park. Elite manufacturers such as
Dell, Mattel, GM and fast food chains like McDonalds are in this category; customers have a
wide range of choices of products to buy, but these choices are bounded by what the company
A third model, which we call the Hybrid model, is a mix of the Emergency Room and Disneyland
Models. Mega-retailers such as Wal-Mart and Home Depot fall into this category because,
similar to the Disneyland model, they have enormous inventories that provide a wealth of
selections. However, the Hybrid company’s business model also offers customers services that
enable them to customize their selections. The result is a supply of almost endless possibilities,
like the Emergency Room model. The book store chain Barnes and Noble, is also a hybrid in
that it provides a rich selection of books coupled with an ability to custom order any book in print.

Page 11

This is different than the Disneyland model, which may provide customized services, but as an
exception rather than as the rule.

Dell Computer Corporation’s management style and business processes were based on many
of the same principles as the Zero-Time organization. Their goal was to provide products to
customers instantaneously, and to do so they instituted many of the Zero-Time disciplines
using the Disneyland model described above. Below we elaborate.


Dell’s business processes continue to be customer centric, not driven by what the internal
managers wanted to provide. The basis of the build-to-order philosophy was that every product
was built when and only when a customer asked for it. Customer value was derived from the fast
response time provided by Dell, from the lower costs provided by the inventory management
approach, and from the ability to give the customer exactly what was asked for, with
predictability and consistency, by customizing every product built. The Customer Experience
Initiative was another example of closing any gaps between what the customer valued and what
the company valued.

But the management at Dell took the characteristic of Zero-Value-Gaps even further by
broadening the concept of the customer to include all stakeholders. Simply keeping Dell
Computer Corporation in business provided customer value. As suggested by Tom Meredith, the
Chief Financial Officer,

Seeking stakeholder value is not the same thing as being customer driven. We
not only give customers what they want, we help them to stay in business. We
need to think like a customer and focus our whole mindset by looking at things
from the customer’s viewpoint. We believe we add value to our customers by
staying in business, and in order to stay in business, all our stakeholders need
to see value. For example, we could give our products away to customers at a
very low price, but then we would not serve our stockholders, because there
would be no profit, and we would not serve our employees, because we would
have to offer low salaries. So there is a point below which we would be out of
business. Now, going out of business would actually hurt our customers
because, for example, they would not be able to get support from us. This
means systems would become obsolete sooner, problems would not be rectified
quickly, and upgrades would not be forthcoming. Therefore, we communicate to
our employees that while we want to satisfy the customer, we do not want to
take actions that go overboard and possibly drive Dell out of business.

The expanded concept of shareholder value was best exemplified at Dell through the
stock value. Dell stock soared between 1992 and 1998. Employees had greatly
benefited from this increased value, in part because of stock options they got from the
company. Partners and suppliers benefited as the volume of business done at Dell
increased. By focusing on being a customer value-driven company, Dell built barriers to
entry by increasing switching costs. For example, customers with Platinum Accounts

Page 12

had customized web pages that gave them access to Dell’s operational systems. They
could check on orders, configure systems, and manage their inventory directly on
Dell’s systems. These types of services increased the value to the customers, and in
turn increased the switching costs.


A major contribution to Dell’s success continued to be from the way the company managed
information and knowledge. A Zero Time organization had a great capacity to continuously learn
and create knowledge, then converted it into customer value. There were many examples at
Dell. In an organization where people were the key asset, managing knowledge was a corporate
imperative. One example at Dell was on the manufacturing floor. At Metric 12, a showplace
manufacturing operation in Austin, Texas, cell assemblers were required to be able to produce a
range of products. Whatever product was in the “kit” they receive from the conveyor belt must be
perfectly built. To support this assembly operation, monitors were carefully placed at each
station with complete assembly instructions. Should the line worker need assistance, the first
line of support were the assembly instructions, and they were immediately available. As errors
were uncovered during the test phase of the production line, an entry was made on a networked
computer. This entry was immediately sent to all testers, and back to the individual who
assembled the system. In this way, the individual “learned” what he/she did wrong and could
correct it immediately, and the other lines were alerted to the problem, “learning” what to look for
in order to correct the problem.

Dell incorporated the concept of Zero-learning-gapss into its process immediately after the
customer places an order. This order triggered the manufacturing process. There was “Zero
Time” between when the customer’s order was received and the manufacturing process began.
This process involved ordering the parts to include in the system, and preparing the software to
be downloaded into the system. When Dell accepted the order, the information system set all
necessary components in motion. The information, entered by a customer or Dell’s salesperson,
contained all the information manufacturing needed to begin building the product. This was an
example of a well done knowledge management life cycle. The initial information from the
customer’s order triggered the knowledge infrastructure, which instantly provided manufacturing
with the information needed. There was instant transmission of the information from the
customer’s order to the systems that would need to complete that order.

Another example was in the use of the Internet. Dell managers had information available to
them instantly that their competitors do not ever have available. Eckert explained,

The Internet is useful because of the richness of customer information and the
possibilities of integration. For example, the configurator tells us what a
customer bought, but it also tells us what other choices he or she looked at. If
a customer looked at a Pentium II and a Pentium system, then bought the
less expensive Pentium system, we assume the customer bought the best
‘processor for the price’ and therefore we would have information telling us
that, for this customer, the Pentium II system was too expensive relative to the

Page 13

system. We’ve never had this kind of information about what
customers evaluated but didn’t choose.

The training at Dell was done on an “as needed” basis and delivered instantaneously. Some
training was incorporated into the job itself, and other was done through testing. For example,
the company had a strong belief in ethical behavior, therefore they gave all employees an ethics
test, rather than an ethics class. When the employee passed the test, he or she could move on.
Until the employee passed, the system was designed to reinforce the ethics the company
supported through explanation and retesting. And the Dell business model was applied to the
provision of training, called “Stealth Learning.” John Cone, the VP of Dell Learning, elaborated,

We try to put knowledge on the critical path of people’s work. For example, if I
am ready to do a performance review, I can simply call up a smart form on my
computer. And if I don’t know what the meaning of something is, I will just call up
a module for explanation. Now, is this learning? We think so. But it can be done
as part of the work in real time. In manufacturing, during a quality assessment for
example, people can call up a tool to do a Praeto chart on-line. They don’t think
they are going to school on quality. They just do it as they need for their work. It
doesn’t feel like training, but it is. That’s why we call it ‘Stealth Learning’…We
create a kind of structure to allow people to learn. We talk about the micro-bite, a
chunk of knowledge about 5 minutes long, which we think is an ideal chunk to
deliver…. The important thing is to give people what they need to know to do the
work, and to make sure they know about things the company thinks is important.”

When learning took place the way it did at Dell, embedded into the actual task, the metrics also
changed. It was no longer meaningful to measure hours of training given by the training group,
nor taken by the employee. “At this point,” McKinnon described,

20-25% of our learning is in the category of stealth learning. When it works,
however, no one knows we are providing it, because it is so integrated with
the task. In fact, there is no corporate budget allocation for Dell University.
Whatever Dell learning is doing is based directly on a customer request.
Education within Dell is “built to order” since this is the only way to insure
education stays current with the business needs. If you have a corporate
budget, you have to defend it year after year, and you cannot scale and grow
as fast as we need to grow. The Zero-budget approach allows us to listen and
to scale with the business.


A Zero Time organization structure includes a holonic organization structure, where each part
was in itself a complete whole with the authority and had the ability to function independently if
necessary. The best example of the concept of Zero-management-gaps at Dell was their cell
manufacturing structure, where every individual on the cell had access to any

Page 14

information necessary to complete the assembly and delivery of the computer. Further, each
individual had the power to “stop the line” if they found a major problem that caused defective
products. The interesting aspect of the Dell manufacturing system was the number of lines in
operation at any one time. While an individual may stop their cell or manufacturing line until a
problem was worked out, it was independent of the rest of the manufacturing operation. Each
cell was a “whole within a whole.”

Another example of the holonic structure was found at the business unit level. Each of the 12
business divisions within Dell were run like “a business within a business”. Each had
responsibility for a set of customers, and had the authority to make decisions that best service
their customers. In order to keep every employee focused on the goals of the business, in
addition to those of their customer, Dell had an incentive system based on overall company
performance. A large portion of the bonuses all management receive were based on how well
Dell had done overall. And Dell had a corporate culture that forced out “silo” thinking.
According to Greenawalt,

The values of this organization are set up in a way that encourage
individuals to act in the best interest of the whole. We do not tolerate
individuals who strive for personal success at the expense of others.

Meredith further elaborated, “Whenever we saw a group of customers emerging, we segment
it to serve them better.” The company’s segments were an organizational form which included
a fully integrated business unit set up to serve a specific type of customer. Therefore,
segments were more encompassing than their competitor’s typical market or product
segment. Dell’s segments had specific products, customers, and business objectives. Michael
Dell elaborated,

Most of the companies in this business segment themselves by product. We do it
by customer. Every segment is about a $1 billion business, with a shared set of
products and a mandate to use the direct model. But at the same time, the people
in that segment know the products which relate to their customers. And the
segment has growth and operating margin targets as well as service level targets
which are relevant to them. And we have found that a segment can be much
more responsive to the customer because of the basic learning that takes place.

A key challenge at Dell was how to keep every individual, team and business moving in the
same direction. Keith Maxwell, Vice President of America Operations, and head of Dell’s
largest operations group, explained,

I believe that through strong communications, Dell is able to transform
a team of champions into a championship team. We use devices such
as brown bag lunches, e-mails from the chairman’s office, and company
performance incentives to send the message about the direction
everyone should be going. It has been an effective set of tools for us.

Page 15


A Zero Time organization successfully removes barriers to operations so that what ever needs
to happen can happen in a minimal amount of time. At Dell, a model of “supply on demand”
was used to fulfill customer orders. Maxwell elaborated,

We currently have less than 30 strategic suppliers, which represent the
majority of the materials we use. When an order comes in, these strategic
suppliers are alerted. Traditional organizations use the supply-demand
management organization or the “push-philosophy”, but at Dell, we use the
demand-supply management organization or the “pull-philosophy” in order
to reduce resistance. As a result, the transformation costs, as a percent of
revenue, can be driven lower and lower.

Another example of Zero-process-gaps found at Dell On-Line was the use of the Internet
platform for providing technical, marketing, and management information to customers.
Platinum accounts, for example, had dedicated web pages that inform customer-managers of
the inventory of systems purchased from Dell, the status of pending orders, and provide a
current technical support system tailored to the information of interest to the customer. In this
way, customers could track down whatever information they needed instantaneously, without
any intervention by employees at Dell. Dell managers, then, handled the exceptions and
enhancements rather than the routine information requests.

Zero-process-gaps was clearly illustrated through the build-to-order strategy. There was no
downtime, or wait time, in the process. It was possible to fill orders as soon as they were
received. Suppliers get the order when Dell gets the order; there was no resistance to
transmitting the orders. Since manufacturing had all the parts needed to build the order, there
was no resistance to making it happen.


A Zero Time organization automatically involves customers, suppliers and other stakeholders in
their business processes. Two examples at Dell were the manufacturing floor, and the order
process cycle. On the manufacturing floor suppliers unloaded directly onto the floor, rather than
into inventory storage areas, and they were partners in the manufacturing operations Dell
carries out. At the other end of the line were trucks from shipping companies waiting to take
away the completed goods and deliver them to end users. They, too, were partners in this
operation. Forecasts for new systems were based on orders, and sent to the partners to assist
them in their planning. Meredith called this an ecological rather than a holistic approach. An
ecological approach was an external approach where all entities involved in the process were
informed of issues relating to the process. A holistic approach, on the other hand, kept the bulk
of the issues internally, only telling the external partners what they need to know to satisfy Dell’s
requirements. An ecological approach forced the entire partnership to focus on the customer
needs. On the other hand, a holistic approach forced the external partners to focus on Dell’s
needs and lets Dell focus on the customer needs. Through an ecological approach, the

Page 16

boundaries between Dell and its customers were blurred. Even customers were included at
Dell, since the Premier page gave a customer access significant parts of Dell’s IT infrastructure.

Relationships with suppliers were critical to the “build-to-order” concept. Suppliers were able to
know what parts were needed when the order was takenmessages were sent to them if supplies
were needed that were previously unanticipated. Short cycle times were possible because the
suppliers were included in the process. Similarly, the delivery vendors were part of the process.
Their shipper provided logistics services that go beyond simply picking up the package and
delivering it to the customer. Their shipper actually stocked components such as monitors.
When a system was ordered, the shipper was sent a message to begin the process of shipping
the required components to customers, resulting in delivery of all needed system components at
the same time. Finally, even the customer was part of the process. New Internet-enabled
technology allowed Dell to offer its customers access to the systems that help them configure
their desired purchase. Customer orders over the web added significantly to sales, further
pushing the direct marketing model.

Lessons from Dell Computer

There were several lessons to be derived from a Zero Time view of Dell Computer. The
benefits Dell Computers achieved can, in some sense, be viewed as advantages of a Zero
Time organization. Described in this section are the following:

• Knowing the customer is the foundation for creating value
• Going from the physical to the virtual world creates barriers to entry
• Explosive growth highlights the paradox of simultaneous empowerment and

Continuous reinvention is critical for continued velocity

Knowing the customer is the foundation for creating value

It is no longer good enough to simply meet customer expectations. It is not even good enough to
delight the customer. These goals are often one-time goals. Continued success, particularly at a
fast pace means it is getting increasingly important to KNOW the customer. Knowing the
customer means having knowledge that lets Dell constantly add value. Knowing the customer
means Dell can design new products, new services, and new pricing schemes that constantly
meet and exceed customer expectations. Dell achieves this through creative use of their
information systems as well as through their people. Their information systems attract, store,
manipulate, and report information on customers. Their people used this information to respond
immediately to changes in market conditions, changes from competitors, and changes in
customer preferences. The Customer Experience Initiative was a further example of a way to get
more intimate with the customer perspective. Internally, Dell managers were continuously
evaluating their share of the market within a customer, as compared to industry statistics that
were in terms of share of the overall market. The goal was to increase Dell’s position with each
customer. Michael Dell explained, “If we have say a 99% share a customer’s systems, the
question to us is how do we improve customer satisfaction in order to get that additional 1%
share.” And knowledge of the customer drives different solutions and services for each customer
segment. For example, Premier accounts such as GE, Boeing and GM find value from Dell in

Page 17

the predictability and consistency of Dell’s guaranteed delivery date and quality. On the other
hand, consumers find value in Dell’s lower total cost. Michele Moore, VP Chairman’s
Communications, described it as,

Transaction customers buy systems infrequently and generally need a
high volume of relatively low-value support. But large customers who buy
repeatedly from us often only require limited support, but support that is
customized and high-value add.

Going from physical to virtual creates barriers to entry

Barriers of entry and switching costs are created when an organization operates in a
virtual environment. Meredith explained,

I would rather plan in a non-physical world because it will create huge
barriers of entry, huge switching costs and massive competitive advantages
for us. The basic infrastructure for the non-physical world consists of speed
(time), intangibles (knowledge) and connectivity. The advantage is
increased because these objects can be manipulated more easily than their
physical counterparts.

Compression of time brings value to all stakeholders, and therefore creates barriers of entry.
Being virtually connected with both customers and suppliers created a competitive advantage
that was difficult to duplicate. Virtual integration and connectivity with customers means that the
customer has invested in organization and technical connections with Dell’s IT infrastructure
and vice versa. The cost to the customer of switching from Dell involves decoupling from Dell’s
IT infrastructure, which is much more costly to most than the savings to be gained from a
competitor with slightly lower per-unit costs. The tight coordination achieved through the virtual
integration provides customers with the benefits similar to those achieved through actual
physical acquisition.

Explosive growth exasperates a paradox of achieving both empowerment and alignment

Dell Computers is growing at such a fast pace that it is a challenging task to bring on people
fast enough. The hiring process, itself, must be an education and training process, so
individuals are knowledgeable and ready to be productive in the Dell environment. But the
integration of a large number of individuals in a short time brings the problems of both
empowerment and alignment at the same time.

Traditional companies have the “luxury” of empowering only those employees who are trained,
trusted, and able to make appropriate decisions for the organization. Dell must empower
individuals from the beginning in order to continue to operate at the rapid pace they have set for

At the same time, traditional companies have the “luxury” of alignment using time to teach
their employees the values, traditions, and goals of the business. Dell must achieve

Page 18

alignment for a large number of new employees who may not have had much training in
the “Dell way”.

Zero Time organizations have built a culture that both aligns and empowers employees. Dell
has done so through extensive communications, through selective hiring, through Dell
University and their training programs, and through the use of systems such as linked
incentives that both align workers and empower them. For example, production people have
linked objectives which are graded through metrics and incentives based on team as well as
individual performance.

Continuous reinvention is critical for continued velocity

At some point, every strategy and every goal is outdated. Dell Corporation has the keen sense
to identify possible new strategies and goals early, and to reinvent themselves in order to move
in the new direction. This was true when Dell made their entry onto online service over the
Internet. The Dell Direct Model was extended to allow customers access to systems which let
them tap directly into Dell’s service and support databases. Dell has already reinvented
themselves again by viewing their business as one of integration and distribution, rather than
simply as a hardware manufacturer. Maxwell described the current vision of Dell as “we sell
solutions, not systems.” And the competitive environment shifts again as PC manufacturers
target Dell as a primary competitor. Business units increase the acceleration of reinvention, as
each business unit evolves as necessary as they gain knowledge of their customers.

Dell’s Future?

Where does Dell go from here? To further its path towards a Zero Time organization, it would
continue to seek new ways of providing instant customerization. One executive commented
that inventory might be counted in “hours” rather than “days”. Since parts arrive on one side of
the plant, are immediately available for the assembly line, then shipped out the other side of the
plant, it is conceivable that Dell would only have inventories of parts for a few hours, while the
systems were being made. It is clear to us that Dell will continue to drive inventory down by
increasing velocity in its relentless pursuit to retain its “ build-to-order” leadership position in the

The real advantage is for Dell to position itself as an information systems solution provider,
rather than a hardware vendor, providing customers with entire systems, which integrate Dell
hardware and Dell’s internal capabilities. This is already beginning to happen utilizing the
Internet. Dell’s top customers use a web page to configure, place, and track orders, as well as
to obtain technical and sales information. This web page resides on Dell’s internal IS system,
but appears to the customer as an automated internal IS procurement process. In other words,
in 1998, Dell offered a solution to the information systems department for the procurement
process of ordering Dell equipment. Why stop there? Why not offer customers an entire
procurement process for equipment supplied by both Dell and others? Why not offer a series of
electronically based systems for handling other IS processes, such as service requests for the
equipment? Dellware was, to some extent, a way to provide this service. Dellware

Page 19

provided a means for customers to request special software and peripherals. Michael
Dell suggested that the company’s next step would be to get closer to buyers



Our industry has generally neglected the customer. I want to take the customer
experience to a whole new level.

Finally, as the experience base of the Dell organization grows, they might become the services
outsourcer for the entire customer IS organization. In 1998, Dell was providing a similar service
to Boeing. The advantage to Dell is the increased opportunity for revenue and the increased
access to information, which potentially translates into new product and service offerings. The
advantage to the customer is the traditional one-stop-shopping arrangement for products and
services, offloading these tasks from information systems organizations, and freeing the IS
management up to concentrate on core business issues rather than procurement and services.
Would using the direct-model to deliver expanded customer services provide Dell a sustainable


Quoted in “What Does No. 1 Do for an Encore,” Business Week, November 2, 1998, pgs. 112-113.

Page 20

Exhibit 1. Three Models of Personal Computer Industry Value Chains


This Exhibit was adapted from J. Magretta, “The Power of Virtual Integration: An interview with DELL
Computer’s Michael Dell”. Harvard Business Review, vol. 76(2), March-April, 1998, pp. 72-85.

Page 21

Exhibit 2: The Dell Direct Model (Source: Dell Corporate Web Site, May 1998)

Dell’s award-winning customer service, industry-leading growth
and financial performance continue to differentiate the
company from competitors. At the heart of that performance is
Dell’s unique direct-to-customer business model. “Direct” refers
to the company’s relationships with its customers, from home-
PC users to the world’s largest corporations. There are no
retailers or other resellers adding unnecessary time and cost, or
diminishing Dell’s understanding of customer expectations.
Why are computer-systems customers and investors
increasingly turning to Dell and its unique direct model? There
are several reasons:

• Price for Performance. By eliminating resellers, retailers and
other costly intermediary steps together with the industry’s most
efficient procurement, manufacturing and distribution process Dell
offers its customers more powerful, more richly configured systems
for the money than competitors.
• Customization. Every Dell system is built to order.
Customers get exactly, and only, what they want.
• Service and Support. Dell uses knowledge gained from direct
contact before and after the sale to provide award-winning, tailored
customer service.
• Latest Technology. Dell’s efficient model means the latest
relevant technology is introduced in its product lines much more
quickly than through slow-moving indirect distribution channels.
Inventory is turned over every 10 or fewer days, on average, keeping
related costs low.
• Superior Shareholder Value. During the last fiscal year, the
value of Dell common stock more than doubled. In 1996 and 1997,
Dell was the top-performing stock among the Standard & Poor’s 500
and Nasdaq 100, and represented the top-performing U.S. stock on the
Dow Jones World Stock

Page 22

Page 23

Exhibit 4: Summary of Zero-Time Disciplines

Discipline Description
Zero-value-gap Core values of company are based on customers’ values and

these values are shared across entities.
Zero-learning-gaps Capacity to continuously learn and create knowledge, then

convert it into customer value instantly.

Zero-management-gaps Every part of the organization is in itself a whole, complete
entity with the ability and authority to function

Zero-process-gaps The property in which there are no obstacles to completing
any required tasks, processes, or activities.

Zero-inclusion-gaps All individuals and groups who need to be involved are
automatically included when the process takes place.

Exhibit 5. Models of Instant Customerization

Model Description
Emergency Room Model Everything necessary to satisfy the

customers’ needs and choices is waiting,
accessible whenever needed.

Disneyland Model A bounded set of choices is available, from
which each customer selects whatever he or
she wants.

Hybrid Model Reasonable set of choices is available,
coupled with a way to customize these
choices, to meet whatever need customer has.

Page 24

The case of Social Robots

1 Introduction

At present, social robots are widely used in the field of children. Social robots have four main applications, which are companionship, teaching and coaching, therapeutic tools or assistants and telepresence (Dawe et al., 2018, p. 1). In recent years, most research on robots has been well received. Although there are still some problems holding back development, there are still some opportunities for robots to become more perfect. This section will describe the problems, disruption and opportunities for the development of social robots.

2 Problem

There are many types of social robots for children that are developed by different organizations and come from different places. Some robots perform well, and some have room for improvement. Some data indicate that the practice of social robots in the field of children’s health presents positive impacts integrally, while some subjective problems are found in the interviews with users and researchers (Dawe et al., 2018, p. 7). Firstly, a series of technical problems became the most frequently mentioned questions. A research was found that an auxiliary learning robot designed for primary school students might cause accidents (Cheetham et al. 2000, p. 381). In the remote operation, students could not estimate whether there were people passing by the robot, the robot might hurt people in action. Larriba et al. (2016, p. 192) also introduce a companion pet robot named Pelo that can relieve the pain of children in hospital. The study found that Pelo occasionally cannot be opened, which is a technical issue worth paying attention to. Meanwhile, this robot cannot respond to children’s different emotions (crying or laughing) in a timely manner. This may result in poor treatment because the doctor cannot know the patient’s mood changes through Pelo. In this case, the robot does not seem to care about the child, and thus cannot meet the child’s needs. This is the second problem of social robots. Not only Pelo, but other robots also have similar problems. The use of social robots to treat children with Intellectual Disabilities is a possible choice because the treatment methods of robots are not significantly different from ordinary medical methods, which increases the value of social robots. However, it is worth noting that the needs of children with intellectual disabilities are special, and they need greater appeal to focus on social robots. Bernd et al. (2010, p. 262) point out that the treated children did not satisfy the content of a robot game. The child’s attention cannot always be attracted by the robot. Thus, the therapeutic effect cannot reach the desired state.

3 Disruption

Although social robots have positive development potential in the field of child therapy, there are some problems that prevent it from expanding its influence. In other words, some problems may block the development of social robots. First, due to some of its functional design, some social robots cannot become social agents. Although social robots are objects created to communicate with people, they are different from human beings. they have no social cognition and complete social ability (lee et al., 2006, p. 539). This design makes social robots have great limitations. Therefore, social robots can only be used as a tool for adjuvant therapy and companionship, and cannot completely replace humans (Dawe et al., 2018, p. 14). Secondly, there are many unknowns about social robots that may hinder their development. It is hard to predict whether social robots will flourish because there is not enough research. At present, most of the children who are interviewed like social robots due to the novelty of social robots. However, children may be distracted by using a single function for a long time, so that they will no longer be attracted to this technology. Users may lose interest is the currently hidden danger of social robots. Now researchers need to increase the sample size to verify the stability of the robot audience. If there are fewer and fewer users relying on social robots in the future, its development may be interrupted.

4 Opportunity

In humanoid social robots, people’s inherent psychological expectation is that the former’s perceptual characteristics are infinitely close to human beings, and its rational ability can help or even surpass human beings. In today’s robot design and research fields, such robots are defined as “humanoid social robots” (Wu, 2016).

Through the preliminary study, it is fully proved that the use of humanoid social robots in 6 children (4-9 years old) with cerebral palsy is particular useful. In the survey of parents after rehabilitation training, their parents all think that humanoid social robots are encouraging children and hope to continue to use it in the future treatment (Kozyavkin et al., 2014, p. 431). Furthermore, because robots are more and more advanced, they can interact with children in the educational environment. This interaction can be used not only for the development of social skills but also for coaching (Kim et al., 2009, p. 318). Even if an interface can understand emotions, it can only work if it connects people with problem-solving methods.

Moreover, because of the rapid development of humanoid social robots, they have all kinds of human characteristics, such as personality, body, emotion and verbal and non-verbal communication ability (Kim et al., 2009, p. 318). Social robots can be used as a platform to meet children’s unique care needs. For example, when children are depressed or have some symptoms, robots can show a healthy attitude to provide comfort and companionship for children. This is helpful for the treatment of children’s chronic diseases (Kozyavkin et al., 2014, p. 431). Therefore, this shows the great promise and potential of humanoid social robots to help children in health care. With the development of science and technology, it is only a matter of time before humanoid robots will become more advanced and mature in the future (Zhao, 2006, p. 415).

Customer journey map of social robots

The Application of Social robots in Children’s’ field

Customer Segments: Users and Researchers



Teach and Coach

Therapeutic Tool or Helper


Interviewee activities

Provide comfort to users

No response to the child’s emotions (crying or laughing)

People passing by may be hurt during remote operation

Can treat children with cerebral palsy

Unknown for future effects

Lack of attraction for children with cerebral palsy

Parents can learn about their children’s physical condition at school




Thoughts or Feelings

Users increase joy and reduce pain

It’s impossible to understand the state of a child through a robot

Feel dangerous

It has a positive effect on the treatment of children with cerebral palsy

Not sure whether robots will be popular in the future due to insufficient evidence

The effect of robot is not perfect because of the particularity of children with cerebral palsy

Can track a child’s physical condition


Parents want to know their children’s emotions through robots

hope this technology can be updated

Hope to continue treatment with robots

Hope it can increase the attraction to children with cerebral palsy and assist the treatment

2 The case of Dell

2.1 Introduction

In the era of the rapid development of information, it is mainly competitive for the computer industry. Dell, through its unique direct-sales model, it quickly became the No. 1 in the United States and No. 2 in the computer industry. Dell consists mainly of suppliers, manufacturers, and customers. Dell sells computers directly to customers, and the customers could access dell’s proprietary pages to get the services and technical support. Dell is customer-centric and uses information instead of inventory to reduce company costs. The information system not only records the latest changes in customers’ needs and preferences but also connects suppliers and manufacturers. The manufacturer reminds the supplier to prepare the corresponding parts through the information system of the order, demand, and forecast information.

2.2 The key problem of Dell company

With the rapid operation and development of Dell’s company, it is hard to ignore the challenges of coordination. As Doctor Mark van states, ‘the organization of tomorrow is a data organization (2020).’ Dell company is tracking this trend rapidly growing to be an information systems solution provider. However, this rapidly growing always comes with some pressures and challenges of coordinate, which relevant communication, training, and empowerment, and alignment. In order to time compressions to achieve a fast sales model, Dell has to reduce the time of missions and dealing. Following the compression of time, the value and volume of business are increasing. The system needs to improve to adapt to this fast decision management. To respond to this change and development, the Dell company undertakes tremendous pressures between all staff and departments in coordination. The coordination based on heaving communications. In order to the more effective and fluence communication, and appropriate and fast decisions, Dell faced a problem that they need to empower their employees and make them align in a short time. That means Dell also needs to continue training its employees to make them are educated and connected with their target.

This coordination problem is relevant to politics, which focuses on organizations and personal cooperation. Depending on this problem and Dell’s business model, the service blueprint is an excellent tool to describe and analyze the problems and disruptions. The blueprint diagram (see

Table 2

) is a process of customer service, which customer is the center of the company’s corporation (Bitner, M. J. et al., 2008, p. 3). This coincides with Dell’s customer-oriented philosophy.

Table 2

2.3 The relationship disruptions

Following the process of the blueprint diagram, the disruption may happen in the three parts, which are the suppliers and manufacture, delivery, and staff. For the suppliers and manufacture, the manufacture reminds its suppliers about the expected demand, which is based on the information of customers and orders from Dell company. That expectation is relying on the information. The information should be shared with everyone in the supply chain in time, especially when the information has some changes. If the communication or message with the suppliers or manufacture is updated delate or not in time, the vendors did not supply enough products to finish the orders. That may lead to another disruption, the delayed delivery. Dell knows that customer satisfaction is the basis of creating all the values. This is why Dell promised the 5 to 7 days predictable delivery data for its customers. However, because of the delay or miscommunication of information, the products may not arrive at the expected time, which may result in a decrease in customer satisfaction. For the employees of Dell company part, the active and fast communication cannot be achieved without their ability and goals of themselves. Horrible coordination and communication will give the staff the wrong direction, especially when they have no complete learning and training. They may not know the goals and beliefs and make wrong decisions or do some things that damage the interests and image of the Dell company. Because of the coordination problem, those disruptions may damage the benefit of Dell company if without any measures.

2.4 The Opportunity

Coordination between individuals, business units, and segments are necessary to keep all elements of the organization moving in the same direction while responding to changes and movements in the environment (Pearlson, K., & Yeh, R. 1999, p. 6). Dell has efforts to coordinate the company’s fundamental policy, junior staff, senior management, and dell departments. For the fundamental company policy, dell uses the concept of “time pacing” to create a strategy. They state that the only thing in the world will not change always change. In this way, they predict the time interval between changes in unpredictable market demand. Each year dell’s annual meeting has a different theme based on the time interval forecast. Pacing time fosters a sense of speed and urgency and provides fundamental guidelines for the next year. In the long run, pacing time leads stakeholders in the most beneficial direction. When it comes to coordinating with lower-level employees, dell trains new employees to make sure they understand the company business model. Employees could keep track of the dell profile and summaries of presidential meetings to keep pace with the company direction. For the coordination of the enterprise’s senior management is, they could use the enterprise’s internal communication network for positive communication. The internal communication network is part of ensuring overall coordination. For coordinating the company’s various departments, dell launched the “customer experience” strategic initiatives. “Customer experience” aims to see all aspects of the business from the perspective of the customer. It encourages employees to take a customer-centric view. “Customer experience” is one of the best communication channels between different departments of the company and customers, and it could expand the focus of employees. Customers and employees interact with each other. Every customer experience could increase brand loyalty for customers and the business of employees.

2.5 Conclusion

Dell is an innovative zero – time organization. Although it has succeeded by using the direct selling model, it has caused coordination problems due to the political reasons which focus on the cooperation between organizations and individuals. Coordination problems caused dell’s suppliers, manufacturers, and employees across its divisions to face a disruption relationship. Dell has taken several solutions to ensure that all parts of the company are moving in the same direction. The correctly understanding for Dell adapts to the needs of competition in the new era.

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