Principle of management essay

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Pizza on Purpose!

Our Purpose: “The Nick’s Experience”.

Our dedicated family provides this community an unforgettable place
to connect with your family and friends, to have fun and to feel at home!

Remember Nick’s Pizza and Pub (our friendly neighborhood restaurant from Exam 1)? Well, business has
been booming for Nick! Now Nick is looking to hire a couple of employees. Hiring talented workers is
key in the restaurant business, and he’s looking for qualified, loyal employees.

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In this paper, you will apply the concepts of Human Resource Management (technical,
human, conceptual) to Nick’s Pizza & Pub.

Explore the company’s website, social media, and this video for information on the company:
Website: (links to social media found here)


Videos: These are just to get you started; many
other videos available on their social

 Type your responses in the answer sheet (Exam 4 Essay Answer Sheet), and upload it to

the appropriate D2L folder.
 Start each section with a brief description/definition of the term using information from

your readings and lectures. Then, provide examples using the resources listed above. Do
not copy/paste large blocks of text from the resources; instead put the information you
find into your own words.

 I am looking for you to integrate what you’ve learned and apply it to this real-world
example. Your analysis should be based on what you’ve read and understood from the
course materials (readings, lectures, etc), not what you think.

General Exam Instructions
All exams are due NO LATER THAN 11:59 PM CST on the due date. For each day that your
assignment is late, I will deduct 10 POINTS from your grade. If you do not meet the 11:59 PM CST
deadline (even by one or two minutes), I will deduct 10 points. If you do not turn the assignment in by
11:59 PM CST the next day, I will deduct an additional 10 points, and so on. Saturdays and Sundays
count towards the total days late.
 Include LastnameFirstname in the document name. Example: “WilliamsAlex Exam 4 Essay x”
 Make sure your name appears somewhere within the document that you submit.
 Submit the assignment to myLeoOnline. If for some reason you have difficulty uploading your

assignment, e-mail it to me and explain the situation in your e-mail.
 Use the bold phrases above as section headers; do not repeat the entire question.
 A title page and executive summary are not required.
 MS Word documents, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced.

Case Analysis Grading Rubric

Component Needs Improvement

Meets Standards

Exceeds Standards

Depth and
Quality of

Identifies few, if any,
critical managerial
Fails to discuss,
evaluate, and analyze
each managerial
issue, does not
provide convincing or
supported arguments,
and lacks any
significant degree of

Identifies many of the
critical managerial
issues. Discusses,
evaluates, and
analyzes each
managerial issue,
providing convincing
and supported
arguments, but could
have gone into much
more depth.

Identifies all of the
critical managerial
issues. Thoroughly
discusses, evaluates,
and analyzes each
managerial issue,
providing convincing
and supported

Overall Quality of

Paper Formatting
Turnitin Similarity

Student presented an
incoherent analysis
that contained several

Student presented a
well-written, coherent
analysis that
contained a few
minor errors.

Student presented a
well-written, coherent
analysis that was free
from any grammar
and/or spelling errors.

One final note: If you follow the guidelines mentioned in this document, you will meet
expectations, which will put you in the middle (B-C) section of the rubric. Therefore, if your
goal is to obtain an A, be sure to exceed my expectations. 

MGT 305 – Exam 4 Essay Answer Sheet (See Exam Information document for details).

1. Employment Laws: Describe an employment law that Nick may need to keep in mind during the hiring process for a waiter/waitress:

2. Job Analysis: Based on your review of the resources, write a brief job description for the waiters/waitresses position:

3. Training Process: Describe the type of training for the person you hire:

4. Performance Appraisal and Feedback: What factors would you consider during the performance appraisal process of Servers?

5. Pay and Benefits: How do you keep employees motivated through pay and benefits? Do you offer high starting salaries, or do you build in incentives that can increase employee pay?

6. Leadership: Describe the ideal leadership style in this scenario. Do so using terms described in the Leadership lesson (Power, Path-Goal, Modern Management), etc).


Leadership Theories and Trends

Key Definitions
◦ The process by which a person exerts influence over

others and inspires, motivates and directs their
activities to achieve group or organizational goals

◦ An individual who is able to exert influence over other

people to help achieve group or organizational goals


Leaders Versus Managers
Distinction between managers and leaders

•Managers establish and implement
procedures to ensure smooth functioning

•Leaders look to the future and chart the
course for the organization

Born or Made?


Trait models of Leadership

• Focused on identifying personal characteristics that

cause effective leadership

• Certain individuals have special innate characteristics
or qualities that differentiate them from non-leaders.

◦ Resides in select people
◦ Restricted to those with inborn talent

Draw an ideal national leader

Research on the
Trait models of Leadership

Draw a typical citizen


Research on the
Trait models of Leadership

Draw a meeting between the leader and the citizen

Research on the
Trait models of Leadership
Draw a meeting between the leader and the citizen


Participants drew
taller leader 67% of

the time


What do we look for in a leader?

Do we prefer tall leaders? (Murray & Schmidt, 2011)
– Majority of candidates are taller than the average citizen
– The taller candidate is elected 67% of the time
– Draw: ideal national leader, typical citizen, meeting


Trait models of Leadership

Traits and Personal Characteristics Related to
Effective Leadership

Researchers now focus on
Personality traits,
not physical traits


The “Dark Side”
Traits of Leadership

Trait theory is focused on the positives, but
there are “dark side” traits of leaders:

1. Narcissism: A personality trait that is
characterized by arrogance, self-
absorption, entitlement, and hostility.

2. Machiavellianism: A personality trait
characterized by cunning,
manipulation, and the use of any
means necessary to achieve one’s
political ends.

Behavioral models of Leadership

Behavioral model: Identifies the two basic
types of behavior that many leaders
engage in to influence their subordinates

◦ Consideration
◦ Initiating structure

Behavioral approaches to
leadership show that
• task oriented and
• people (relationship) oriented

behaviors are two key aspects of


Behavioral models of Leadership

Consideration (People oriented)
◦ Displaying trust, respect, and care towards subordinates

◦ Looking out for the well-being of their subordinates
◦ Helping subordinates feel good and enjoy the work they perform

Initiating structure (Task oriented)
◦ Ensuring that work gets done, subordinates perform their jobs

acceptably, and the organization is efficient and effective
◦ Assigning tasks to groups
◦ Setting expectations

Behavioral models of Leadership
Task oriented

leader behaviors

• Providing instructions:
giving directives to get
things done

• Ensuring that
organizational goals are

• Structuring the roles of

• Increasing the
performance of the

People oriented
leader behaviors

• Caring about the well
being of employees

• Demonstrating concern
in actions and decisions

• Showing concern for
employee feelings

• Treating employees with


Path-Goal Theory

Leaders can increase subordinate satisfaction and

performance (motivation) by:
• Clearly identifying the outcomes that subordinates are trying to obtain

from their jobs
• Rewarding subordinates with these outcomes for high-performance and

attainment of work goal
• Clarifying the paths leading to the attainment of work goals

A good leader provides clear direction, sets high goals, gets
involved with goal achievement, and supports employees

• Directive leadership
• Supportive leadership
• Participative leadership
• Achievement-oriented leadership

Path-Goal Theory

Set Challenging Goals
Expect High
Show Confidence in

Show concern for
followers, especially in
times of extreme stress

Give Specific Directives

Assign Tasks
Clarify Expectations

Consult with followers
Ask their suggestions


Visionary Leadership

Laissez-faire Leadership

Transactional Leadership

Transformational Leadership

The absence of leadership

A hands-off, let-things-ride approach

Refers to a leader who
• abdicates responsibility
• delays decisions
• gives no feedback, and
• makes little effort to help followers satisfy their needs


Transactional Leadership

– No new taxes = votes.
– Sell more cars = bonus.
– Turn in assignments = grade.
– Surpass goals = promotion.

The exchange dimension is so common
that you can observe it in all walks of life.

Transformational Leadership

Makes subordinates aware of how important their jobs are for the organization and how necessary it is for them to
perform those jobs as best they can so that the organization can attain its goals







Transformational Leadership
Makes subordinates aware of how important their jobs are for the organization and how necessary it is for them to
perform those jobs as best they can so that the organization can attain its goals


Role Model
for followers

Attending to the
needs of each

follower, listening
to their concerns

to be innovative

Articulating an
appealing vision

Sources of Managerial Power


Power: The Key to Leadership
• The authority that a manager has by virtue of his or her

position in an organization’s hierarchyLegitimate power

• The ability of a manager to give or withhold tangible and
intangible rewardsReward power

• The ability of a manager to punish


• Overuse of coercive power can even result in dangerous

working conditions
Coercive power

• Power that is based on special knowledge, skills, and
expertise that the leader possesses

• Tends to be used in a guiding or coaching manner

Expert power

• Power that comes from subordinates’ and coworkers’ respect,
admiration, and loyalty

• Possessed by managers who are likable and whom
subordinates wish to use as a role model

Referent power

• Elected US President (Organizational Chart)Legitimate power

• Position Appointments, PromotionsReward power

• Military Commander-in-Chief
• Examples: verbal reprimand, pay cuts, and

Coercive power

• Briefed on national security issues
• Trained in a particular field/skill

Expert power

• Popularity/Approval RatingsReferent power


Key Ingredients to Modern Management

Empowerment | Emotional Intelligence | Political Skill


◦ The process of giving employees at all

levels the authority to make decisions, be
responsible for their outcomes, improve
quality, and cut costs






Emotional Intelligence

Strategic leadership requires the ability to:
• anticipate and envision.
• maintain flexibility.
• empower others to create strategic change through

selecting and implementing a firm’s strategies as

Strategic leadership is:
• multi-functional work involving working through others.
• consideration of the entire enterprise rather than just a

• a managerial frame of reference.

The ability to make (good)
choices by identifying our own
emotions as well as the
emotions of others

An Ingredient in
Modern Management

Emotional Intelligence

• Understanding

our own
emotions (ie,
mad, sad, glad,

• Understanding
our own
emotions (ie,
mad, sad, glad,

• Self-control

of impulses
& reactions
to certain

• Self-control
of impulses
& reactions
to certain

• Aware of other’s

oncerns; sensing
the “elephant in
the room” and
when to discuss

• Aware of other’s
oncerns; sensing
the “elephant in
the room” and
when to discuss

• Social skills
• Influencing

• Social skills
• Influencing

• The four steps of emotional intelligence build upon one

• Believed to be “improvable” or learned instead of a trait


Political Skill
• an understanding of the organizational and social

context in which the leader operates
Social Astuteness

• the leader’s ability to modify their behavior to elicit
desired reactions from others

Interpersonal Influence

• the capacity to develop relationships with diverse
organizational stakeholders

Networking Ability

• a perception by others that the leader is authentic
in his/her intentions

Apparent Sincerity

Leadership: Past to Present
All are important, but today’s leader (and leadership) can be
characterized as shifting from:

◦Power  Empowerment
◦Personal Traits  Emotional Intelligence
◦Networking  Political Skill



Effective Groups and Teams

Groups, Teams and
Organizational Effectiveness

◦ Two or more people who interact with each

other to accomplish certain goals or meet certain

◦ A group whose members work intensely with

each other to achieve a specific, common goal or

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State and local income tax

SAP Implementation Team

Two characteristics distinguish teams from groups

1. Intensity with which team members work together

2. Presence of a specific, overriding team goal or objective



Creating and Maintaining Group Performance
Division of Labor: splitting the work to be performed into particular
tasks and assigning tasks to individual workers

Task Interdependence: the degree to which the work performed by
one member of a group influences the work performed by other

Types of Task Interdependence



Types of Task Interdependence

Rims/wheels Electronics


Pooled: each member
making separate and
independent contributions to
group performance.

Types of Task Interdependence








Sequential: group members perform tasks in a
predetermined order; the work of one impacts the others



Types of Task Interdependence


HR Expert (on team)

HR Professional (at plant)
IT System Specialist

Project Manager

Reciprocal: group member work is fully dependent on the
work performed by other members; shared information,
intense interaction, coordination of efforts in order to
achieve goal.

The Stages of Group Development



Stages of Group Development

◦ Group members get to know each other and reach

common understanding

◦ Group members experience conflict because some

members do not wish to submit to demands of other group

◦ Close ties and consensus begin to develop between group


Group Projects at School

Stages of Group Development

◦ The real work of the group is accomplished

◦ Only for task forces that are temporary
◦ Group is dispersed

Group Projects at School


Human Resources Management

Learning Objectives
1. Explain why strategic human resource management can help an organization gain a

competitive advantage.

2. Describe the steps managers take to recruit and select organizational members.

3. Discuss the training and development options that ensure organization members can
effectively perform their jobs.

4. Explain why performance appraisal and feedback are such crucial activities, and list the
choices managers must make in designing effective performance appraisal and feedback

5. Explain the issues managers face in determining levels of pay and benefits.

6. Understand the role that labor relations play in the effective management of human


Human Resource Management

We know from the resource-based view of strategy,
to gain a competitive advantage, companies must
acquire resources that are valuable, rare, and that

can’t be imitated or substituted.

That describes each of you perfectly!

Each employee is valuable and rare, and because we are
all unique individuals, we cannot be perfectly imitated or
substituted. So, if we can find them, great employees can

be a significant competitive advantage.

It is our job as managers to help them be the
best employee they are capable of being

and keep them from wanting to leave.

Strategic Human Resource Management

Human resource management (HRM)
o Activities that managers engage in to

attract and retain employees and to
ensure that they perform at a high level
and contribute to the accomplishment
of organizational goals

The process of finding, developing, and
keeping the right people to form a

qualified work force


Human Resource Management

The process of finding,
developing, and keeping the

right people to form a
qualified work force

• Ensuring that competent employees are
identified and selected.

________ &
________ &

• Providing employees with up-to-date
knowledge and skills to do their jobs.


• Ensuring that the organization retains
competent and high-performing

Strategic Human Resource Management

• Strategic human resource
oThe process by which managers

design the components of an HRM
system to be consistent with each
other, with other elements of
organizational architecture, and
with the organization’s strategy
and goals


Human Resource Management Process

Human Resource Management Process


Environmental Factors Affecting HRM

• Organizations that represent workers and seek to protect
their interests through collective bargaining.

Employee Labor

• Limit managerial discretion in hiring, promoting, and
discharging employees.

Governmental Laws
and Regulations

• Global Workforce
• Workplace Diversity (Generational, Aging, LGBTQ)

Demographic Trends

• US Department of Labor
• Occupational Safety & Health AdministrationSafety

• Organizations that represent workers and seek to protect
their interests through collective bargaining.
Employee Labor
• Limit managerial discretion in hiring, promoting, and
discharging employees.
Governmental Laws
and Regulations
• Global Workforce
• Workplace Diversity (Generational, Aging, LGBTQ)
Demographic Trends
• US Department of Labor
• Occupational Safety & Health AdministrationSafety
Environmental Factors Affecting HRM


Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC)

• Federal Agency responsible for enforcing federal laws
pertaining to discrimination

• Applies to most organizations with 15 or more

• First stop when an employee believes their company
has discriminated against them

• EEOC Process:
oInvestigate the allegation
oMake a finding (recommendation)
oTry to settle out of court
oFile a lawsuit on behalf of the employee/applicant

Federal Employment Laws



Equal Pay Act Title VII of the Civil

Rights Act

Age Discrimination
in Employment Act

Discrimination Act

Americans with
Disabilities Act

Civil Rights Act Family and Medical
Leave Act

Uniformed Services
Employment and

Rights Act

Occupational Safety
and Health Act



Federal Employment Laws

Equal Pay Act
Title VII of the Civil

Rights Act
Age Discrimination
in Employment Act

Discrimination Act
Americans with
Disabilities Act
Civil Rights Act Family and Medical
Leave Act
Uniformed Services
Employment and
Rights Act
Occupational Safety
and Health Act


Federal Employment Laws

Equal Pay Act Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act

Age Discrimination
in Employment Act
Discrimination Act
Americans with
Disabilities Act
Civil Rights Act Family and Medical
Leave Act
Uniformed Services
Employment and
Rights Act
Occupational Safety
and Health Act


Protected Classes under EEO Laws




National origin


National origin

Age (40+) (ADEA)

Disability (ADA)

Title VII of
Civil Rights


Civil Rights Act of 1964
Title VII – Equal Employment Opportunity
• It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer:

1) to fail or refuse to hire or to
discharge any individual …

2) to limit, segregate, or classify his
employees or applicants for
employment in any way which
would adversely affect his status
as an employee

• because of such individual’s
race, color, religion, sex or national origin


Practices that can result in Discrimination
• Recruiting
• Selection
• Promotions
• Transfers
• Layoffs
• Training
• Wages
• Benefits

• Terminations
• Work assignments
• Working conditions
• Apprenticeships
• Performance


Two Forms of Discrimination under Title VII

• Intentional discrimination,
when an employer treats an
employee differently because
of their protected status


• Equal application of an
employment standard that
has an unequal effect on one
or more in a protected class




Two Forms of Discrimination under Title VII

• _____________ discrimination that occurs when people are
purposely not given the same hiring, promotion or membership
• Because of their race, color, sex, age, ethnic group, national

origin, or religious beliefs

___________ ___________

• ______________ discrimination that occurs when members of a
protected class are unintentionally harmed or disadvantaged
• A facially neutral requirement that causes substantial

underrepresentation of protected class members
• Not necessarily illegal, but organization must show that it is

necessary and job-related
• Four fifths (80 percent) rule: Used to determine if there has been

a case of adverse impact

___________ ___________


Griggs v. Duke Power Co. (1971)

Context and Duke Power Company in the 1950s

• Public Utility (electric power) in North and South Carolina
• Supplied electric power to federal government agencies, so subject to governmental

employment laws

• African Americans were only allowed to work in the Labor department (janitorial services, shoveling

coal, etc); these were the lowest-paying positions
• Before Civil Rights Act of 1964: Black employees were categorically excluded from all but one of

Duke’s departments—the labor department, in which the highest paid employee earned less than the
lowest paid employee in any other department. (disparate treatment)

• Employees needed a high school diploma and/or to pass a standardized test for higher paying jobs
• 34% of white males completed high school; 12% of African Americans
• 58% of whites passed the Duke Power Co standardized test; 6% of African Americans

Griggs (African American male) was denied a ditch digger job because he
failed to meet the selection criteria above.
Supreme Court unanimously found that the facially neutral employment
criteria violated Title VII because:

• It had a disproportionate impact on Griggs’ protected group, and



Griggs v. Duke Power Co. (1971)

• African Americans were only
allowed to work in the Labor
department (janitorial services,
shoveling coal, etc); these were
the lowest-paying positions

Context and Duke Power Company in the 1950s
• Public Utility (electric power) in North and South Carolina
• Supplied electric power to federal government agencies, so subject to governmental

employment laws

• Before Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964: Black employees were categorically
excluded from all but one of Duke’s departments—the labor department, in which
the highest paid employee earned less than the lowest paid employee in any other
department. (disparate treatment)


Griggs v. Duke Power Co. (1971)
After Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964:

• Duke Power stopped expressly restricting African-Americans to the labor department and
announced new standards for hiring, promotion, and transfers.

• To work outside of the Labor Department (i.e., higher paying jobs), employees needed a high
school diploma and/or scores on a (new) standardized test equal to those of an average high
school graduate

Context of the times (1965)
• 34% of white males completed high school; 12% of African Americans
• 58% of whites passed the Duke Power Co standardized test; 6% of African Americans



Griggs v. Duke Power Co. (1971)
 Griggs (African American male) was denied a ditch digger job because he

failed to meet the selection criteria.
 A number of black employees (plaintiffs) challenged the policy under

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
 Both the district court and court of appeals held that Duke’s policies

reflected no discriminatory purpose and had been applied equally to
black and white employees

 Supreme Court ruled against Duke Power, stating that the facially neutral
employment criteria violated Title VII
• It had a disproportionate impact on Griggs’ protected group, and
• It was not job-related or consistent with business necessity (i.e., no relation to job-performance).

Tests used must measure any tests used must measure
the person for the job and not the person in the abstract

Is a HS diploma
necessary or job



Griggs v. Duke Power Co. (1971)
 Griggs (African American male) was denied a ditch digger job because he
failed to meet the selection criteria.
 A number of black employees (plaintiffs) challenged the policy under
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
 Both the district court and court of appeals held that Duke’s policies
reflected no discriminatory purpose and had been applied equally to
black and white employees
 Supreme Court ruled against Duke Power, stating that the facially neutral
employment criteria violated Title VII
• It had a disproportionate impact on Griggs’ protected group, and
• It was not job-related or consistent with business necessity (i.e., no relation to job-performance).
Tests used must measure any tests used must measure
the person for the job and not the person in the abstract
Is a HS diploma
necessary or job


Disparate Treatment vs Impact Example
• “Women and minorities can’t be fire fighters” (Disparate

• “You must have a high school diploma to be a firefighter.”

• This requirement had a disproportionately adverse (disparate) impact on
black test takers (only 12% graduated HS)

• The test was not necessary or job-related.

• “We will implement a physical fitness test to screen and select
applicants for entry-level fire fighter positions.”
• (1) lift 150 pounds; (2) 50 sit-ups; (3) 50 push-ups; (4) a vertical jump; and (5)

a 1.5-mile run
• Heading in the right direction; but still adversely impacts women.
• 4/5ths rule: If 100 male applicants pass, then at least 80 women should pass

(unless necessary and job-related). Is it?

• Solution: We will implement a physical test where applicants
(in full gear) must drag a “dummy” for 50-100 feet, and up a
flight of stairs.

Are LGBTQ Individuals Protected???


National origin

National origin

The EEOC interprets and enforces Title VII’s
prohibition of sex discrimination as
forbidding any employment discrimination
based on gender identity (transgender;
2012) or sexual orientation (2015).

The Department of Justice (Attorney
General) recently (Oct 2017) reversed its
previous (2014) stance. Now, it interprets
Title VII’s prohibition of sex discrimination
as only applying to males and females.


Ethical Decision Making meets
Business (and Personal) Values

You own/operate Masterpiece Cakeshop.

A woman walks in with her son and his
fiancé to pick out a cake for their
wedding reception.

When you realize that the cake you are
asked to make is for two men, you:
a. Refuse to make the cake
b. Make the cake

What’s your decision based on (religious/deontological,
socio-cultural, utilitarian, rights/justice, etc)

Federal Employment Laws
Equal Pay Act Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act
Age Discrimination
in Employment Act
Discrimination Act
Americans with
Disabilities Act
Civil Rights Act Family and Medical
Leave Act
Uniformed Services
Employment and
Rights Act
Occupational Safety
and Health Act


Equal Pay Act of 1963

No employer having employees subject to any
provisions of this section shall discriminate, within any
establishment in which such employees are employed,
between employees on the basis of sex by paying wages
to employees in such establishment at a rate less than
the rate at which he pays wages to employees of the
opposite sex in such establishment for equal work on
jobs the performance of which requires equal skill,
effort, and responsibility, and which are performed
under similar working conditions

Equal Pay Act of 1963

Differences in pay may be allowed if based on:
◦ Seniority (ex: Teachers)
◦ Performance (ex: Salesman)
◦ Quality and/or quantity of production
◦ Factors other than sex


Equal Pay Act of 1963

Is it still an issue???

Federal Employment Laws
Equal Pay Act Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act
Age Discrimination
in Employment Act
Discrimination Act
Americans with
Disabilities Act
Civil Rights Act Family and Medical
Leave Act
Uniformed Services
Employment and
Rights Act
Occupational Safety
and Health Act


Age Discrimination in Employment Act of
1967 (ADEA)

• ADEA makes it unlawful to discriminate in the
terms and conditions of employment on the
basis of age
o40 years old or older
oDoes not protect against:
oPoor performance
oInability to perform assigned tasks
oBeware of violating the ADEA with

“overqualified” job applicants

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of
1967 (ADEA)
Is it still an issue???


Federal Employment Laws
Equal Pay Act
Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act
Age Discrimination
in Employment Act
Discrimination Act
Americans with
Disabilities Act
Civil Rights Act Family and Medical
Leave Act
Uniformed Services
Employment and
Rights Act
Occupational Safety
and Health Act

Americans with Disabilities Act

• Prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals
with disabilities
oA qualified individual is one who is able to perform the

___________ ___________ of a job with or without

oEmployers must make “___________ ___________”
for qualified job applicants or employees with

• Employers are not required to lower work
standards, tolerate misconduct, or give someone a
make-work job


Who is Disabled?

• Has a physical or mental impairment which
substantially limits one or more of an individual’s
major life activities
owalking, talking, seeing, hearing, or learning
oIndividuals who can function normally with mitigating

measures (e.g., medication, but not eyeglasses) are
now protected by the ADAAA (ADHD is protected)

• Has a record of such impairment
• Is regarded as having such impairment

Reasonable Accommodation

• Reasonable Accommodation:
oa modification or an adjustment to the work environment

that enables a qualified individual with a disability to
perform the essential job functions

• An accommodation is not reasonable when it places an
undue burden on the employer

Reasonable Accommodation

• Examples of Reasonable Accommodations:
oEmployers may need to make existing facilities accessible;
orestructure a job;
oallow for a part-time or modified work schedule;
oacquire or modify equipment;
ochange tests, training materials or policies;
oprovide qualified readers or interpreters;
ooffer reassignment to a vacant position,

Undue Burden
• An employer is required to make a reasonable

accommodation to the known disability of a
qualified applicant or employee if it would not
impose an “undue hardship” on the operation of
the employer’s business

• Undue burden:
oCost of the accommodation
oSize (number of employees)
oNumber and type of facilities
oComposition and structure of workforce
oEssential job functions


Could I be a professor if I were (legally) blind?

• What are the essential functions of being a business professor?

• Could reasonable accommodations be made?

Could I be a professor if I were (legally) blind?

• What are the essential functions of being a business professor?
oGrade Papers
oUse a computer
oPrepare course materials
oDeliver Lectures
oConduct research to keep abreast of current trends in business

• Could reasonable accommodations be made?
oClassroom without a platform
oReading/typing software
oOnline and/or day courses (instead of evening courses)


ADA Examples

ADA Examples
Is it still an issue???

Human Resource Management Process

oActivities that managers engage in to forecast their current and
future needs for human resources

oThe process by which managers ensure that they have the right
number and kinds of people in the right places, and at the right
times, who are capable of effectively and efficiently performing
their tasks.

• Helps avoid sudden talent shortages and surpluses.
• Steps in HR planning:
oAssessing current human resources
oAssessing future needs for human resources

Human Resource Planning


The Building Blocks of HR

• Human Resource (Talent) Inventory
oA review of the current make-up of the organization’s current

• Job Analysis
oAn assessment that defines a job and the behaviors necessary to

perform the job.
– Job Description: A written statement that describes a job.
– Job Specification: A written statement of the minimum qualifications that a person must

possess to perform a given job successfully.

The Building Blocks of HR

• Job
oA collection of

related tasks,
duties, and

• Job Analysis
oThe job held by an


Job Descriptions Jobs Positions


Human Resource Planning

• Demand forecasts
oEstimates the qualifications and numbers of employees the firm

will need given its goals and strategies
• Supply forecasts
oEstimates the availability and qualifications of current employees

now and in the future, as well as the supply of qualified workers in
the external labor market

Human Resource Management Process


Recruitment and Selection

• Recruitment
oActivities that managers engage in to develop a pool of

candidates for open positions
oLocating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants

to an organization
• Decruitment
oThe process of reducing a surplus of employees in the

workforce of an organization
The process of finding, developing, and

keeping the right people to form a
qualified work force

Recruitment and Selection

Major Sources of Potential Job Candidates


Recruitment and Selection

Decruitment Options

Recruitment and Selection

◦ The process that managers

use to determine the
relative qualifications of job
applicants and their
potential for performing
well in a particular job


Reliability and Validity
◦ The degree to which the tool or test measures the same thing each

time it is used

◦ The degree to which a tool or test measures what it purports to


Reliability and Validity
◦ The degree to which the tool or test measures the same thing each
time it is used
◦ The degree to which a tool or test measures what it purports to

Lifting 150 lbs to measure a
firefighter’s ability to drag a body

out of a burning building


Interview Questions
Should I refer to you as Mrs. or Miss?

When did you graduate from high school?

Are you pregnant, or do you intend to become pregnant?

Interviews gone wrong….


Human Resource Management Process

• Orientation
– Education that introduces a new employee to

his or her job and the organization.
• Work unit orientation
• Organization orientation

• Employee Training
– Types of training

• General or specific

– Training Methods

Training and Development


Training and Development

• Training
oTeaching organizational members how to perform current jobs and

helping them to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to be
effective performers

• Development
oBuilding the knowledge and skills of organizational members so

they are prepared to take on new responsibilities and challenges

Human Resource Management Process


Performance Appraisal and Feedback (1 of 2)
• Performance appraisal
oThe evaluation of employees’ job

performance and contributions to their

oTraits, behaviors, results
• Performance feedback
oThe process through which managers share

performance appraisal information with
subordinates, give subordinates an
opportunity to reflect on their own
performance, and develop— with
subordinates—plans for the future

Figure 12.6 Who Appraises Performance?


Human Resource Management Process

• Pay Includes employees’ base salaries, pay raises, and bonuses
oDetermined by characteristics of the organization and the job and

levels of performance
oBenefits are based on membership in an organization

• Benefits
oLegally required: Social Security, workers’ compensation,

unemployment insurance
oVoluntary: Health insurance, retirement, day care
oCafeteria-style benefits plans allow employees to choose the best

mix of benefits for them, but can be hard to manage

Pay and Benefits

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