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In this assignment, you will create a presentation. This assignment will provide practice for assessing your knowledge and understanding of recognizing logical fallacies, creating truth tables, and completing Venn diagrams. This assignment will provide you with a good base knowledge for critical thinking.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

· Utilize critical thinking skills to evaluate quantitative information in everyday life.

· Formulate a plan based on the mathematical concepts that apply to a problem.

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Logical Fallacies:

· Watch:

Top 10 Logical Fallacies


· Watch:

Understanding Various Types of Logical Fallacies


Truth Tables:



Truth Table Definition

· Watch:

Logic 101 (#12) Truth Table Practice


· Watch:

Pearson Truth Tables

  *Watch the first 15 minutes*

Conditional Statements:

· Watch:

Introduction to Propositional Logic


· Read:

Converse, Inverse, Contrapositive – Varsity Tutors


Sets and Venn Diagrams


· Read:

Introduction to Sets


· Read: Sets and Venn Diagrams

· Practice: Complete the questions at the end of the above link

· Read:

Venn Diagram Symbols Explained


· Read:

Venn Diagram 2-Circle Template

· Read:

Venn Diagram 3-Circle Template


1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

2. Create a 20 slide PowerPoint presentation or Prezi according to the directions below.

3. Each slide should include an explanation of every mathematical computation in either written or audio format. Review this website for help adding audio to a PowerPoint slide:

. Include any reference or resource you use on the slide that you use it.

a. Slide 1: Title slide: include your name, date, instructor name, course, and assignment name. Provide a short explanation of how this course applies to your degree and how the concepts learned can be applied with your job or family life.

b. Slide 2: Provide an example and explanation of the Circular Reasoning fallacy.

c. Slide 3: Provide an example and explanation of the Hasty Generalization fallacy.

d. Slide 4:  Provide an example and explanation of the Slippery Slope fallacy.

e. Slide 5: Provide an example and explanation of the Straw Man fallacy.

f. Slide 6: Provide an example and explanation of the Ad Hominem fallacy.

g. Slide 7: Provide an example and explanation of the False Dichotomy fallacy.

h. Slide 8: Provide an example and explanation of the Appeal to Emotion fallacy.

i. Slide 9: Provide an example and explanation of the Equivocation fallacy.

j. Slide 10: Provide an example and explanation of the Bandwagon Appeal fallacy.

k. Slide 11: Provide an example and explanation of the False Analogy fallacy.

l. Slide 12: Create and explain a truth table for the given statement: q and p. Assume that p and q represent propositions.

m. Slide 13: Create and explain a truth table for the given statement: not q or p. Assume that p and q represent propositions.

n. Slide 14: Create and explain a truth table for the given statement: (p or q) and r. Assume that p, q, and r represent propositions.

o. Slide 15: Create and explain a truth table for the given statement: (not q) or (r and p). Assume that p, q, and r represent propositions.

p. Slide 16: Write the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of the following proposition: If Jon lives in Colorado, then he enjoys skiing. Of these four propositions, explain which pairs are equivalent.

q. Slide 17: Make up your own proposition. Write the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of your proposition. Of these four propositions, explain which pairs are equivalent.

r. Slide 18: Draw a Venn diagram with two overlapping circles (four regions) for two sets that represent Women and Mathematicians. Add the following names to the correct region:

i. Rosa Parks (1913 – 2005)

ii. Isaac Newton (1643 – 1727)

iii. Nelson Mandela (1918–2013)

iv. Mary Somerville (1780 – 1872)

v. Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662)

vi. Emily Dickinson (1830–1886)

vii. Dorothy Johnson Vaughan (1910 – 2008)

viii. George Washington (1732–1799)

s. Slide 19: Draw a Venn diagram with three overlapping circles (eight regions) for three sets that represent Cats, Dogs, and Birds. A survey was taken of 100 households asking what types of pets they have in their house with the following results:

i. 28 households have Birds.

ii. 31 households have Cats.

iii. 42 households have Dogs.

iv. 9 households have Birds and Cats.

v. 10 households have Birds and Dogs.

vi. 6 households have Cats and Dogs.

vii. 4 households have all three types of pets.

viii. Answer the following questions:

1. How many households do not have any pets?

2. How many households have Birds, but not Cats or Dogs?

3. How many households have Cats and Birds but not Dogs?

t. Slide 20: Write one paragraph (5-8 sentences) reflecting on the following prompts:

i. What were the main mathematical concepts or ideas that you learned this week?

ii. Describe a mistake or misconception that you or a classmate had in class. What did you learn from this mistake or misconception?

iii. What were some of your strengths and weaknesses in this unit? What is your plan to improve in your areas of weakness?

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