Prepare for this Assignment: Review Chapter 3 of the McKenzie et al. text and the video, Applying Planning Models. Pay attention to the planning models used for public health programs. Make sure to review list of

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  • Review Chapter 3 of the McKenzie et al. text and the video, Applying Planning Models. Pay attention to the planning models used for public health programs. Make sure to review list of planning models under Summary on page 63 in the McKenzie et al. text.
  • Select a model you think best fits with your public health program.
  • Consider how you would use the model to create your public health program. Think about the target population of your public health program.
  • Consider potential sources of funding for your public health program.
  • Review the Healthy People 2020 Potential Partners web article and the CDC Organizational Charts in your Learning Resources. Reflect on what partners you might mobilize for your public health program.

The Assignment (2–3 pages):

  • A brief explanation of the perceived health need you identified.
  • Describe the population whom you plan to target for your public health program and explain why you will target that group.
  • Describe potential sources of funding. Note which of the financial resource ideas in the McKenzie et al. text would be likely prospects for your specific health program.
  • Describe the partners you might mobilize and explain why. Refer to the Healthy People 2020 resource and note which types of partners would be most helpful with your project.
  • Describe the planning model you would use for your public health program. Choose one of the following:

    Intervention Mapping

  • Explain why the model you selected is appropriate for the health issue you are addressing and the population you are targeting.

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