
Greater Chicago Food Depository

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On-Site Clinical Experience

F term 2020


Food insecurity is a national and global public health issue which contributes to numerous negative health outcomes. Healthy People 2020 describes Food insecurity and its’ consequences on this page:

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The Coronavirus crisis has exacerbated this issue, due to increased rates of unemployment and poverty.

The purpose of this activity is to have the student understand the health implications related to food insecurity, especially during the Coronavirus crisis, and to engage in public health interventions to address this issue.

Pre-brief Activity:

Click on the link below to explore how the Coronavirus has impacted food insecurity and answer the following questions:

1. How has Coronavirus impacted the problem of food insecurity?

2. What kind of workers have been impacted the most by the Coronavirus crisis?

3. How does food insecurity impact health outcomes?

4. What factors contribute to food insecurity?

The Greater Chicago Food Depository is a local organization committed to addressing this issue.

Access the website for the Greater Chicago Food Depository here:

Answer the following questions as a TICKET TO ENTRY before your service date:

1. What is the mission statement for the Food Depository?

2. Provide some historical information regarding the food depository?

3. Who is the Director of this organization?

4. Is this organization a non-profit or for-profit organization? What is the difference?

5. What is Food Insecurity?

6. What communities are served by the Chicago Food Depository?

7. How has COVID-19 affected food insecurity in YOUR neighborhood? (use the interactive map provided on the website to find data on your neighborhood). Scroll through tabs 1-8 to compare:

a. Food insecurity and need for food assistance BEFORE Covid-19

b. Food insecurity and need for food assistance DURING Covid-19

c. Changes in unemployment rates due to Covid-19

d. What strategies are being employed to meet the needs of the neighborhoods suffering from food insecurity?

** The PRE-Brief activity is due to be completed BEFORE your scheduled service date (due date determined by clinical instructor). Answers to these questions will be reviewed prior to your on-site experience.

Debrief Activity: After you have completed your experience, please provide a 1-2-page reflection on your experience at the food bank. Include answers to the following:

1. Use one word to best describe how you felt during or immediately after the assignment.

2. What went well and why?

3. What do you feel your strengths were during this assignment?

4. What would you have changed and how?

5. How did you use critical thinking during this experience?

6. How many people were served during your time at the Food Bank?

7. What is the impact of the food depository on the health of the community?

8. Write down some feelings you had about being at this organization?

9. If you look at the Public Health Intervention Wheel (in our text book) what interventions would apply to our work at the food depository?

In addition:

1) Consider the following aspects of the experience (QSEN) and give a few examples of how you accomplished these during the activity (note: you do not have to have an example for each one)

a. Safety

b. Evidence Based Practice

c. Teamwork and collaboration

d. Communication

e. Informatics

f. Patient and Family Centered care

g. Caring

2) What main point did you take away from this clinical experience and how will you apply this in your future clinical or future practice as a Registered Nurse?

**Please submit complete document (Pre and Debrief sections) to the appropriate assignment after your experience is completed (due date to be determined by clinical instructor).

[This clinical experience is worth 8 hours]

: 2 hour/
: 4 hours/
: 2 hours]

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