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My Job Role: UI Developer (Front end Developer) 

Skillset:  HTML, CSS, Javascript, Backbone JS, Vue JS, Angular JS, Angular versions from 1 to 8, React,  Redux, Jqurey, Bootstrap, Json, XML, YML, DS5, DS6. 

Please help me how these attached 15 subjects from my PhD in IT each are how they are helpful in my work environment as a UI developer also What I Learned from this course.

My Job Role: UI Developer (Front end Developer)

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Skillset: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Backbone JS, Vue JS, Angular JS, Angular versions from 1 to 8, React, Redux, Jqurey, Bootstrap, Json, XML, YML, DS5, DS6.

Please help me how these below 15 subjects each are how they are helpful in my work environment as a UI developer also What I Learned from this course.

1. Physical Security: The course examines risks, threats, and countermeasures to secure data, personnel and hardware. This involves facility creation and selection concerns, facility access control methods, and safety issues.

· What I Learned from this course and how it is helping me in work environment:

2. Introduction to Data Mining: – The goal of the course is to introduce students to the current theories, practices, tools and techniques in data mining. Because many topics and concepts in data mining are learned most efficiently through hands-on work with data sets, we will spend time with software analyzing and mining data. The goal is to gain a better understanding of how data mining is applied and what is involved in data mining projects.

· What I Learned from this course and how it is helping me in work environment:

3. Cloud Computing: – This course is designed as a primer for cloud computing which many believe is the third major wave of computing, after mainframe and client-server computing. The course examines this technology from a business perspective. The course is designed to deliver a holistic and balanced view of business model, technological infrastructure, and security issues of cloud computing useful for the technology student to understand the business challenges and the business student to understand the technology challenges.

· What I Learned from this course and how it is helping me in work environment:

4. Operations Security: – The course examines controls over personnel, hardware, software, and systems. It also covers possible abuse channels and proper countermeasures.

· What I Learned from this course and how it is helping me in work environment:

5. Information Security and Risk Management: – The course provides a methodology to identify an institution’s information technology assets, the proper way to determine the necessary level of protection required, and techniques for developing budgets for security implementations.

· What I Learned from this course and how it is helping me in work environment:

6. Business Intelligence: – This course covers theories and applications of business analytics. The focus is on extracting business intelligence from firms’ business data for various applications, including (but not limited to) customer segmentation, customer relationship management (CRM), personalization, online recommendation systems, web mining, and product assortment. The emphasis is placed on the ‘know-how’ — knowing how to extract and apply business analytics to improve business decision making.

· What I Learned from this course and how it is helping me in work environment:

7. Analyzing and Visualizing Data: – This course is intended to introduce students to modern programs and technologies that are useful for organizing, manipulating, analyzing, and visualizing data. We start with an overview of the R language, which will become the foundation for your work in this class. Then we’ll move on to other useful tools, including working with regular expressions, basic UNIX tools, XML, and SQL.

· What I Learned from this course and how it is helping me in work environment:


elecommunications Network Security:

The course provides fundamental concepts of networking including: examination of public and private communication systems, networking topologies, devices, protocols, and remote access. It additionally explores strategies on identifying areas for security vulnerabilities on networks.

· What I Learned from this course and how it is helping me in work environment:

9. Enterprise Risk Management: – This course goes beyond looking at risk management from the confines of quantitative topics to cover the full spectrum of risks that may emerge in enterprises. It covers a more holistic approach that includes the decisions and actions of employees in an active enterprise. It uses case studies to demonstrate the issues and challenges in total risk management. Finally, the course explore techniques for balancing enterprise risk and reward to enable performance optimization.

· What I Learned from this course and how it is helping me in work environment:

10. Information Technology Importance in Strategic Planning: – This course focuses on the information technology leader’s collaborative roles working with an organization’s senior leadership, including aligning business strategy with IT strategy, acting as an equal contributor to the formation of organizational strategy, and integrating ethical policies and practices into an organization. Learners evaluate multidisciplinary research and practices related to leadership, organizational structures, and culture. Through the lens of complexity/chaos and change theories, learners analyze information technology’s role in contributing to organizational resiliency.

· What I Learned from this course and how it is helping me in work environment:

11. Data Science and Big Data Analytics: – In this course the students explore key data analysis and management techniques, which applied to massive datasets are the cornerstone that enables real-time decision making in distributed environments, business intelligence in the Web, and scientific discovery at large scale. In particular, students examine the map-reduce parallel computing paradigm and associated technologies such as distributed file systems, no-sql databases, and stream computing engines. This highly interactive course is based on the problem-based learning philosophy. Students are expected to make use of technologies to design highly scalable systems that can process and analyze Big Data for a variety of scientific, social, and environmental challenges.

· What I Learned from this course and how it is helping me in work environment:

12. Emerging Threats and Countermeasures: – This course covers security issues and current best practices in several applicative domains, ranging from the enterprise to the military. Discusses emerging security threats and available countermeasures with respect to the most recent network and computing technologies, including wireless networks, computer-controlled physical systems, and social networks. Concludes by presenting current trends and open problems.

· What I Learned from this course and how it is helping me in work environment:

13. Information Technology in a Global Economy: – This course covers theory, development and impacts of national and international policy on IT. It explores how frequent shifts in public policy require IT businesses to adjust rapidly to adhere to regulations. Students will develop sophisticated strategies to be able to adapt to the changing environment including new technologies, global transfer and analysis.

· What I Learned from this course and how it is helping me in work environment:

14. Information Governance: – This course presents key issues related to the discipline of information governance and how it is being applied to electronic document and records management, email, social media, cloud computing, mobile computing, and, in fact, the management and output of information organization-wide. IG leverages information technologies to enforce policies, procedures and controls to manage information risk in compliance with legal and litigation demands, external regulatory requirements, and internal governance objectives. Information Governance: Concepts, Strategies, and Best Practices reveals how, and why, to utilize IG and leverage information technologies to control, monitor, and enforce information access and security policies.

· What I Learned from this course and how it is helping me in work environment:

15. Inferential Statistics: – This course focuses on the descriptive and inferential statistics commonly used in organizational administration. Course activities include the application of statistical methods to research design, as well as an investigation of how these methods can contribute to school improvement. Specific concepts include measures of central tendency and variability, probability theory, estimation and significance, and correlation and regression.

· What I Learned from this course and how it is helping me in work environment:

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