PPT Fire Prevention

See attached zip file for ebook as a sourse.Select one of the following topics below for your PowerPoint presentation: The historical American fire problem and the current trends.You must address the following: Define the national fire problem. Describe the history of fire prevention practices. Describe the philosophy and timing behind regulations for fire prevention, whether successful or not. Identify agencies and organizations that have been instrumental in forming fire prevention efforts in the USA. Compare and contrast the fire problem or prevention efforts to that which other nations have experienced.Your presentation should be at least 15 slides. A minimum of 10 slides should be used for narration and five for graphics. This does not include your cover page slide (title, your name, and university name) or reference slide. Your slides need to be presented in chronological order from earliest to latest in terms of time.The presentation requires the inclusion of no less than three non-textbook sources (e.g., Internet, associated journals and magazines (non-Internet sources), and other related books (including associated textbooks), in addition to one source from the online library. *******************Reference*****************************:Pyne, S. J. (2015). Between Two Fires : A Fire History of Contemporary America. Tucson, US: University of Arizona Press. Retrieved from http://www.ebrary.com

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