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Customer Segments- Xiang

Customer Channels-Xiang

The Price of Recycling

”The bottle that make the change in mindset”

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Team #8


Meet our Team
Ana – Juan – Bruno – Leslie – Xiang – Linrui

Let us tell you a story…
The Coca Cola Company  110 billion plastic bottles / year.
5-15 MILLION TONS Plastic Bottles in Ocean by 2050

Davis, J. (October 2, 2017). Coca-Cola Produces 110 Billion Single-Use Plastic Bottles A Year. IFL SCIENCE: https://iflscience.com/environment/cocacola-produces-110-billion-singleuse-plastic-bottles-a-year/

“Bad Situations, can become the best opportunities”

2021 half a trillion Coca Cola plastic bottles produced
200 countries & + 1.9 billion drinks sold daily
U.S +35 million plastic bottles thrown away  CHANGE MINDSET
$203 million USD  Increase customers
“Company socially and environmentally responsible”
“Recycle”  every single household
Only 25% plastic recycled in US
75% = Change the World

Source: https://www.brandchannel.com/2015/03/05/coca-cola-adopts-one-brand-strategy-in-europe-and-the-us-to-clear-up-confusion/

App Developers & Coca Cola Transportation
Companies wanting to change
Campaign promoting Environmental Care
Customer-Benefit for Return of plastic bottles

Our Business

Going global since the beginning.
Different currencies arounf the world.
Win – Win Business.
Acceptance of the public and partners.

Selling the Idea to the Stores
Our market strategy, simple as a truck.




App Development Maitenance
Platform Fees
Marketing Infuences

The slide title goes here!
Do you know what helps you make your point clear?
Lists like this one:
Because they’re simple
You can organize your ideas clearly
And because you’ll never forget to buy milk!
And the most important thing: the audience won’t miss the point of your presentation

A picture always reinforces the concept
Images reveal large amounts of data, so remember: use an image instead of long texts. Your audience will appreciate that

Sometimes, reviewing concepts is a good idea
Do you know what helps you make your point clear? Lists like this one:
Because they’re simple
You can organize your ideas clearly
And because you’ll never forget to buy milk!
And the most important thing: the audience won’t miss the point of your presentation

Maybe you need to divide the content
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar System—it’s only a bit larger than our Moon. The planet’s name has nothing to do with the liquid metal since it was named after the Roman messenger god, Mercury
Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet from the Sun. It’s terribly hot—even hotter than Mercury—and its atmosphere is extremely poisonous. It’s the second-brightest natural object in the night sky after the Moon

Despite being red, Mars is a cold place, not hot. It’s full of iron oxide dust, which gives the planet its reddish cast
It’s the biggest planet in our Solar System and also the fourth-brightest object in the sky
Yes, this is the ringed one. It’s a gas giant, composed mostly of hydrogen and helium
You could use three columns, why not?

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in our Solar System
Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s terribly hot, even hotter than Mercury
Despite being red, Mars is a cold place, not hot. The planet is full of iron oxide dust
It’s the biggest planet in our Solar System and also the fourth-brightest object in the sky
Yes, this is the ringed one. It’s a gas giant, composed mostly of hydrogen and helium
Neptune is the farthest planet in our Solar System and the fourth-largest
Sometimes, reviewing concepts is a good idea

This is a map
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. It’s only a bit larger than our Moon
It’s the biggest planet in our Solar System and also the fourth-brightest object in the sky
Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s terribly hot, even hotter than Mercury
Despite being red, Mars is a cold place, not hot. The planet is full of iron oxide dust

A timeline always works fine

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and is only a bit larger than our Moon
Jupiter is a gas giant and also the biggest planet in our Solar System
Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s terribly hot, even hotter than Mercury
Despite being red, Mars is a cold place, not hot. The planet is full of iron oxide dust
Yes, this is the ringed one. It’s a gas giant, composed mostly of hydrogen and helium
Neptune is the farthest planet in our Solar System and the fourth-largest

Infographics make your idea understandable…

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. It’s only a bit larger than our Moon
It’s a gas giant and the biggest planet in our Solar System
Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s terribly hot, even hotter than Mercury
Despite being red, Mars is a cold place, not hot. The planet is full of iron oxide dust

… and the same goes for tables
(earths) DIAMETER
MERCURY 0,09 0,50 0,30
MARS 0,16 0,52 0,56
SATURN 89 52,1 45,3

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and is only a bit larger than our Moon
It’s a gas giant and the biggest planet in our Solar System
Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s terribly hot, even hotter than Mercury
Despite being red, Mars is a cold place, not hot. The planet is full of iron oxide dust
If you want to modify this graph, click on it, follow the link, change the data and replace it

Big numbers catch your audience’s attention

24h 37m 23s
386,000 km
is Jupiter’s rotation period

earths is the Sun’s mass
is the distance between the Earth and the Moon

And here comes
the slide title!

Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s terribly hot
Despite being
red, Mars is a
cold place, not hot
Neptune is the farthest planet in our Solar System
It’s a gas giant and the biggest planet in our Solar System

Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s terribly hot
Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun
“Words full of wisdom that someone important said and can make the reader get inspired.”

Tablet App

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Introduction- Bruno



Vision and Mission
“The Price of Recycling”



a)   Problem (while telling a story): Why did we choose the idea? 

After the pandemic hit in early March of this year, all of us started to realize the impact that this disease was going to have on the economy and our consumption changed. In most regions, people started to consume only local products and services in order to benefit local producers. This was a great change in mindset because we wanted the best for our local shops and producers, however, we did not see that we still were making a negative impact on society. I know that it may sound strange (because you are helping your community) nevertheless, individuals are still consuming PLASTIC BOTTLES.Coca Cola produces more than 110 billion plastic bottles every year (Davis, 2017)

In most countries if you go to your local shop, PLASTIC BOTTLES of Coca Cola are present, they are part of our culture. 

At the same time, we helped during the pandemic, we were affecting our environment. 

The effect of this PLASTIC BOTTLE-PRODUCTION & CONSUMPTIONcan be seen on: 

Ø Oceans, Rivers =5-15 million tons of plastic bottles will enter the ocean by 2050. (MISMO PRIMERO)

You might say, okay, I never consumed Coca Cola because is unhealthy, so I’m part of the positive side, however, you have to be aware that The Coca Cola Company owns: Sprite, Fanta, Dasani, Ciel, Smartwater, Minute Maid, Simply Orange, del Valle, Powerade, VitaminWater,among others,



By 2021 half a trillion Coca Cola plastic bottles will be produced.(MISMO PRIMERO)

The Coca Cola Company is present in: more than 200 countries & more than 1.9 billion drinks sold daily 

“Americans throw away 35 billion plastic bottles every year.” (Recycling Coalition of Utah, 2020)àwe want this to changeàCHANGE MINDSET = it all starts with our proposal and product.

More plastic recycled in U.S & World

The Coca Cola Company has a target market worth $203 billion USD & with recycling they would increase their potential customers. 


Mission & Importance of Recycling:

he Coca Cola Company is #1 Polluter in worldàMission is to help our customer become the #1 Contributor to the Environment in the world. “Company socially and environmentally responsible”


Recycling of bottles: In every single family, there are“The Coca Cola Company” Products, so every family should recycle and be part of the change. 

Only 25% recycled plastic in U.S (MISMO SEGUNDO) Our mission is to increase this number with our proposal 

Importance of Recycling: “75% we could save 1 billion gallons of oil and 44 million cubic yards of landfill space annually.”(MISMO SEGUNDO)

Business Model 


Key partners & What are we doing and benefiting?

The most important part of this project is YOU: 

As an investor, you will help to change the way we think and act and therefore, you’ll be saving the world. 

As a customer, you have to make your part, a little part, change the way you think about recycling and realize that you’ll be benefited(WIN-WIN SITUATION). 


Value Proposition-Ana


Key Activities- Leslie

Business Model Canvas, key activities are any activities that your business is engaged in for the primary purpose of making a profit. Business activities include operations, marketing, production, problem-solving, and administration

Coca-Cola has a big network of operation centers all around the world. Distribute to supermarkets, malls, food festivals, concerts, governmental public places, 

Key Resources- Leslie

Physical resources, such as raw material, buildings, vehicles, transportation, storage facility, machines and factory. Human resources, or staff, such as a talented engineer or marketing experts. These resources are more important in companies in the knowledge-intensive and creative sectors.

Technology, factories, transportation 

Customer Relationships- Linrui

Customer Segments- Xiang

Customer Channels-Xiang

Marketing Strategies- Ana

Market Strategy- Trucks from the local Coca Cola Company operation center have routes they need to follow in order to supply any store that sells their products. Through the path of these routes, the employees in charge of these trucks can provide the stores our idea, give them information about it, permission to the app and link them to the main operation center of The Coca Cola Company in their region or country. 

So  basically, instead of paying for marketing to spread the idea through every store that sells products from The Coca Cola Company, we are going to spread it by providing these store’s owners our idea’s proposal every time a truck from Coca Cola goes to supply them. By doing this, we’ll just have to pay marketing for customers and our targeted audience.

Competition- Leslie

Coca Cola’s Competition Analysis  

Pepsi – Biggest Coca-Cola’s competition. Competition (Notesmatic, 2018) between both goes for carbonated beverages, energy drinks, bottled water and juices. The war between Coca-Cola and Pepsi has been named as The Cola War.

Red Bull – This company (Notesmatic, 2018) has a limited product category, basing just in energy drinks. It is the major competitor for energy drinks made by Coca-Cola. Sells across 171 countries and its growth continues increasing by the pass of the years, and by this means having better operating profits and revenues.

Dr. Pepper Snapple – This brand (Notesmatic, 2018) base has the same products categories as Coca-Cola. This brand it’s a big competitor in the United States. During the past 30 years they have introduced certain acquisition strategies in order to develop the growth of the company and their customer’s base.

Nestle – Different from other rivals mentioned before Nestle (Notesmatic, 2018) does not compete with Coca Cola’s carbonated drinks, but with their bottled water, Dasani. 

Cost Structure – Juan

Revenue Streams- Juan





I.               Macro Environment Analysis





II.             Executive Summary



a.    Case Summary


Having over 3,500 different products available all around the world, Coca-Cola is the biggest beverage manufacturer and distributor on earth and one of the largest corporations in the United States. Some features that define their products are refreshing feeling, awesome taste, going well with any food, variety, innovation and good price. 


One of the main issues of Coca-Cola apart from health concerns is their impact into the environment by being the #1 polluter brand in the world. In 2019, Coca-Cola obtained more plastic litter than their next top three polluters combined in a global audit promoted by “The Break Free”. 


c.    Financial Review

In a year, Coca-Cola gets an average of US$ 41 Billion in sales. They have a market value of approximately US$ 203 Billion. More than 1.9 billion servings of their drinks are sold in more than 200 countries per day. Their most selling product is their “Coca-Cola Classic” Coke. Their main products could go from US$1.19 to US$19.99 depending on where you buy it, the size and type.


e.    Solutions


1.    Marketing and educational campaign promoting environmental care. 

2.    Tipping for the return of plastic bottles.


Coca-Cola has a big network of operation centers all around the world. We think that tipping for the return of plastic bottles could be the best solution. This process can be done by the use of an app where people can accumulate credits which they can change for money and in order to get credits people must collect plastic bottles and deliver them to their closest supermarket or grocery store which would be linked directly with Coca-Cola. 

By introducing this solution, the environmental impact by the company will decrease in a relevant percent, customers will get comfortable with cleaning their surroundings and will receive an easy income which they can use to buy some needs they may have. Important values are going to influence kids and adults such as caring for their environment, being organized and earning money in a good way without having to do bad things.



III.            PowerPoint slide with solution 


IV.           Project Plan (Incomplete*)






The Coca-Cola Company (Britannica, 2020) is an American corporation founded in 1892, responsible for the manufacture and sale of concentrate and syrup for Coca-Cola, a famous soda that forms part of the United States culture. Citrus beverages and other soft drinks are also on their command. Having almost 3,000 different products available all around the world, Coca-Cola is the biggest beverage manufacturer and distributor on earth and one of the largest corporations in the United States. 


Coca-Cola’s “Coke” drink was created (Britannica, 2020) by a pharmacist from Atlanta called John S. Pemberton in 1886. The name of this beverage used to refer to the key ingredients; cocaine from the coca leaf and caffeine extracts from kola nuts. In 1903, cocaine was removed from the soda’s formula. 


The majority of the target marketing (Reference, 2020) provided is towards young people, but same as marketing for the youth, some advertising is also planned for older people. The company has some rules and boundaries when having to work with their target marketing. Coca-Cola seeks most of the time for people who are 12 years old or older. 


As maintained by Coca-Cola, the company is minimizing the amount of marketing that aims at children who are younger than 12. The company advocates that it imitates to buying advertising that goes towards an audience ratio containing more than 35 percent under 12 years old.


Some features (Coca-Cola, 2020) that define their products are refreshing feeling, awesome taste, going well with any food, variety, innovation and good price. 


This company’s branding strategies (Smartling, 2020) are key when talking about their success and globalization. In order to satisfy their marketing, Coca-Cola follows simple but key strategies involving emotions and, in some way, making their audience to feel part of them by the use of local languages and culture, trends and by studying socialization characteristics of the target population.


The use of short and easy slogans is fundamental in their branding strategy and this makes the translation easier all around the world without going out of style and keeping it original. Implementing exposure of their logo and products packaging has been a smart way for Coca-Cola to have their customers to always keep their name in mind and develop a favoritism.


In order to fulfill all the expectative customers may have, the company (Smartling, 2020) produces a good quality product with an unique flavor and packed of satisfying features they always guarantee in their advertisements. All of this continued by a price no one complained about.


Geographic/Market Analysis 

Coca-Cola is a global business that operates on a local scale, in every society where they do business. They have more than 200 countries (Notesmatic, 2020) in operation from Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Latin America and North America. Their main operation center is located in Atlanta, GA.


Factors affecting in a positive or negative way towards different areas can be found in the following PESTLE analysis (Pestle A, 2016) chart:





–       Not developed economy

–       Corruption


–       International economies

–       High inflation rates

–       Having to work with international bottling organizations


–       Affects non-alcoholic beverage industry by increasing the demand overall and in the healthier beverages too.

–       The demand for carbonated drinks decreases and pulls down revenues for the company.





–       Expose opportunities for new products and their improvement with marketing.



–       Local, worldwide and national.

–       All operation centers have rules to be followed to protect the environment.


–       Coca-Cola receives all the rights in the business environment and all of their inventions go into being patented.


Industry Analysis  

Coca-Cola operates in the beverage industry, specially for carbonated soft drinks, waters, juices, coffees and teas. Carbonated soft drinks have suffered (Report L, 2020) a decrease in sales due to health concerns, as their high quantity of sugar and caffeine influence health issues such as diabetes, tooth decay, obesity and osteoporosis.  As a consequence, in 2020 only 20 percent of non-alcoholic drinks sales are represented by carbonated soft drinks, 59.5 percent belongs to mineral and spring water and the 20.4 percent left is for juices. Bottled water and carbonated soft drinks are the second highest retail value in non-alcoholic sales of $239 billion in 2019, having the title for the growth of 33.4 percent or $60.1 billion since 2015. Soft drinks trend is largely dominated by bottled water and carbonated drinks and represent the 80 percent of total sales of soft drinks.



Our new client is a big and important American manufacture and producer of non-alcoholic beverages that cares too much about their reputation, branding and customers. They have huge expenses when having to upgrade or to invest in any area related to their product and market. They have big competitors, but the great management and leadership leads them to be the #1 in the beverage industry.

The following SWOT chart is a summary and conclusion towards key points of this company:





1.     #1 Leader of the non-alcoholic beverages market.

2.     Creativity and innovation for marketing upon their products.

3.     Brand portfolio.

4.     Huge and successful distribution network.

5.     Great and reliable customer base.


1.     Not having other products for the missing beverages segments and food.

2.     Missing sensitivity with water management.

3.     Health issues complains with their carbonated soft drinks.

4.     Pollution impact.




1.     Diversity in their products.

2.     To be introduced in the developing nations market.

3.     Bottled water e-commerce and delivery sector.


1.  Direct Competitors such as PepsiCo.

2.     Indirect competitors. 

3.     Taxes on carbonated soft drinks and other products.




EBSCOhost. (n.d.). The Coca Cola Company. Retrieved on October 10, 2020, from



Notesmatic. Pratap, A. (2020, March 02). A SWOT Analysis of Coca Cola for 2020. Retrieved

October 10, 2020, from 


Britannica. The Coca-Cola Company. (n.d.). Retrieved October 16, 2020, from


Reference. What Is Coca-Cola’s Target Market? (n.d.). Retrieved October 16, 2020, from 


Coca-Cola®. (n.d.). Products. Retrieved October 16, 2020, from 


Medium. Sonthalia, N. (2017, June 18). An insight into Coca Cola’s visual branding strategy.

Retrieved on October 16, 2020, from  


Smartling. What Can We Learn from Coca-Cola’s Global Marketing Success? (n.d.). Retrieved on October 16, 2020, from

https://www.smartling.com/resources/101/what-can-we-learn-from-coca-cola’s-global   marketing-success/

 Who We Are: The Coca-Cola Company. (n.d.). Retrieved October 16, 2020, from


 Report linker. (n.d.). Market report, carbonated soft drink. Retrieved on October 16, 2020, from https://www.reportlinker.com/market-report/Soft-Drink/484252/Carbonated-Soft-Drink

Notesmatic. Pratap, A. (2018, October 10). Who are the competitors of Coca Cola company? Retrieved on October 16, 2020, from https://notesmatic.com/competitors-of-coca-cola-company/

Pestle analysis. Frue, K., & About The Author Kiesha Frue Kiesha Frue is a freelance writer and editor with a love for health. (2016, November 21). PESTLE Analysis of Coca Cola. Retrieved on October 16, 2020, from https://pestleanalysis.com/pestle-analysis-of-coca-cola/

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