PowerPoint presentation

For this assignment, imagine that you are a healthcare administrator, and you have noticed that some of your employees have become a bit lax in how they present their personal image to the patients. There have also been recent instances of minor ethical infractions. You decide to hold a meeting with all of the employees to discuss this issue and retrain. 

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Develop a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 8–12 slides (not counting the title and reference slides) to share at this meeting. In the presentation, address the following topics: 

the importance of personal image in patient care including appearance, grooming, and language;

the importance of maintaining personal and professional ethical standards;

the connection between communication, personality, and ethics and how they can work together to help employees present a professional image to patients; and

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methods employees can use to improve their own personal images. 

Be as creative as possible with this presentation. Try to grab your audience right from the start, and hold their attention throughout your presentation. You may use pictures or graphics or other forms of multimedia to illustrate your points. You are highly encouraged to utilize the Notes section of the presentation to add additional talking points to enhance the message you want to get across. 

In addition to your textbook, you must use at least one peer-reviewed source and one source from a reputable, industry-specific website (e.g., government entities, nonprofit organizations). All sources used, including the textbook must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references or citations used must be in APA style. 

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