power point

The attached file below is the instructions in a power point style. The assignment must be a power point. The file below is the instructions to the assignment.

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Final Project

HUMA 1315 Fine Arts Appreciation

Curate a Virtual Museum Exhibition
What is a Curator:
The title curator is given to a person who selects and interprets works of art.
The word Curator comes from the Latin curare meaning “to take care.”

Create a virtual museum exhibit. Determine a theme for your exhibit. Then choose the pieces which you would put on display if you were actually able to mount your show in a museum.
 There are a variety of possible ways to present your project:
Photo Album
Short Film
Art Project

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Pick a theme for your museum show – it could be something like “Freedom” or “Motherly Love” or “The Dignity of Work.” Try to pick a broad theme so that you can select art from a wide range of pieces, but choose something that interests you.

Some possible themes …
Race in America
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Reaching for the Stars
Love and Death
Sports in Art
Based on your Identity or Culture


Start searching for art work which fits with your theme.
In addition, you will need to represent at least 2 issues around identity and culture.
You will be including a minimum of 20 2-dimensional visual art pieces, at least 3 of which should be photographs.

Find a minimum of 3 sculptures to include in the exhibit which fit in with your overall theme.


Include one video of a movement piece or dance or video installation art piece that expresses something about your theme.

Give your exhibit a soundtrack, incorporating at least 4 different pieces, 2 of which must be instrumental.
Think about Tempo, Dynamics and Instrumentation when you make your selections and choose pieces that reflect the overall theme of the exhibition.
What music/sound do you want museum goers to hear while they view the art?

Include a poem (written) or video of spoken word poem for your exhibit
Think about the tone of the piece and what fits well with your theme and the other artwork you have selected

You will also be creating a poster/flyer/poster to advertise your exhibit. What is the image that best captures the overall feeling of your show? Is there a tagline or phrase that sums it up?

Write a Curator’s Statement: This is a full page statement that explains your vision to your audience. It is usually posted at the entrance of an exhibit and should be a clear and concise explanation of the FULL exhibit

Assemble your material into a “virtual” exhibit which can be submitted.
This portfolio will include all the items in your exhibit.
Each item MUST be identified with:
Title of piece
Artist/creator with dates
Year created
Medium (oil on canvas, wood and iron, etc)
This portfolio is the creative part of your Final Project and should give some idea of how your exhibit would look and “feel.” What color would the walls be? In what order would viewers see the pieces? Is the exhibit divided into sub-themes or “rooms”

Capture a video of yourself presenting the exhibit. Make sure you include:
Professional dress, good posture and vocal expressiveness
Professional, imaginative, compelling language
Explain in detail, use examples and point out important details in the artwork
Have a central message that you are delivering
*The above criteria will assess your effectiveness in oral communication, which is important in interviews, presentations, pitches, and more!

Minimum Required Images:
20 2-dimensional visual art pieces, 3 of which must be photographs
3 sculptures
1 video of a dance or video art piece
1 Spoken Word Clip
4 pieces of music – make sure to identify composers and artists
Poetry/Spoken Word piece
Curator’s Statement
(All of the above will be included in the submitted Portfolio and must be identified according to guidelines.)
Exhibit Flyer/Poster/Postcard
One flyers or postcard or poster which includes the theme of the exhibit and an image which best represents your show
Oral Presentation
Video recording of your confident, professional and engaging presentation

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