Postmortem Plan

Complete Section 5 – Postmortem Plan and Section 6 – References of the risk management plan by developing the results, conclusion, and follow up for your chosen case study or work project.

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Evaluating results and working toward improvements are necessary for continual process improvement. This is an important part of every company’s risk planning and quality process.

To make process improvements in risk management and quality planning, you must collect and evaluate data. A risk management auditing process will determine whether there are areas that should be specifically evaluated for improvement.

The Risk Management Plan documents the results, conclusion, follow-up activities, and corrective actions for the project postmortem plan. The information from the postmortem pan informs future continual process improvement. Postmortem activities include determining the benefits of different risk management strategies and elements for future application.


Microsoft Project is the recommended software tool for this course due to its wide industry acceptance and its use in many project management professional roles. This is provided to you through MS Imagine.

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Microsoft Software
  1. If you have a Capella MS Imagine account, go to Step 2. Otherwise, see the instructions for registering an account at MS Imagine: Registration.
  2. Log into the Capella Microsoft Imagine WebStore.
  3. Identify the version of MS Visio 2016 and Project Professional 2016 that is compatible with your operating system.
  4. Download and install.

If you encounter any difficulties in the download and installation process, post a detailed question in the Ask Your Faculty Discussion in the menu dropdown when you click the image of your faculty.


This assessment includes developing the postmortem plan for a risk management plan. Your completed plan could be used as evidence of your learning for a job interview or an annual employment review. Review the Risk Management Plan Template before beginning this assessment. Note: Developing a risk management plan for a project requires specific steps in sequence. Complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

A risk management auditing process will determine whether there are areas that should be specifically evaluated for improvement.


Microsoft Project is the recommended software tool for this assessment.

Sections 5 and 6 – Postmortem Plan and References

In Section 5, determine the results and how to collect, review, and list different types of corrective actions. Determine the benefits of different risk management strategies and describe the elements that make up a robust risk management plan. Be sure to include references in Section 6.

Complete Sections 5 and 6 of the Risk Management Plan template.  You must include the following sections. Refer to the template for directions on what to put in each.

  • Section 5 – Postmortem Plan.

    5.1 Results.
    5.2 Follow-up.

  • Section 6 – References.


Postmortem Plan Scoring Guide 1/1

Postmortem Plan Scoring Guide


Describe how results data
will be collected and
reviewed to determine
corrective actions.

Does not describe how
results data will be
collected and reviewed
to determine corrective

Describes how results data will be
collected and reviewed to determine
corrective actions, but the
description is missing key steps for
data collection and review.

Describes how results
data will be collected
and reviewed to
determine corrective

Describes how results data will be
collected and reviewed to determine
corrective actions complete with best
practices based on corroborated
evidence from the literature.

Evaluate the organization’s
view of risk management
and approach, resulting
from project outcomes.

Does not evaluate the
organization’s view of
risk management and
approach, resulting from
project outcomes.

Evaluates the organization’s view of
risk management and approach,
resulting from project outcomes, but
the evaluation is not accurate for a
given context.

Evaluate the
organization’s view of
risk management and
approach, resulting
from project

Evaluate the organization’s view of risk
management and approach, resulting
from project outcomes, and is accurate
for a given context.

Describe the impact of
postmortem results on the

Describe the impact of
postmortem results on
the organization.

Describes the impact of postmortem
results on the organization, but the
description is not accurate for a
given context.

Describes the impact
of postmortem results
on the organization.

Describes the impact of postmortem
results on the organization, with
specific details for a given context.

Recommend corrective plan
procedures to effectively
manage risk.

Does not recommend
corrective plan
procedures to effectively
manage risk.

Recommends corrective plan
procedures to effectively manage
risk, but the procedures are
inaccurate or incomplete for a given

corrective plan
procedures to
effectively manage

Recommends corrective plan
procedures to effectively manage risk
with procedures that are accurate and
complete for a given context.

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