post 2 responses to other students’ posts, at least 75 words for each response that shows original thinking, contributes to the conversation and engages in discussion, using personal experience or information from the textbook or other outside sources

 post 2 responses to other students’ posts, at least 75 words for each response that shows original thinking, contributes to the conversation and engages in discussion, using personal experience or information from the textbook or other outside sources 

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Two Discussion Post Responses:

post 2 responses to other students’ posts,


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at least 75 words for each response that shows original thinking, contributes to the conversation and engages in discussion, using personal experience or information from the textbook or other outside sources.  Your responses might spark some comments and feedback for one another. Comment on the content of what they are saying, not the format or writing style.  You do not need to include any citations in your responses but you can if you would like. 

· What did you learn from their post?

· Do you agree or disagree with something(s) they said?  Why or why not?

· Are you undecided about something(s) they said? Why or why not?

· Do you have questions for them? 

· What surprised you? 

· What information did you find interesting?

· Do you have additional information about the subject they might like to hear about?

Brittany Eldridge 

Discussion 1


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1. The topic of the decriminalization of illicit drugs is very interesting. It promotes people not to be afraid of the consequences of coming forth and admitting they are using and to seek help without being charged. Not all people who use illicit drugs are criminals, some are just lost or hurting in ways they cannot understand or know how to deal with. In my opinion, if a country is going to decriminalize one or two drugs they need to decriminalize all drugs to have the desired outcome of having fewer overdoses or even drug users. If only one drug is decriminalized and the users of that specific drug are receiving the help they so greatly need, what does that mean for the users of all the other drugs? Does that mean that the country only cares about the rehabilitation of saying a cocaine addict over the rehabilitation of a heroin addict? That is not a message that should be put out by a country. If we are going to help drug users we must be willing to help all. All drug users should be awarded the same chance at a rehabilitation center and a new beginning. We would be wise to follow in Portugal’s footsteps.

2. Until now I have never thought about the effects of legalizing all drugs would do for the safety of people, economy, and decrease in crime of the country. Now that I am thinking about it, it makes sense to make all drugs legal. First, we would be able to control the drug, such as ensuring the purity of the drug. There are so many drug dealers that cut drugs with even more dangerous chemicals. For example, heroin mixed with fentanyl. This is an extremely deadly combination that kills. If we had dispensaries that had guidelines this problem could be controlled. Second, the drug dealers are the ones that are profiting off of illegal drugs. If the drugs became legal then the government would be the ones to be making the profits and these profits can go to good causes, such as rehabilitation centers or more education programs. Third, if we take the drugs from the drug dealers the crime rates will decrease because now the drugs are legal. Let’s face it people want what they are told they cannot have. People like they unknown. What if we say, yes you can do drugs in moderation? What if the drugs are not the unknown but the known, through education systems?

3. In my opinion, there could be great potential in the use of Harm Reduction Programs. A person who is addicted to drugs is going to do drugs whether they are legal or illegal. The problem with the addict who is using illegal drugs tends to also participate in criminal and unsafe behavior. If we had centers were addicts can go to use in a safe and controlled environment, that is not only beneficial for the user but also for the surrounding community. Another benefit would be to have the mobile methadone trucks to help recovering addicts get their medicine where they are such as the ones that Portugal has. Most addicts probably don’t have transport to methadone clinics to get their medicine, but if we made it easier for them to receive their medicine we would probably see that more would be willing to start recovery. I also think that the needle exchange program is a great idea. The last thing you want is for our children to be playing outside at the park and find a dirty needle and accidentally prick themselves not knowing what they are doing. With the needle exchange program, we would be able to control where the needles go and we can ensure that the user is not infecting themselves as well.


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Stephanie Guizar 

Week 1 Discussion


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Question #2

DECRIMINALIZATION: Do you think that all or that some illicit drugs should be decriminalized like Portugal did and why?


Some illicit drugs should be decriminalized. As seen in the video, Portugal rarely has any deaths related to drug addiction, meaning fewer than thirty people a year die due to drug addiction. By decriminalizing some illicit drugs, there can be benefits. Portugal has created an example of what can be done in order to not only monitor drug use but as well as help control it. By having 90% of Portugal’s money help fund treatment homes, those who are addicted can reclaim their lives. By learning basic skills such as skipping, it demonstrates individuals are willing to get better by making that effort in taking that first step in the right direction of seeking help. As mentioned in the video, Portugal believes drug use is a health problem, not a crime. As to why individuals who do drugs are not being treated as criminals, rather they are allowed to receive help. Portugal has seen an improvement within their communities once they have established engagement and outreach programs. These programs allow individuals to seek help, receive treatment, and transition into having a job in order to support themselves.

By decriminalizing some illicit drugs, the stigma based on addicts could be changed. I think addiction is a disease, and a person can not overcome this battle alone. They will need a support system and people to encourage them. Hughes and Stevens (2010) have mentioned, the decriminalization in Portugal did not lead to an increase in drug use, instead, the evidence demonstrates there has been a decrease in problematic use, drug-related harms and criminal justice overcrowding (p. 999).

Question #3

LEGALIZATION: Do you think that all or that some drugs should be legalized in general and why? (See pages 340-341 in the textbook).


There are pros and cons when thinking of legalizing drugs. The first thought that can come to one’s mind is if all drugs are legalized, then it can create a gateway for many more people to become addicted. After watching the video, I do think all drugs should become legalized, but restrictions should be implemented. The first restriction should be an age limit, just like alcohol, I think in order to purchase the drug of choice an individual should be at least 21 years old. The restrictions that are placed on alcohol should also be implemented on drugs. Such as driving under the influence or taking the drug in a public area. 

Seeing as how marijuana is now legalized, I think we can continue to follow in this direction by slowly legalizing drugs. As mentioned in the video, People are entitled to their freedom, meaning they are allowed to consume whatever they want, good or bad. Also, the video stated, by trying to discourage the use of drugs, we “incur” worse negative outcomes, as opposed to the legal way. People will do what they want to do, I think by legalizing drugs it can be helpful to some extent. Individuals go out of their way to buy drugs, ultimately from strangers. Simply because they want to get that high/rush, they will consume whatever it is they are buying. Unaware that the drugs could be laced with something, ultimately causing them to overdose. With the legalization, drugs could be regulated through the FDA approved vendors for quality control. Levinthal (2014) has stated in the textbook, the standards as well as approval for prescription OTC drugs had to undergo a set of procedures in which were crucial in this procedure (p. 341). Just how the FDA regulates and controls prescription drugs, they can also take a similar approach when it comes to legalizing all other drugs.

Question #4

Watch the short video on Harm Reduction

 and read pages 44- 45 in the textbook. What do you think about harm reduction programs such as needle exchange programs and medication-assisted treatments?


Some people want help with their addiction, then there are others who refuse help. For individuals who go out of their ways to get their hands on drugs because they are craving or even needing that high, harm reduction programs would be beneficial, as well as essential. Drug addiction can simply be that, an addiction to something that eventually can be overcome. Yet, some addicts are now dependent on their drugs, and getting clean is not an option or even a thought for them. With the use of harm reduction programs, harmful practices can ultimately be minimized and monitored. Marlatt (1996) has stated, Based on the concept of public health, harm reduction offers a practical yet compassionate set of strategies created to decrease the harmful outcomes of addictive behavior for both drug consumers and the communities in which they live (p. 779). 

With programs such as the needle exchange, it helps prevent the spread of any diseases such as HIV, AIDS, or even hepatitis. It is one thing to “feed” one’s addiction, but to provide them with clean supplies such as needles, will help prevent sharing used or even infected needles. People cannot be forced to do what they don’t want to do. For those who are addicted and do not want to relieve help, it is best to show them alternatives such as the harm reduction programs in order to help prevent them from contracting any serious life-threatening illnesses. 


Hughes, C. E., & Stevens, A. (2010). What can we learn from the Portuguese decriminalization of illicit drugs?. The British Journal of Criminology, 50(6), 999-1022.


Levinthal, C. F. (2014). Drugs, behavior, and modern society (8th edition). New Jersey: Pearson Education.


Marlatt, G. A. (1996). Harm reduction: Come as you are. Addictive behaviors, 21(6), 779-788.

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