Portfolio 1:

Portfolio 1:Overview The Portfolio is part of the academic programme of work you are required to complete for Co-operative Education. It is designed to ensure that you are achieving the goals and objectives you planned for your Co-operative Education Placement.  Please note that throughout your Portfolio you must:·     apply concepts, models, frameworks, theories and/or technical competencies from your major, and other areas of study   ·     use authoritative sources·     provide in-text references  in APA (6th ed.)·     update your Reference List with the full reference (APA 6th ed.)Throughout Co-operative Education you will be focusing on how you are achieving the BBus Learning Goals set out below:Learning Goal 1:    Be self-directed, reflective learnersLearning Goal 2:      Be knowledgeable in their major field(s) of studyLearning Goal 3:      Be critical enquirers and creative problem solversLearning Goal 4:      Be able to make business decisions that take into account social, ethical, environmental and global dimensionsLearning Goal 5:      Be able to work effectively with othersLearning Goal 6:      Be effective communicators Learning Goal 7:      Be connected to businessThe Portfolios are the next stage of the assessment programme that culminates in an Oral Brief and Final Report.  In the Co-operative Education assessments you will critically reflect on, analyse and evaluate your development throughout the Co-operative Education Placement and work on and complete a topic of your choice.Instructions for completing this documentYou are required to address all of the points in each of the sections. You may either answer each point individually or you may choose to respond to all points in one discussion using paragraphs with appropriate headings and sub-headings.Note: Do not delete any of the information or instructions from the templatePortfolio 1 Checklisto  Completed each section.o  APA referencing and in-text citations.o  Tasks discussed relate to major.o  Research topic finalised and is focused towards the use of authoritative secondary resources.o  Theories, concepts, frameworks introduced throughout.o  Two personal goals reviewed and progress discussed.o  Media log completedo  Evidence of workspace provided.o  Spellchecked and proof read document.A.   Your Co-operative Education Role: being knowledgeable in your major field(s) of study by demonstrating the application of knowledge from your major(s) to your Co-operative Education Placement THE TASKS:1.     For each key task that you have undertaken so far, briefly describe the task and explain how theories, concepts, models, frameworks and/or technical competencies, from your major(s) have applied.  In your discussion you should:·     refer to a comprehensive range of theory, concepts, models, frameworks and/or technical competencies using in-text citations. ·     explain how the theory was relevant and guided you to complete your tasks.  2.     Evaluate your performance to date: discuss and reflect on how well you perceive you have performed your tasks and other activities to date. You must use supporting evidence and/or examples of progress made.B.   Your Professional Identity: communicate effectively in professional settings, working effectively with others including intercultural perspectivesIn your Learning Plan you developed TWO goals for your professional development to work on during your placement. These related to you1.     working effectively with others to make constructive contributions2.     working with one’s own and other cultures and diverse perspectives in professional settingsIn this section you will reflect on your placement experiences in your chosen aspects of your Professional Practice so far. NOTE: You may have refined or revised your goal(s)from feedback in your Learning Plan, as well as your specific actions you have put in place to achieve your goal(s). Please include these updates in your reflection below.THE TASKS:Goal ONE: Working effectively with others to make constructive contributionsState your specific aspect here: Building effective working relationship. ·       My current goal is (include any changes):By the end of my Co-operative Education Placement, I will continue to work in teams in order to achieve the optimal results for my organization. Although I will face many challenges in my new role, by the end of the internship period I will need to prove my abilities in coping with others.·       Outline your planned actions (include original and any additional/new actions) My planned action was to use the professional communication theory, where I need to communicate effectively with my teammate. Communicating with my team members is an important tool because it clarifies any vague information for me; also it helps to do my task correctly (Mohan, McGregor, Saunders, & Archee, 2008).·       Evaluate how your actions have helped towards achieving your goal. Discuss achievements you are making and/or issues you are encountering that may be preventing progress being made, include specific workplace examples and evidence. Note: You are required to integrate authorised sources to support your actions     My first week at Almajdouie was excellent in all aspects; my primary goal was to be working effectively with others. The accounting department is divided into many sections, which are account receivable, account payable and cashier. I am working with the A/R team next to the other sections. I mean by section that the offices have partitions, so it looks like sections. I like this idea because it helps in the communication process and in the exchange of tasks. Also, because we are using new accounting software, which is called Oracle, if some workmate faces an issue in it, they don’t need to leave their desk they just ask their neighbour over the partition for help. Also, it is easy in exchanging the papers from and to the workmate. At the first day, I was nervous and shy, so I decided to break the barriers between my workmates and me. Firstly, I introduced myself to the people I will be working with, I told them that I am doing co-op for the sake of learning and helping in achieving any tasks. Honestly, they were helpful and kind to me, they explain to me anything I don’t understand. For example, one day my supervisor emailed me the code number for a customer and asked me to find the statements this particular customer from the Oracle then send it to him. He verbally explained to me how to find it but the system was complicated so I have asked my workmate to help and he did. After that, I was really good at this task I have submitted more than 35 statements to my supervisor. I think that introducing my self at the first day was a good reason in achieving my goal. Also, I always keep smiling, because I believe that it gives an impression to the person in front of me that I am easy-going person and willing to help. https://www.themuse.com/advice/how-to-make-your-new-employees-first-day-a-huge-successGoal TWO: Work with one’s own and other cultures and diverse perspectives in professional settingsState your specific aspect here: Improve my listening skills.·       My current goal is (include any changes):During my Co-Operative Education Placement, my goal is to continue to work on improving my listening skills in order to achieve the desired results for my organization. Although I will face many challenges in my new role, I can show my supervisor and the people I am working with that I can improve my listening skills by the end of the internship period.·       Outline your planned actions (include original and any additional/new actions) ·       Evaluate how your actions have helped towards achieving your goal. Discuss achievements you are making and/or issues you are encountering that may be preventing progress being made, include specific workplace examples and evidence. Note: You are required to integrate authorised sources to support your actions  C.    Your Co-operative Education Placement Organisation and the environment it operates in: being critical enquirers and creative problem solvers.In this section you must: ·     support your answers with examples and evidence and reference using APA 6th ed.THE TASKS:1.     Briefly state who your CPO is, their core business and the industry sector to which they belong2.     Identify and discuss one current event from your media log (Appendix 1) that is particularly relevant to your Co-operative Education Placement Organisation, including your understanding of this current event and the implications for your Organisation and how they could manage this. 3.     Reflect on your integration into your organisation and its internal environment. You should include discussion on your personality type and the strengths and weaknesses identified in your Learning Plan together with any challenges or successes achieved to date.4.     Personal Work environment:·       Use visual images to illustrate your personal work environment (insert below) e.g. work stations, office space and facilities. ·       Discuss why you have chosen these images. I agree to the following (please tick)☐    Permission has been given by my workplace supervisor to provide this these images☐    No private or confidential content has been included in these visual imagesNote: If permission has not been granted you must describe your personal work environment in 2-3 paragraphs belowPLEASE NOTE: YOU MAY NEED TO RESIZE YOUR IMAGES TO UPLOAD TO BLACKBOARD.D.   Your Topic developing your skills as a critical enquirer and creative problem solver, being knowledgeable in your major field of study by demonstrating the application of knowledge from your major(s) to your Co-operative Education role, placement, or industryIn the Final Report you will be required to critically analyse and evaluate your chosen topic from your discipline perspective. This MUST be applied either to your role and/or your organisation and/or industry sector. This topic should develop your discipline knowledge beyond that acquired in your role and your skills as a critical enquirer and creative problem solver. You must demonstrate comprehensive understanding of your topic through research and apply it to your role and/or industry and/or organisation.In your Learning Plan you listed your initial ideas on your area of interest from your discipline perspective.  This is an opportunity for you to refine your topic and receive feedback from your Academic Supervisor.  Your topic will be developed further in Portfolio 2, Oral Brief and Final Report.Your role, organisation or its industry should provide context or background for your research.  You must avoid disclosing any confidential information.  You should only draw on secondary research i.e. relevant academic literature for your research and to support your discussion.1.     You must not disclose any confidential information from your organisation or complete any primary research.2.     The work must not have previously been submitted by yourself or another person.3.     All researched information must be acknowledged by citing and referencing in APA 6th ed.THE TASK:In approximately 250-350 words expand on the information you provided in your Learning Plan.You must:·     Provide a working title for your topic (this is often best stated as a question)·     Provide a rationale for your topic with some detail·     Discuss how your topic is related to either your role, CPO and/or industry ·     Identify and outline the supporting information you have gathered from your research including academic literature from your major. Cite and reference appropriately and add to the reference list at the end of this document. 4-5 authoritative resources are expected.

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