Porblem set 5


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An Excel template is provided for your Problem Sets, please use the excel temple provided. Each problem is  presented on a separate worksheet represented by the tabs at the bottom  of the Excel worksheet.

You must submit only one Excel file for your Problem Sets. To  receive full credit, all work must be shown and the final answer(s) must  be highlighted in yellow, unless answers are derived from a graph  and/or tables.

Module 5 Problem Sets

Principles of Economics

Question #1

To find the number of people in the labor force we need to add the ________________________ and the ___________________________.

Question #2

To find the unemployment rate we need to divide the __________________ by the _______________________.

Question #3

This misery index is found by adding the ______________________ and the __________________.

Question #4

Compute the unemployment rate given the following information: 8 million unemployed and 117 million employed.

Question #5


How much would the nominal interest rate be if the real interest rate were 6-percent and the expected rate of inflation were 7-percent?

Question #6


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If the CPI is currently 178.9, by what percentage did prices rise since the base year?

Question #7


If the rate of inflation is 5-percent, the prime rate of interest is 6-percent, and the unemployment rate is 7-percent, how much is the misery index?

Question #8


If the CPI fell from 180 to 150, by what percentage did the price level fall?

Question #9


If the unemployment rate is 10-percent, there are 150 million people in the labor force, and there are 5 million discouraged workers, how many people are unemployed?

Question #10


If the unemployment rate is 10-percent and 90 million people are working, how many people are unemployed?

Question #11


What are the four types of unemployment?

Question #12


What are the four causes of unemployment?

Question #13


Natural Unemployment = ________________________ + ____________________________________.

Question #14


What type of unemployment describes workers who have mismatched job skills?

Question #15


What type of unemployment results when our economy contracts?

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