Political Science Research Paper: About LGBTQ Social Movements in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan

write a 15-18 page research paper (6,000 words max) have the opportunity to develop their interest in a particular topic or empirical phenomenon related to state-society relations in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.Topic and research questions should be about LGBTQ Social Movements in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. For example, what kinda of local, historical, or poltical factors influence the different results of LGBTQ movements in Japan Korea, and Taiwan.Please paying attention to analyzing the outcomes, confirming dependent variables and independent variables in research paper, and do NOT show your personal ideas. You should think about analyzing some change, difference, variation, or puzzle. Make sure to have a clear argument and present evidence to support your thesis. Address potential alternative explanations. You should draw on theories and themes about states and civil society, but should also incorporate substantial outside research. Include full references.

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